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Recent content by Ahmad3002

  1. Ahmad3002

    Why Does the Muslim World Lag in Science?

    The reason is quite Obvious; We muslims have gone so far away from the actual teachings of our religion. Almost everyone has mentioned about Dr. Abus Salam in their responses but hardly any one would know where the poor guy is buried. The tragedy is that on his grave stone where it was...
  2. Ahmad3002

    Damming Silence

    Please Check this out too: Which country? Sir, A few months ago you wrote on the plight of women in Pakistan which I read with a lump in my throat “Women and honour” (TFT July 12-18). May I urge you to write in the same refrain on the Ahmadis? Here is a sample run: In which other...
  3. Ahmad3002

    Damming Silence

    Please Check this out too: Which country? Sir, A few months ago you wrote on the plight of women in Pakistan which I read with a lump in my throat “Women and honour” (TFT July 12-18). May I urge you to write in the same refrain on the Ahmadis? Here is a sample run: In...
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