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Recent content by af_brat

  1. af_brat

    Unveiling ceremony of 8 dual seat JF-17 Thunder Jets held at PAC Kamra

    Sir, what great news from February? All enemy kills were scored by F-16s and all ground strikes conducted by Mirages.
  2. af_brat

    A New SOW on PAF Mirage ?

    Sir, we only have the mirage as a payload delivery/ground attack aircraft. It's definitely here to stay.
  3. af_brat

    Pakistan participates in week-long military exercise in Russia: ISPR

    India is part of the exercise too. Should Pakistan really be conducted exercises with our hostile neighbor?
  4. af_brat

    Thunders in Tandem Touch & Go

    They actually have a very active and somewhat witty media wing. And if there was a serious threat from cell phones, I am sure the relevant authorities would've already acted.
  5. af_brat

    Paris Air Show 2019 - Thunders in Europe

    This is the best tweet in this entire thread. Kudos sir, kudos
  6. af_brat

    Will regard Pakistan as brother when in power, seek ties on mutual respect: Afghan Taliba

    Has this forum lost their damn minds? We are looking forward to a regime of terrorists? They will be the Hitlers of the East if given any power. As for the Russians, if they have oppressed the Chechens, China has oppressed the Uyghurs. Russians are great allies to have, even better than America...
  7. af_brat

    Why Pakistan should be wary of IAF's MiG-29UPG deployment

    Guys, stop arguing FFS. We are not going to war in the near future. By the time we do go to war, the MiG-29s will be long gone and so will the F-16s.
  8. af_brat

    Every Afghan is dear to me as every Pakistani: COAS

    People please! Calm down it's just a little game called diplomacy that all nations must play from time to time. Anyway I am sure he didn't mean what he said. We are superior to them and therefore should make them feel like we mean well, what we do after that is our choice. And isn't this the...
  9. af_brat

    The water will come from Central Asia, and I will bring it: Zardari

    The only problem in Pakistan is provincialism as soon as everyone starts accepting that Pakistan is Pakistan and that provinces are notimportant individually, we will start to move on the right track .:pakistan:
  10. af_brat

    Can Pakistan Remain Neutral in the Saudi-Iran Rivalry?

    Bringing Saudi Arabia and Iran to the negotiating table is next to impossible. Also Pakistan was experiencing a relation shift towards Russia and this coalition might very well stop that shift. My view is that the COAS should visit Iran and assure them that the Pak Armed forces will not support...
  11. af_brat

    President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

    And how could Saudi Arabia support the overthrow of a legal government which is unpopular amongst the public. Isn't that what they are fighting against in Yemen.
  12. af_brat

    President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

    This is the third time a republican in office started a war against a foreign government. First it was Iraq then Afghanistan and now Syria. What was he thinking I mean everybody (Assad, Rebels, US, Russia, Iran and the Arab states) should put all thier attention to ISIS because they are a true...
  13. af_brat

    Opinion | Pakistan Should Introduce Military Conscription

    Oh definitely! Conscription should be introduced, it might awaken a sense of pride and understanding in the forces even greater than what is already present. If young people are conscripted they might get a sense of the hardships that our forces encounter while running the country and a few...
  14. af_brat

    Why Gen Raheel Sharif should lead the Islamic military coalition

    Ok fine this is great that Saudis consider General Raheel capable of this task, but Pakistan should not get involved in this Arab alliance because the Arab leaders especially the Royals here in Riyadh just want a force which can fight on their behalf. The Saudi armed forces are one of the most...
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