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  • Yet again another sickening evil attack in Istanbul. Foreign powers at play once again. Deepest condolences and heartfelt sincerity to beloved Turks. may Almighty Allah bring peace and stability to Turkey and every Muslim nation.
    Turkey is blessed with a strong leader and committed citizens. No doubt your Turkish army and police are a formidable force. I'm certain behind the scenes Pakistan and Turley will be sharing and discussing nuclear technology.
    Pak has tremendous potential a nation of nearly 200 million, world wide diaspora of nearly 10 million and the greatest asset by the grace of Almighty Allah a strong military. What we lack in is strong leadership, healthcare, education. With the support of Turkey Pak can become an Asian powerhouse Insha Allah.
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    Selim I
    Selim I
    I thank Erdogan for improving the Turkish healthcare and education rapidly. Healthcare is really in the top, and most people I know in Denmark (who travels to Turkey) prefers Turkish hospitals and care over Danish ones.

    The education still needs some more fetch though, but it's improving. Our military, Alhamdulillah is one of the strongest in the world. We just lack Nuclear missiles and the latest anti air systems.
    Selim I
    Selim I
    We though count on our brother's Nuclear missiles :)

    I pray that Pakistan will in the near future will - as Erdogan did, come with huge steps, throw all the corrupts aside, make a break through all the corruptions in its system and governship - as Erdogan did.

    This can't be done without the right infrastructure. Erbakan planned all of this, and he taught and prepared Erdogan for many years.
    Problem is Pakistan has incompetent weak leaders who are not courageous like PM Erdogan. Out Pak leaders have stole money fromthe nation and invested money abroad. I agree we need to form a union and alliance.
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    Selim I
    Selim I
    I pray the day where strong leaders like Erdogan will apear in Pakistan and Azerbaijan and the Turkic nations, with the same ideology - both democratic and Islamic, who has strong economic ideals and gives freedom to its people.
    Because the only way we can form a Union is having the same ideology.
    Pak shares your pain as for the past 15 years there have been devastating attacks across Pak including 2014 when Pak lost 130 school children. Pak Turk along with Azerbaijan need to form a joint Union.
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    Selim I
    Selim I
    I know brother, only Pak and Azerbaijan shares our pain. I can hardly believe any other nation would share our pain - as we are the only nation sharing your pains.

    As EU could form a Union, we should also form a Union. Pak-Turk-Azer Union. And later Indonesia-Malaysia additions could be possible. And Turkic nations.
    Tragic times as the world has its evil eyes on Turkey. can only stress importance of Pakistan working with Turkey in every field of defence, development and business economics. We should support Turkey however & whenever as Pak knows bitter reality of continuos terrorist attacks & loss of its citizens. West has turned its back on the Turks, Pakistan Inshaa Allah will never abandon the Turks & Turkish nation.
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    Selim I
    Selim I
    Thank you dear brother. It's really tragic times for us. Just very recently we have lost around 40 brave Turkish police forces in Istanbul - as a result of coward attack. And just few days ago, the coward attack in Kayseri, which is the city of both my mom and dad. Just this summer I did my wedding and spent a whole lovely month in this dear city.
    Selim I
    Selim I
    RIP to all our police and military forces. RIP to brave Kayseri Komando Birligi soldiers.
    I hope they are all shaheed before Allah.

    *PS. I hate this 420 character limit in wall messages. Quite useless rule..
    Bro....Its really nice to talk with you. I really want to talk with you but I need to log out as tomorrow is my paper but we really become good friends and will definitely talk later...Sorry if I bored you :)

    Stay blessed, bro...
    For example in Pakistan there is this barbaric practice is some of our outlying places where women are married off to the Quran (imagine that ?) and even in some of our smaller cities 'honor killings' is a very real thing. Elsewhere in the Tribal areas, particularly, women have been used as bargaining chips to end blood feuds without realizing what that poor girl must go through !

    Thats what he meant by 'reinterpreting Islam' i.e 'reinterpreting what we think Islam says or not' !
    You're right, reinterpretation should only ever be done with the utmost care ! So I suppose the better word, to use Iqbal's own word, is to 'reconstruct religious thought in Islam'; what that essentially means is that many practices have crept into what Muslims do or do not do that are completely unfounded in Islam. For example Iqbal says in one of his essays (something to the effect) : That it is most unfortunate that many women in the Punjabi have been so oppressed by Muslim men that they're beginning to turn away from Islam. Many of what Muslim men have proposed as 'Islamic' are not only unfounded in the Quran and the Sunnah but is antagonistic to what they teach us; consequently we must go back to the source (the Quran) and evaluate all that we say is 'Islam' so that we can give up these barbarous practices that we associate with Islam and make a poor case for what it teaches to the world at large and to others.
    Aaahhh...! I knew I had heard about him before; it was when I was reading up on 'Adnan Oktar' but because I didn't really develop a good feeling for Mr.Oktar I didn't pay much attention to Mr.Nursi but now I will. Thank You for introducing him to me.

    By the way have you had the opportunity to read Allama Iqbal ? The poet-philosopher of Pakistan ? He was big on Pan-Islamism, on having the Parliament conducted Ijtihad (or consensus to form a legal opinion) to reinterpret Islam in the light of modernity and to shun Taqlid (blind imitation) that had crippled us Muslims into brainless robots who just won't ponder anymore !
    Hocam savaş fikirle olur avatarla değil. Ama sen yap avatarını öyle belki ben de yaparım bi ara. Ara ara değiştiriyorum zaten bi ara Cemil Meriç yapmıştım. Bundan sonra Şeyh Ahmed Yasin yaparım belki sonra da Nursi olabilir tabi.
    Lüzum yok öyle şeylere.Kemalistler kişiye tapar onların olayı bu,onlarla aynı kafada olmamak lazım.
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