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  • i am from a village near arakkonam town....i think i am the only village boy here from india :).
    Hi mate,
    It was all about fighting beyond enemy(as they believe you are) lines. I hope you understand.
    you must report the inflamatory posts and signatures against India from people claiming to be Pakistanis. if you are chaning your signature then I hope its is due to your own choice not being forced
    you are just showing a higher moral standard and have my respect
    I came across your signature & protested to you. Not sure why you question my maturity & took it as a personal insult. I guess I was the victim here.

    I don’t think it will be right thing that you are forced to change your signature while others who have inflammatory comments about India, stay on just because its Pakistan defence forum. You see I didn’t demand you to change it. Check my other posts re India & maybe you will understand me better. I don’t relate to hate & degradation of others just because they are different. You should report those signatures because they are spoilers. But hey the glass is half full as well here no? come on there are some welcoming members from Pakistani side too?
    I don’t speak on behalf of other people and in many cases I really doubt their nationalities. some people deliberately have wrong flag and flame to cause offence.
    I dont share the view of these people you are referring to and therefore I don’t agree with your justifying your signature.
    mind you that these negative tendencies among people dont discriminate in religion and nationality and are amply found across the globe
    the idea is not to become one of them by imitating them. You can see that I didn’t insult you but lodged my protest. I don’t hate Indians although what Indian embassies are busy doing in Afghanistan is a local knowledge & BLA terrorist don’t even try to hide the fact.
    sorry for the off topic post at guess the place in India thread but i felt very strongly about your signature.

    you have a very intersting foot note/ signature under your posts.

    I would add that every Indian Muslim should also offer a special prayer for being spared his life at the hands of Bal Thakary Thugs in Gujrat riots & thank Allah for not falling victim to the Hindu mobs that slaughtered tens of thousands of migrating Muslims during partition

    Every Indian Muslim should pray that Hindu right wing fanatics don’t look for excuses to start riots again.
    in the end I also thank Allah that not every Indian is a sarcastic & ignorant like you & not every Indian member has inflammatory note like you
    Lastly I thank Allah that I have mostly met nice Indians who although have different faiths but share the value for life &mutual respect. & ACCEPT THAT DEMAND FOR A SEPARATE HOMELAND WAS A GENUINE & DEMOCRATIC RIGTH & PART OF THE POLITICAL SYSTEM INTRODUCED BY THE BRITISH"
    hello, isnt it funny, u r utilizing the freedom given my the same people belonging from pakistan to spit on pakistan by your signature... even though you are a hindu and not a muslim yourself

    im an indian muslim myself as you can call it the immigrant, my grand father was indian muslim, but i and nor my family have any regrets that we ended up in pakistan so thanks but no thanks...

    we think we are blessed to be here and not in india, tell your mj akber to care about indian muslim poverty and their slums, then talking rubbish about our country...

    also ask him abt gujrat massacre and babri mosque, we in pakistan dont burn down manders nor we have any hate towards indian muslims.. we wish them good luck.. liing in the chasm of fire is not easy
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