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  • 我们?我们是东亚大陆的主人,是教你们识字做人,赐予你们国名,把你们从野人变成人的中国人。
    你说我们是猪, 越南人是猴, 台湾人是狗. 你以为你们是谁? 东亚病夫
    你是人吗?我没有那么多时间,不要打扰我. 东亚病夫
    i am not radical - i was trained in law and i always strive to add a legal framework on everything. but once you generalize and legalize and turn everything into a matter of legal and political right, it may sound radical, but really it is not: we really do have higher, prior and far superior legal rights as individuals, as a nation and a people than pan-turkics.
    If you have something wanna talk to me please send me private messages or write the visitor
    messages here.Thanks
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