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  • Hey, bro. R u from the FYJS - Chinese military forum? I saw the Bear avatar in there, r u Pop3 ?
    hi fellows hope will fine u all
    im new can one of help me in this forum and use of this site .
    i came here only because of ISI name .
    i love our great agency like it and hope best wishes.
    i also want to join it but no idea about them that how acommon person like me can join it .
    i came to know that it was a real incident. this man belonged to India and died due to hart attack during the press conference. the GIF animation on your profile is actually rewind at the end thats why he gets up in same position.
    in actual he is dead.
    Hello there,
    how r u?

    visited your profile recently, just wanted to know what is with your funny picture,what happened there. need details about that.

    Asalam o Alikum, dear how r u ur pix is nice i want to join paf so want i do for that my papa's czn was air marshall cheif......now i wan to join that..
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