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  • Kid,
    Did you even understand the Post you clicked the Like button on in the F-35 Topic. The person was making fun of Pakistanis and PAF. Where is your sense of patriotism towards your own?
    Lol man he was writing some harsh realities, which people like you can't understand. I'm not blinded by nationalism. I know where we as a country stand.
    Eh, one can't be blinded by 'nationalism' if facts are accurate.
    He said that we didn't win against India.
    He said that we didn't score any kills against USSR during the Afghan War.
    He said that we didn't leave to the eventual end of the Soviets during the late 80's.
    All 3 points were inaccurate, but yeah he took a cheap shot at our people being Laborers.
    ...and you :tup: it.
    By the way, go back to the same page and see that THAT person got a 'Warning' for Trolling & a 'Negative' rating by the Mods.

    Plus, he got skooled by the REAL champions of facts - us.
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