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  • TheLahoriGuy
    For a comment I made a week before I even got banned. There's a certain mod who has something against me and thinks I'm out to hurt everyone's feelings. Luckily now I myself am super sensitive and he'll have to protect my feelings too.
    @TheLahoriGuy aww boohoo did someone not like you criticising the military establishment or religious fanaticism embedded in Pakistani society?
    Exactly that lol
    whats a hinjew?
    Joe Shearer
    Joe Shearer

    Ignore him; clearly he hasn't got the memo.

    A 'hinjew' is an advanced, progressive minded and educated 'dujew'. 'Dujew' specimens (think pathology lab, think storage vial to be returned for tests) are retarded, fundamentalist and religious bigots. 'Hinjews' are, well, cool.

    They are still blamed for shitting on the car.
    The hinjew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a hinjew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
    Joe Shearer
    Joe Shearer
    The hinjew has been called a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer. Usually by the brutal, the looter, the brigand and the rapist. These are astonished that any should have the temerity to challenge them, and respond with incoherent rage and threats of extermination, with or without Zyklon B.
    Just want to say I appreciate your posts showing equality but there is a sick jingoistic mindset here anyone with somewhat independent thinking promoting rights for minorities,appreciating culture & arts or questioning mullah inspired policies is viciously attacked and labelled a libtard or a traitor. Just know you are not alone and there's a few of us here who want progressive and tolerant Pakistan .
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