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Baybars Han
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  • selam normal tartışırken bana küfrediyolar her türlü ve mesajı editliyolar. ama alıntılayıp editlemesine zamanı kalmadan yazdım foruma ama uyarı alan ben oldum. ona uyarı verdi mi bilmiyorum ama bildğin küfür ediyo. cahil dediğim için ben uyarı almışım.

    Kimseye sataşmadan görüşlerimizi bildiriyoruz yine küfür yiyoruz
    dostum aynı yaştayız yaşlanıyoruz lanet olsun yıllar son zamanlarda daha hızlı geçmiyo mu sence de
    Baybars Han
    Baybars Han
    dogru, cok cabuk geciyor ama yapacak birsey yok. Evli misin sen?
    Sir, My logic is very simple. If you are polite, I'm friendly. If you choose to be arrogant, I will try my best to fight back.
    Oh, you may not know about China's situation, China is a member of the international organization for migration(IOM), China is not a poor country you imagine. In addition, the Chinese middle class population is 200 million, which is the largest in the world. But I do not deny that there are a large number of poor people in china. Because China is a developing country.
    Baybars Han
    Baybars Han
    I never insulted China and I never said there is alot of poor people in China and I respect China however I dont know where you got 22% poor people in Turkey because Im sure thats wrong.
    Sir, I am in PDF, I have to be responsible for every data I have provided, I will provide third party links to prove, but I know you are friendly. So unhappy things we forget him, for @Attila the Hun, I hope he does not always express an unpleasant reply.
    We were at war. We won. I dint understand your anti italian rants honestly.
    Baybars Han
    Baybars Han
    I do respect others until they stop respecting my country and people. You was the one who started being disrespectful so I responded.
    Baybars Han
    Baybars Han
    We also defeated the italians and whole of europeon's combined.(Holy League). BTW Battle of Lepanto was 10 nations combined/coalition against. I would like to remind you about Battle of Preveza and Battle of Djerba where the Ottoman Navy defeated the combined Christian Alliance also including the Spanish Navy.
    And what did those wars brought you? What did you gain from it? What did we gain from it? Only sorrow. We couldn´t beat you and you couldn´t beat us. In the end only mothers paid the prize for this madness. That said, i invite you. I´m sure you would love our country and not hate us. If you ever come Lucca please tell me and i show you our city.
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