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  • I think that other countries have to recognize it as well and most importantly Turkey itself.

    I've seen some posts saying that the Armenians seek compensation for this crime but I don't think that the legal ground for such moves exists so I wouldn't want to see any steps towards that direction.

    The thread was closed so I can't reply there.
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    Reactions: TheGrim
    Well my dear neighbor (I mean that sincerely) as long as there isn't a mutual agreement between Turkey and Armenia then it doesn't matter if the whole world realizes it we will just continue to ignore and go our own way. Make no mistake, Armenia hasn't been holding out for a simple recognition, they want much more but they can rot.
    As is - where is
    As is - where is
    Mhm, I think you're right.

    I assume that this holds true for many Armenians, which is why I wanted to make my stance clear. I think that it's a moral issue but not an economic or geopolitical one.
    So lets see how good your german is. ;)

    Hallo. Mein Name ist Markus. Ich komme aus Lucca in Italien, wohne aber in München. Du hast gesagt du kommst aus Nürnberg?

    Easy for the start. ;)
    I will tell this in english: Do you know that we italians believe our ancestors came from what is today turkey? We believe we are from troy. When the greeks defeated troy a few escaped under the leadership of Aeneas. Aeneas is the ancestor of Romulus and Remus who later founded rome.
    That is indeed interesting. If Hector had survived the Roman Principate would have probably emerged a century earlier...
    Ja das ist wirklich interessant. Aber es ist wie es ist. :D
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