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  • How about removing ahmedsidd's replies to my "Off topic" posts as well? (On the IDF thread) Why are they still there? If you're removing something for being offtopic, (which i'm pretty sure wasn't the case. Otherwise it wouldn't have stayed there for so many days), then remove replies to them as well. What makes a reply to an "Offtopic" post, ON Topic?
    No just tired of wasting my time on pathetic losers.....BTW i have let my contact in the states know about a potential threat with a Pakistani man who has TWO illegal AK-47's! I have given him all the details from your comp and your ISP new york area right?...Expect a call from men in black jumpsuits! :lol:
    he gets mad everytime when i post something because he server is so called "ROYAL ARMY" that cant control kabul how awfull deleting my gun locker post make me more laug i own alot more guns than i post ; my bad cuz your epic army failed ; its okay buddy.
    I wish to now who was the brains behind this site. Its a really good effort on their part. And you too for making sure things go smooth and restricting flame wars.

    i want you to reopen that thread related to suicide of a couple on their dogs death
    and by the way did you forget to warn Mr A Rehman for being so rude and hard on his posts?????

    remember that the couple was childless.

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