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  • Brother I always appreciated you. You posts always had insights and sincerity. قول بزرگ and you along with some others (Pan Islamic I think his id and Mutakalim, web master, Eagle among others) are those people I always appreciated. Thank you for existing. I mean that.
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    My dearest brother thank you for your kind words. It is my pleasure to serve my Lord and your Lord. We are all trying the best we can.
    Salam Sir How are you ? I hope you are doing fine !!! Sir please I seriously want to ask you that do you really buy the claims being made about J-15/J16 and J-10 C or you are just playing around. Because I am not buying them.
    PDF my friend success in life is all about building networks and being trustworthy. Stuff I knew a year ago now seems to be public knowledge anyways and nothing much beyond that happening except minor changes and specifics materializing of the original plan.... lots of money being made... ; )
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    What is other guy claiming ??? Any new claims or news ???
    No idea, I gave up on trying to keep up with the latest rumours - busy with life and work. From everything I have read SOMETHING is coming. not sure what but my speculation is something is coming...
    Ask that some one about details of 27th Feb and my claims...and any other stuff he could add.
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    And continuing:

    They have admitted to this, as it kept appearing in their media. But there was one Jaguar crash I remember, which was very suspicious. It literally looked like the wreckage had been placed there.

    As to PAF loosing anything, with all due respect to Oscar, he wasn't there. And no wreckage, of any kind was found on the Pak side.
    And Continuing:
    Given how densely populated the PAk side is, it would have made it to social & electronic media very fast.
    Secondly, Sats, and other Allied assets have confirmed the IAF losses, but none on the PAF's sides.
    so in end...he is speculating about post 27th Feb, thanks any way!

    You mentioned your in business school. In BG or states ? And you in finance/accounting
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    No, I was in business school in the US in 2006 ;) long time ago. I wear two caps, one is as an academic in Bangladesh running an MBA program - well or so I was until recently...
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