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  • I did not say that I reject all Ahadith, I reject only that contradict Quran.

    Don't be angry at me, think, the real person that you need to be angry at is Imam Bukhari, he rejected 593,000 Ahadith.
    mr First Iqbal is not the authority on deen and secondly you can't follow 90 % orders of Quran without following Hadees Sir because method are not in Quran I have studied that is why I am telling you and read Iqbal again Sir Hadees are explanation of Quran and man extra orders are in Hadees to which Muslims are bound to follow Sir because Quran has said HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW doesn't speak from himself what ALLAH tells him he speaks and also many many time Quran says follow ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW
    MR can you tell me the method of Salah only by looking at the Quran Sorry sir you can't because its not there its in hadees and hadees are explanation of the Quran
    Sir Hadees are very much Safe Sir and only Kharjis have raised question about their authenticity Sir you will not even know How to offer Salah nor how to fast nor How to pay Zakat and also Hajj because their methods are in hadees not in Quran most orders of Quran are in Hadees Sir
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