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  • Can't help but say I also enjoyed myself, it's not often you talk to your Indian counterpart without a mention of destroying the other butting into even the most benign of discussions.
    Nothing regarding offensive /defensive stance.It's about from general perspective that i found you interesting.Accept my gratitude of having people like you here.I hope you won't mind about me attempting to know more about you.
    Lets accept. I have been anti Chinese here in this thread. But I think Paistani as our long lost brothers. But this thread is for every sane Indian-Chinese members. We have been warning each other about mutual destruction. Please real Inindians and Chinese stand up and say that we compete each other in every field but let there won't be full fledged war and no mutual destruction so any 'third power could intrupt and take control of this region. Lets stay away from trolling. I am sure even hardcore patriotic members from both side will give mature views..
    Do you like poetry/shayiree?????? what's its impact on bollywood music@ members club ..please give comments & contribution
    come here jaanee & post

    What kind of talent you want in your partner?????????? @ members club
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