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  • Sorry, I hadn't seen your reply. I am not a regular visitor, rather a rare one. Earlier I was simply displeased with some of the comments and views here about Iran coming from some of the self-appointed ultra-righteous members. I was intending to leave. However, I figured it in turn makes me much more proud of my identity. So I'll be the rare visitor still...
    Well, that answered my question. Hmm. Seems as though a lot of Iranians are moving away from Islam? As a result of the Islamic regime, right?

    Well, as a liberal Pakistani, I have got to say that's pretty sad. But hey, I blame Sharia law for it.

    Thanks. :)
    Hello. Just curious for a random Iranians opinion. Do you support the Islamic Revolution? Are you Muslim or something else?

    You don't have to answer if the questions are too personal.

    Thanks :)
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