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Change you profiles and Use this picture or any in the album for #Krexit #KASHMIRKREXITFROMINDIAN UNION!


Asia Wide #Krexit #FreeKashmir Movement : Say bye-bye to National Socialism (NAZI), say GOODMORNING TO #AZADI #HURRIYET #FREEDOM !

Join the Asia Wide #Krexit Movement

-Kashmir leaves the Indian Union on 26 January 2020 #

Join the Europe wide #Brexit Movement
-Britain leaves the Europe Union on 31 January 2020~

Demonitise the Opressive Indian Union Rupee
- Indian Union Leave Kashmir> Indian Rupee out of Kashmir!
- deel free to follow Moody demonitisatoin why leave it half done
- Instructions : tear, light, wipe arse with the Indian Union Rupee

Demonitise the Opressive European Union Euro !
European Union Leave Britain> European Euro out of Britain!

Use Free World Currency or Commodity Money instead :
IOK Kashmir to start to Use the USD and GBP until the Indian Union leaves Kashmir !


My relations went through Auschwitz and Dachau - this was absolute horrendous creulty and evil and to see this Nazi book Maein Kamptft is bestt seller in Indian Union is really terrible - they are fanatic evil supremeacists with flea sH*T!

I f***** disgusted with Nazi b****d; anyone following Nazi Method, and any anti-semite flea who follows them will be treated this way, since helpless people cannot use force back, and the Nazi want to steal their land and valuables as well as freedom to make them Slave Economy si we Steam on with #KREXITKASHMIR !

- when you make innocent life worthless, your currency will be made worthless:

-When your constitution courts cheat on laws and cull lives at the stroke of a pen , Carbon dioxide polluted National-Socialist union Nazi constitution will be made worthless too !

- So If you love your economy see how your Economy can cope after we leave : this is a peaceful and Mass Democratic Update from January 2020 Asia Wide



#Krexit - Welcome to unveil our new unoffical Mascot #GeneralKrexit #GtrAzadKashmir - Free Kashmir Economy from Indian Monetary Union

# Campaign to Demonitise & Ditch the Indian Union Rupee !

#OpposeIndianUnionRupee #KrexitKashmir #Kexit KashmirExitIndianUnion #KrexitKashmirOpposeHindiLanguage.

The Indian Union Occupation narrative is based on Economic gains of usurping and absorbing the IOK Kashmir into three states under is union Territory by FORCE.

Meanwhole the Indian Union is imposing Economic blockade to landlocked IOK, Demonitising the currency and goiong door to door stealing gold of the IOK Kashmiri to wipe out hard earned money of the People, the Indian Union army 900,000 Soldiers ( not economists or businesspeople !) have stolen the land of the people and handing it over to RSS Nazi Crony Oligarchs like Ambani, Adani, Shah, Tata etc !

This is not Free Market this is Nazi bevahiour of what hitler did to Jews in Nazi Germany and expansionist into Nazi Europe, imposing Roman cathlicism and anti-semitism like the Indian Monetary Union.

IOK Kashmiri are wealthiest people in Indian Union Occupation due to their history as Jewellers and Preist - same like under Nazi Germany Jews who were prolific goldsmiths and Cohens were slaughtered as part of Nazi economic Revival !

A point of Economy and History :

1. [SOVIET MADE] Historical Model : The Indian Union is NOT a REPUBLIC or a FEDERATION its a Super State Created along the Soviet Union lines made by the Soviet Union, with no common culture non common history or religion - undemocratictically and Repressively usurped lots of princely states and indpeendtend republics and kingdoms by Using Soviet Union Backing.

2. [MONETARY UNION] Economic Model: the Indian Union is what is referred to in Economics bt the technical term Monetaty Union. this is a higher form of ecnomic intergration where the state is not a unitary stae or federation, but hgihger still as Economic Union
(highly resented too by IOK Kashmir)

3. [HINDI IMPOSED] Linguistic Facism: The Indian Union is Imposing its Artificually Manufacutred Hindi Language - there is Resentment of this - Most States in the South, like Tamil, Kerela, Etc speak English as an official Language in Protest !

Hindi and Urdu are not the Same Language - this is a trap to do Sankrtisation by the back door, and hence Hindi based Propaganda.

Hindi: (Newly invented Sanskrit based language Since 1947)
Urdu: (Dialect of Turk-Persian-Arab: Hoardish; Ordu; Army Since 700)

Hitler banned Yiddish and imposed His Purified version of German and Latin.

To tackle these 3 main narratives the #KrexitKashmir Movement is a Pan-Asian Mass popular movement focussing on sole the Economic Freedom of Kashmir to Exit the Indian Union,

#KrexitKashmir is not a seperate political Movement but a Single Issue Economic cause like #Brexit, #Grexit, #SpExit, #PolExit-#KrexitKashmirExitfromIndianUnion

#MaharashtraExitfromIndianUnion (Bombay) has similar Aspirations
#TelenganaExitfromIndianUnion (Hyderabad) has similar Aspirations
#TamilExitfromIndianUnion (madras/Chennai) has similar Aspirations
#KhalsaExitfromIndianUnion (Amritsar) has similar Aspirations
#BanglaExitfromIndianUnion (Calcutta) has similar Aspiration
#gujaratExitfromIndianUnion (Gandhinagar)has similar aspirations

All Main policial Parties have Failed; the IOK Kashmiri People and the cause is a Popular Public movement on Economic Individual Focussed Issue and Economic welare of IOK Kashmir people which is best served seperated from and outside of the Indian Monetary Union.

Congress, BJP, AAP, SP Are all linked by Umbilical cord of the RSS - they are a division of labour to manage and brutally repress oother ethnic Majority and mionirotiyby plaing the good cop bad cop facade.

Congress seen to be as pro-minority is actually the good cop arm of the RSS:

The RSS has been Eulogised and Praised by Mahatma Gandhi himself who is officially documented to have visited their RSS training camps in 1927, 1936, 1947 based on public press archives and praised them - the RSS camps were based on the SS Nazi training camps.

(Mahatma Gandhi was a Close Personal freind of hitler who called upon all Jews to commit non-violent suicide)

(Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi was a life member of the RSS foreign service Wing - current RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat's book.)

IOK Kashmir Should be a Freed Neighbour, and valued trading partner to Indian Union not its forcefully Occupied Slave.
#Krexit - Welcome to unveil our new unoffical Mascot #GeneralKrexit #GtrAzadKashmir - Free Kashmir Economy from Indian Monetary Union

# Campaign to Demonitise & Ditch the Indian Union Rupee !

#OpposeIndianUnionRupee #KrexitKashmir #Kexit KashmirExitIndianUnion #KrexitKashmirOpposeHindiLanguage.

The Indian Union Occupation narrative is based on Economic gains of usurping and absorbing the IOK Kashmir into three states under is union Territory by FORCE.

Meanwhole the Indian Union is imposing Economic blockade to landlocked IOK, Demonitising the currency and goiong door to door stealing gold of the IOK Kashmiri to wipe out hard earned money of the People, the Indian Union army 900,000 Soldiers ( not economists or businesspeople !) have stolen the land of the people and handing it over to RSS Nazi Crony Oligarchs like Ambani, Adani, Shah, Tata etc !

This is not Free Market this is Nazi bevahiour of what hitler did to Jews in Nazi Germany and expansionist into Nazi Europe, imposing Roman cathlicism and anti-semitism like the Indian Monetary Union.

IOK Kashmiri are wealthiest people in Indian Union Occupation due to their history as Jewellers and Preist - same like under Nazi Germany Jews who were prolific goldsmiths and Cohens were slaughtered as part of Nazi economic Revival !
above continued....

A point of Economy and History :

1. [SOVIET MADE] Historical Model : The Indian Union is NOT a REPUBLIC or a FEDERATION its a Super State Created along the Soviet Union lines made by the Soviet Union, with no common culture non common history or religion - undemocratictically and Repressively usurped lots of princely states and indpeendtend republics and kingdoms by Using Soviet Union Backing.

2. [MONETARY UNION] Economic Model: the Indian Union is what is referred to in Economics bt the technical term Monetaty Union. this is a higher form of ecnomic intergration where the state is not a unitary stae or federation, but hgihger still as Economic Union
(highly resented too by IOK Kashmir)

3. [HINDI IMPOSED] Linguistic Facism: The Indian Union is Imposing its Artificually Manufacutred Hindi Language - there is Resentment of this - Most States in the South, like Tamil, Kerela, Etc speak English as an official Language in Protest !

Hindi and Urdu are not the Same Language - this is a trap to do Sankrtisation by the back door, and hence Hindi based Propaganda.

Hindi: (Newly invented Sanskrit based language Since 1947)
Urdu: (Dialect of Turk-Persian-Arab: Hoardish; Ordu; Army Since 700)

Hitler banned Yiddish and imposed His Purified version of German and Latin.

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