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Imminent False Flag attack in Afghanistan.

Another Planet Pakistan Jem. lage Raho... Very entertaining. @Syed.Ali.Haider

By | Dawood Afridi |

After having been defeated repeatedly on the regional geopolitical chessboard, Indian deep state is trying to offset the Pakistani geopolitical gains by a string of false flag attacks in Afghanistan, notably resulting in Indian casualties in order to try and give weight to its ever depleting 'Pakistan bad' argument. India with the help of its assets inside the NDS [Afghan Intelligence Agency] is planning a ‘massive false flag attack’ event in Afghanistan, it has been learned through a reliable source. Indian agents directly or through their mercenaries will attack any soft target in Afghanistan associated with India, that may be some developmental project, hospital or school and will straight away put the blame on Pakistan for such a heinous crime. The purpose is to malign and pressurize Pakistan to extract max concessions in relation to Kulbashan Yadev and Afghan Taliban and to put it on the back foot geopolitically. Indians also expect full diplomatic support from United States when Pakistan is finally blamed for the attack.”

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This is an unfortunate and sad development if went as planned. A lot of innocent Afghan men, women and children or Indian citizens may be killed for Doval’s dirty politics in coming days. Indian lobby has misled the US that Pakistan is in full control of Afghan Taliban and not helping their rapprochement with United States. Afghanistan is witnessing renewed focus and attention from great powers in the neighborhood who are wary of decade long continued instability and violence in Afghanistan.

India has been carrying out false flag attacks in the past. The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that activities appear as though they are being carried out by groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them. Such campaigns are also supplemented by India’s rather large favor currying media’s black propaganda operations. Historically, the term "false flag" has its origins in naval warfare where the use of a flag other than the belligerent's true battle flag before (but not while) engaging the enemy has long been accepted as a permissible ruse de guerre.

India history of false flag
  1. Chittisingh Pura massacre: When president Clinton was about to visit India in year 2000, Indian soldiers killed 36 Sikhs in Kashmir to malign Kashmir movement and Pakistan. http://tinyurl.com/ltt5xqy

  2. Pathankot airbase attack of 2016 was a false flag attack in which India made hilarious accusations, saying that attackers successfully crossed international border (without BSF knowing it), reached Pathankot (without police knowing it), entered Pathankot base (without Indian Air Force knowing it)

  3. India blew up a boat in Arabian Sea on new year eve of 2014, saying it had people from Pakistan. But DIG of Indian Coast Guard blew the lies of Indian govt, and was subsequently removed from his job. http://tinyurl.com/oy8zsk2

  4. Mumbai attacks of 2008 was also a false flag attack. This was revealed by an Indian CBI officer. That is why Ajmal Kasab was hanged mysteriously after a secret trial. http://tinyurl.com/qyrnck3
Michael Collins Piper states that Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism is very well known.

• In 1970, King Hussein of Jordan was provided with incriminating intelligence that suggested the PLO was plotting to murder him and seize power in his nation. Infuriated, Hussein mobilized his forces for what has become known as the ‘Black September’ purge of the PLO. Thousands of Palestinians living in Jordan were rounded up, some of the leaders were tortured, and in the end, masses of refugees were driven from Jordan to Lebanon.

Former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky told ABC public radio that the spy agency had used Australian passports for previous operations before last month’s assassination of a top Hamas commander in Dubai that has been blamed on Israel.

He said agents had little trouble passing themselves off as Australians as few people in the Middle East have much knowledge about the country.

“Consider the fact that Australians speak English and it’s an easy cover to take, very few people know very much about Australia,” he said.

“You can tell whatever stories you want. It doesn’t take much of an accent to be an Australian or New Zealander, or an Englishman for that matter.

UN Secy General and International community should caution India to avoid such senseless bloodshed as people today have lot of independent sources of information and facts can be easily checked. It should also be acknowledged that the Indian deep state will be responsible for every single casualty should this senseless plan is executed.
After death of 15 Indian operatives in Afghanistan including ring leader Mr Gupta , obviously mr Karzai is fearing for his life now , false flag can be around the corner
Why only here it is being considered as False Flag?
Looks like PDF is better than Scotland Yard.
Why india kill indians, weird. Indians are getting the rockstar treatment from modi. :rofl:
There is some obsession with false flags theory. 9/11 false flag. 26/11false flag. false flag 1, false flag 2 and so on.
But would the same principle of false flag be applied to attacks in Lahor or other places in Pakistan. There is some tendency to trivialize the problem faced by others.
Its not a Pakistani obsession or that of PDF. It's the obsession of a special breed of PDF'ers that I usually dub as residents of "Planet Pakistan".
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KABUL (Dunya News) – It was revealed recently that the largest non-nuclear bomb attack in Afghanistan by US military on April 13 killed 15 Indians who were allegedly linked with Indian spy agency RAW.

The military officials in Pentagon told that the US forces in Afghanistan struck a militant Islamic State (IS) tunnel complex in eastern Afghanistan with the largest non-nuclear weapon ever used in combat by the United States military. The mother of all bombs was dropped in Nangarhar province.

According to sources, the killed Indian citizens had been planning terrorist activities to destablise Pakistan. A number of these Indians were linked with the Research Analysis Wing (RAW).

Source #2

"The report said that intelligence services in Tajikistan and India have confirmed the death of their citizens in the raid."

Notice the subtle admitance of the death

In indian heads


Reality .....


They did not even had chance to call India

Agent Geeta = Dead
Agent Gupta = Dead

Indian government hides the rest of names blames it on Kerala :coffee: every new paper has the number of indian agents killed and indian government does not even know the names (or is hiding their names ) :blink:

Kalboshan another agent getting ready to join them soon
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LOL - I stopped reading when I read Bombay attacks were a false flag. You got to hand it to Pakistan and their conspiracy theorists. It is like the entire nation is hypnotized.

No one can really beat you guys when it comes to conspiracy theories. I mean, camels, pigeons, fake Babur III and Ababeel tests, uncountable ISI conspiracy theories, abducting Yadav from Iran, w.r.t China, etc. This forum is littered with the conspiracy theories you guys have concocted.
No one can really beat you guys when it comes to conspiracy theories. I mean, camels, pigeons, fake Babur III and Ababeel tests, uncountable ISI conspiracy theories, abducting Yadav from Iran, w.r.t China, etc. This forum is littered with the conspiracy theories you guys have concocted.
Let's do a quick comparison -

Donald Trump born in Pakistan
India flooding Pakistan with water
India denying Pakistan water
US was behind attack on Malala
Osama was not killed in Pakistan
Mumbai 26/11 was an inside job by India
India attacked Sri Lankan team bus
India created heat wave
Tsunami in Indian ocean because of Indian nuke test
No Jews were killed in 9/11
9/11 was inside job
Genetically modified rats introduced in Pakistan

And so on...

When it comes to conspiracy theories, the world is poor and Pakistan is a millionaire.
Let's do a quick comparison -

Donald Trump born in Pakistan
India flooding Pakistan with water
India denying Pakistan water
US was behind attack on Malala
Osama was not killed in Pakistan
Mumbai 26/11 was an inside job by India
India attacked Sri Lankan team bus
India created heat wave
Tsunami in Indian ocean because of Indian nuke test
No Jews were killed in 9/11
9/11 was inside job
Genetically modified rats introduced in Pakistan

And so on...

When it comes to conspiracy theories, the world is poor and Pakistan is a millionaire.

Dude, half the theories you have listed here are not even known by almost anyone in Pakistan and are on the extreme fringe. While the ones I listed are touted either by your state or virtually every bharati one comes across, and what's funny is I have barely scratched the surface in my list. If Pakistan is millionaire then you guys are in the hundreds of millions or billionaire.
Dude, half the theories you have listed here are not even known by almost anyone in Pakistan and are on the extreme fringe. While the ones I listed are touted either by your state or virtually every bharati one comes across, and what's funny is I have barely scratched the surface in my list. If Pakistan is millionaire then you guys are in the hundreds of millions or billionaire.
LOL - please. On these very forums you see people talking about 26/11 being an inside job by India.

It is obvious from neutral sources that Conspiracy theories are mainstream in Pakistan - do produce some source like this which shows how conspiracy theories run rampant in India.
Which is why the entire world including the Pakistan Government has admitted to 26/11 attacks being originated from Pakistan.

Members of previous govt which has long ago been shown the door.....we saw the video in which "Qasab" confesses to his crime. Nowhere in Pakistan is this accent spoken that he was speaking in.
Members of previous govt which has long ago been shown the door.....we saw the video in which "Qasab" confesses to his crime. Nowhere in Pakistan is this accent spoken that he was speaking in.
So why hasn't the current Government categorically come out and said that he wasn't Pakistani?
jihad/terror attacks are always imminent in a place like Afghanistan.
So why hasn't the current Government categorically come out and said that he wasn't Pakistani?

because life goes on and nobody cares or talks about that drama anymore...the world has moved on and so should you
because life goes on and nobody cares or talks about that drama anymore...the world has moved on and so should you
Actually, countries seldom forget. USA remembers 9/11. UK remembers 7/7. India too remembers 26/11. So by calling it a drama, it won't go away. And since you are in such a charitable mood to move on, why don't you move on from 1947-48 and forget Kashmir?

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