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Real reason why Modi govt has carried out surgical strike on your pockets

Same thing will come out for Property dealers , IAS officers and regional politicians

A news just came; smoke was coming out from a nearby doctor's house. Later it was found that he was burning his notes. Police arrived and around 3 crores seized :D
Everything is possible but its difficult , lower rung party workers are easy to buy what if other party offers better deal and make a sting of whole operation .....
I have a doubt about politicians. It could be easy to divide the money among party cadres and exchange it from multiple banks. Isn't?
Sir will you be happy with black money streaming back into the white economy?

If yes, we should be least bothered whether it was a political or economic move.

Har har Modi. Ghar ghar Modi. Ab ki baar Trump sarkaar. Agli baar Modi sarkaar. Baar baar lagataar Putin sarkaar.

I do not waste time on bhakts. Not unless they have a reasoned point of view and something that might require consideration and analysis.

Joe shearer , as you are a ex serviceman from India ,bit surprised by your one sided analysis.
Even if the timing is suspect , it will result in curtailing black money and removing illegal cash from the hands of all political parties.

Why? Forget about your location of my position, which is in error.
Is a person's assessment determined by his past profession?

Dumbo man with dumbo ka reporter is back again.

.....and the bhakts ride again.


More evasion? Again an unwillingness to answer questions?

Ultimately ,Narendra Modi is a veteran politician .And he got perfect mileage through this decision.Otherwise this decision should have been declared through the official right channel,RBI Governor Urjit Patel.
This decision has flaws and benefits .But benefits have some clear advantage over flaws.
Recently I have heard a confession of Charterd accountant in news.He got a call from a businessman .That guy need an advice .He has 25 crore of black money and he need to know how to clear it .
Accountant couldnt reply to him.

That is a technical failure, on the part of the Chartered Accountant. I share the grim pleasure of many, most members on seeing the discomfiture of those who had sickened the economy by injecting the large cash component. It is the huge, the almost unbearable pain caused to the poorer sections of people that is objectionable, and that seems to have been avoidable by the government. The step they have taken and the way they have handled it shows once again that they are the government quintessentially of the resentful middle class professional, that believes that it has been victimised, that the trading classes and promoters and entrepreneurs have made unfair gains, that the government bureaucracy torments them and extracts huge funds from them, and while enumerating its own grievances, completely ignores the difficulties that might be faced by others less well-placed than they themselves. It is a move by an insensitive government, and most heartily approved by the most insensitive sections of our society - part-winners who want to be full-winners and do not know how to get there, and meanwhile keep making themselves victims and losers to justify their failure to themselves.

As for the businessman's predicament, people have already found solutions and are implementing them in Bombay and Delhi. I do not think much of these 'solutions', so shan't repeat them and risk their being taken up by those who have not yet found it.

Nobody is criticising those who approved of the move, only those who extended that approval to blanket praise of the government and its head.

On the other hand, every bhakt has found that he abhors the personal qualities of those who did not approve of the move.

The asymmetry tells its own story.


First Pain, Then Gain, Predict Experts After 500 and 1000 Rupee Notes Are Abolished

Yes, that is a probability.

It is the present pain, that could have been avoided, that hits the weakest sections of society hardest, that could have been avoided. It is that which is being criticised.

So congress is the complete reason for this mess.! i got your point in this.

then how they got affected by this process? how they got 500 & 1000INR while they only spend 20INR a day? congress & AAP logic?

If you know nothing about the way that the rural sector works, don't build on that lack of knowledge. Once you have finished making hollow political defences, ask, and you will get to know the specific difficulties that this move has caused among the poor and working classes.

Karnataka is BJP strong hold. Andhra Pradesh is ruled by Naidu ,, another pal of Modi.
do you agree with this decision ?

Irrelevant. Please see the conclusion that i came to. Karnataka being a BJP stronghold doesn't matter to Modi, who has clearly decided to consolidate north India, particularly the Hindi-speaking belt, before looking at the fringes. And as for Karnataka being a BJP stronghold, only three sections are backing the BJP there, not enough to bring it to power. Even if they were today a BJP ruled state, it would make no difference to someone who is trying to clear a strong foundation before moving forward. Andhra Pradesh being ruled by a pal also makes no difference. It is Modi's focus on UP that makes a difference.

Common people are affected .... but they are more happy as these chor politicians , property dealers , corrupt officers , tax chor doctors are impacted the most :D
And now people will think twice before stashin the cash in black money , either they will deman the gold or diamonds in bribes :D :D

They have already started doing that.

I am sensing a big conspiracy by BJP against Indians.

Not against Indians. Against other political parties. Which is well and fine, but their thoughtlessness towards the suffering of those who depend on a daily earning is the irritating part.

@Joe Shearer

Not I with leftist commies.

Jai Sri Ram. Har har Modi. Ghar ghar Modi.

So, purely as a matter of taxonomy, whom are you calling a leftist commie?
A news just came; smoke was coming out from a nearby doctor's house. Later it was found that he was burning his notes. Police arrived and around 3 crores seized :D

A meme, nothing more. Like countless others.

People will wait and plot till the end. Then they will deposit. It's better to get net 20-40% than be left with only tinder wood or goat fodder.

Easy come uneasy go.

So, purely as a matter of taxonomy, whom are you calling a leftist commie?

Let's play mummy daddy. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

So who were you calling bhakt?
Ultimately ,Narendra Modi is a veteran politician .And he got perfect mileage through this decision.Otherwise this decision should have been declared through the official right channel,RBI Governor Urjit Patel.
This decision has flaws and benefits .But benefits have some clear advantage over flaws.
Recently I have heard a confession of Charterd accountant in news.He got a call from a businessman .That guy need an advice .He has 25 crore of black money and he need to know how to clear it .
Accountant couldnt reply to him.

he can gamble, blow it on prostitutes
I do not waste time on bhakts. Not unless they have a reasoned point of view and something that might require consideration and analysis.

Why? Forget about your location of my position, which is in error.
Is a person's assessment determined by his past profession?

.....and the bhakts ride again.

More evasion? Again an unwillingness to answer questions?

That is a technical failure, on the part of the Chartered Accountant. I share the grim pleasure of many, most members on seeing the discomfiture of those who had sickened the economy by injecting the large cash component. It is the huge, the almost unbearable pain caused to the poorer sections of people that is objectionable, and that seems to have been avoidable by the government. The step they have taken and the way they have handled it shows once again that they are the government quintessentially of the resentful middle class professional, that believes that it has been victimised, that the trading classes and promoters and entrepreneurs have made unfair gains, that the government bureaucracy torments them and extracts huge funds from them, and while enumerating its own grievances, completely ignores the difficulties that might be faced by others less well-placed than they themselves. It is a move by an insensitive government, and most heartily approved by the most insensitive sections of our society - part-winners who want to be full-winners and do not know how to get there, and meanwhile keep making themselves victims and losers to justify their failure to themselves.

As for the businessman's predicament, people have already found solutions and are implementing them in Bombay and Delhi. I do not think much of these 'solutions', so shan't repeat them and risk their being taken up by those who have not yet found it.

Nobody is criticising those who approved of the move, only those who extended that approval to blanket praise of the government and its head.

On the other hand, every bhakt has found that he abhors the personal qualities of those who did not approve of the move.

The asymmetry tells its own story.

Yes, that is a probability.

It is the present pain, that could have been avoided, that hits the weakest sections of society hardest, that could have been avoided. It is that which is being criticised.

If you know nothing about the way that the rural sector works, don't build on that lack of knowledge. Once you have finished making hollow political defences, ask, and you will get to know the specific difficulties that this move has caused among the poor and working classes.

Irrelevant. Please see the conclusion that i came to. Karnataka being a BJP stronghold doesn't matter to Modi, who has clearly decided to consolidate north India, particularly the Hindi-speaking belt, before looking at the fringes. And as for Karnataka being a BJP stronghold, only three sections are backing the BJP there, not enough to bring it to power. Even if they were today a BJP ruled state, it would make no difference to someone who is trying to clear a strong foundation before moving forward. Andhra Pradesh being ruled by a pal also makes no difference. It is Modi's focus on UP that makes a difference.

They have already started doing that.

Back up was poor .Dont know whether that was a deliberate plan or 'out of control ' situation .
Problem is that current ATMs cant use for new 2000 Rs and 500Rs.
And scrutiny is quite tough on common people and we have shortage of currency in banks and other govt offices .
Lets wait and watch ,their next move
BIG GAME !! Food for thought ??

Did Mukesh Ambhani already knew about this currency change? He invested billions in Jio and made it free till Dec 30th ? Ironic...And now,the currency exchange will only be allowed till Dec 30th? And from Jan 2017 he will start getting returns in all white money!! a real masterstroke by a visionary businessman or a trick by a fraudster...only time will tell..no wonder the Present RBI governor was a financial advisor to Ambani's Reliance group & an inside man..!! Conspiracy Theories!

WHAT A GAME...Hats off !

I happen to know personally that Ambani's Jio was planned atleast before March 2015 - I was one of the people approached for a serious job as it was being mobilized. I didn't join because we couldn't agree on terms (at some point they dropped me as a viable candiate) but the business plans were already there, the chief had been identified etc. So I know that the theory you are proposing is baseless.

@ashok321 - how does replacement of denoms solve capitalization needs or bad loans problem? people deposit and take it out within few days. what you have quoted makes little to no sense.
Not against Indians. Against other political parties. Which is well and fine, but their thoughtlessness towards the suffering of those who depend on a daily earning is the irritating part.

So, purely as a matter of taxonomy, whom are you calling a leftist commie?
What would be your solution for painless solution?

It's like tooth extraction/root canal you don't feel pain during and few hours after due to anesthesia. Then you have pain for few days, after week your teeth and gums are fine.
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