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Attack on CRPF bus in occupied J&K, 8 jawans killed; 2 freedom fighters shot dead

And every pakistanis destiny is that dream. Which would never become true... you people know that deep down your hearts dont you !!!!?

crpf is a police force.... lol now the terrorists killed in 2 days are 8...

RIP to jawans
Of course we don't see eye to eye when it come it Kashmir. You call them terrorists and I call them brave freedom fighters who are fighting against an occupation force.
Alas, it is in front of the world who is suffering most. [/quote'

It is.

Just look at the statistics of how we are doing and how you are.

Even at the statistics of how our part of kashmir is doing, and how yours is. The numbers will speak for themselves.

We will openly violate your laws, constitution and boundaries until you quit illegal occupied territory.

All this from across a border, and without contact with us? A warrior!

Fate of your generation is in your hands, if you don't tolerate our border, our children, our forces then you will loose every day.

If you have learnt how to count, count how many have been killed on either side. You will find that you have lost four to five times as many as policemen and para-military people.

The way you express regarding boundary of your country it looks like you are securing/defending it well as no one can cross your border even a bird

Nobody claimed that. Lots of people have come in, illegal immigrants, terrorists, they will get to stay for whatever time they are allowed.

and you are enforcing your law so good that you have 0% crime rate and the occupied forces in J&K are sleeping and partying so well like a disneyland.

How ignorant you are who is turning face from reality.

Oh no, nothing like that. We have a normal existence. Since you have no idea of what a constitution is, and what the rule of law is, let me explain. There are laws, made by men, and enforced by men, and therefore, naturally, broken by men. There is no zero crime rate, either in the case of laws made by men, or in the case of laws made by men but pronounced to be made by God.

As far as our forces are concerned, while they are on duty, they focus on their jobs; when they finish, they are posted out to other locations. Since this is a defence forum, you might find some information on what soldiers do from other soldiers who are members of the forum.

fuk this forum, I'm going on another hiatus

Hey, don't get upset. A suggestion is a suggestion. Why don't you talk to him directly and sort it out? Come on, don't take my efforts at peace-making so personally.
lets put it this way,Kashmir was peaceful and called heaven on earth and all that changed from 89,the year USSR moved out of Afganistan.

pakistani military or isi thought that can be done in kashmir too and the militancy started in kashmir from 89.All the deaths related to terrorism in Pakistan after that is directly or indirectly related to the policies of the Pakistan to keep the issue boiling and hoping kashmir will be with Pakistan.

If you look the figers ,then you will realise Pakistan paid much more that others.the said part is you guys dont even realise what you are losing.
How ignorant and illiterate your are that you don't know the real facts regarding Kashmir militancy. In Afghanistan entire muslim nation fought a religious war but in Kashmir nationalists JKLF were first drawn the blood.
These are two different ideologies Nationalism and Islamism on which you can search a lot on internet to differentiate.
We lost most because we have more enemies compared to your state and have more strong opposition but with minimum resources we have tackle the situation so fast that no one can deny.
For Kashmir our policies will remain same, talk talk fight fight.
You don't want other part of KAshmir because you don't have a guts to occupy it. Dozen training camps and militant headquarter is hosted by other part of KAshmir and you can only cry on front of world like a mistreated child nothing else.
Yes we will develop more training camps to launch more attacks and we will act like a responsible nation, responsible to destabilize and hit every corner of occupied territory.
1971 is not related to us, repeat it occupy Bangladesh again. Who cares. :D

Guts ?
We have had enough guts to establish an out post in Lahore police station and we did that in 1971.
So cut that BS .

Training some illiterate morons as non state actors and giving support to them shows irresponsibility .

Any way I dont want to continue in this thread .
But I can make one thing clear as an Indian .
During last 70 years our people were successful in each and every field ,from administration to military .
They didnt attack other parts of Kashmir .Because they dont want ./
IF they want ,if that serves our national interest we will surely do that and you ranting wont help your nation ,not at all.
Let me be neutral.
and how's that working out for them ? :azn:

ok, lets do this politely, you are owed that much, for all your insane posts, you are at tehzeeb level 10

please get over it, today we are two separate, and proud nations charting our own courses. All of your passion should be solely channeled into making Pakistan a better place, and educating and teaching young Pakistanis on this forum on how to make Pakistan better.

no, no and no.. India is not a "crypt for muslims" :disagree:

Yet Gujarat and Mumbai did happen. Did they not? And since 89 93000 Kashmiris have been killed, perhaps lesser by Indian estimates (around 47000)?
your's, and mony others' families did nothing wrong in moving to BD and Pak, things were how they were back then in the post partition chaos.. now you guys have your own homeland.

We have our homeland but our homeland is also Lucknow or other parts from which we moved. It is only natural that there would be movements in these regions for merger with Pakistan. We shouldn't have had to leave our areas.
and you're wrong on the "their own countrymen asked them to" bit, it was the muslims who initiated the call for separate statehood for their ilk, bongs more than the north western feudals.

That was in 47. But who told them to go to Pakistan in 2016? Fellow Indians.

and don't waste your time worrying about the bajrang dals and shiv senas of India, that's on us, we got guys like @Joe Shearer to handle those issues.

Really? A single Christian fighting alone and lonely through legal means to obtain equal rights for all? How successful has he been because Indians continue to support shiv sena, RSS and Hindu resurgence. The more muslims are demanding rights the more they claim we display victim mentality? Isn't the only solution separation then?

your focus should be on the bhawalpur madrassa, the laal masjid, guys like osama and mullah omar, organizations like JEM, LET, Jundullah, LEJ and others on your side of the border, yes ?
That is my focus. Fanaticism of any kind is not good in any possible way. I have always vouched for secularism and respect Gandhi who is very demonized in Pakistan. He truly had a thought process that went beyond petty communalism and for that he was shot dead by an RSS man. That shooting proved India would never be a garden of eden for minorities but as I said a crypt for us.

thanks for your good wishes, we sincerely hope to fully integrate everyone, still a work in progress but we're doing what we can.

I hope some Indians genuinely think so and have a sympathetic view of minorities.

it isn't your homeland anymore, hasn't been for close to 70? years now, or whatever its been since your old folks made the move.

As I said we didn't move in 47. In fact both my parents moved at different times after the border had been closed.

janaab, aap apney mulk ko sudharo, hum apney desh ki pragati aur vikas sambhal lengey.

As I said our link to Lucknow is strong:
1) Because we moved late
2) Because we have family and relatives there
3) Because we have common ancestry as all Lucknow muslims once supported the muslim league 75%+ of the total muslim vote went to the muslim league and 90%+ plus for UP. We have common links which can only be removed through being a knight champion in protecting muslim interests. No leader in India has come up to champion our cause other than Jinnah.
4) We believe in the ummah and want muslims to progress.
How ignorant and illiterate your are that you don't know the real facts regarding Kashmir militancy. In Afghanistan entire muslim nation fought a religious war but in Kashmir nationalists JKLF were first drawn the blood.
These are two different ideologies Nationalism and Islamism on which you can search a lot on internet to differentiate.
We lost most because we have more enemies compared to your state and have more strong opposition but with minimum resources we have tackle the situation so fast that no one can deny.
For Kashmir our policies will remain same, talk talk fight fight.
Ignorant bro,atleast belive your generals and google some books on how militancy was stated and who supported it in kashmir.dont belive what you are told,you live in 21st century ,verify.
Sir under normal circumstance I would have agreed with you, but IOJ&K doesn't fall under the normal Indian territory and IA is viewed as occupation forces by the locals and the international community. They have been involved suppressing the freedom struggle of Kashmiris through incessant violations of human rights and that's not what we can remain indifferent too. In that context, perhaps my freedom fighter is your terrorist and vice versa. Of course, I condmen all terrorist attack against civilians and even military personnal within the legal Indian boundaries like Mumbai attacks, pathankot etc.

Obviously there is a vast difference between the way you perceive the presence of Indian troops on what is Indian soil according to the provisions of the British Act giving independence to the Crown Colony and laying down what was to happen to the princely states; according to the provisions of the J&K Constitution; according to the Indian Constitution and even according to the UN Resolution original resolution. If there is a question of altering this status quo, you are entitled to do that - through legal means. Not through state-sponsored terrorism. The vast majority of terrorists in Kashmir are Punjabis trained by terrorist front organisations in Pakistan allowed a free hand by the Pakistani administration and assisted during infiltration by the Pakistan Army.

Under these circumstances, your sympathy for those among the Kashmiris who wish to be free of Indian administration should not translate into vulgar displays of joy at the death of uniformed personnel killed in an ambush.

That is my point of view. You are welcome to disagree. You will acknowledge my right, I hope, to consider a post to be wrong and be worth awarding a negative rating if I think it is something to be rated negatively.
Touch one man of Indian Army, retaliation will not be limited to India. We'll hunt the puppeteers anywhere and gun them down. Like Ajit Doval said-- screw around Kashmir and you'll lose Baloshistan. You're job is to keep very quiet and mind your own neighborhood. 'India, Kashmir etc. are things you need to put in that corner of the brain that'll see long term memory loss.
You have lost several thanks to Pakistan Army and still failed to do anything
and how's that working out for them ? :azn:

ok, lets do this politely, you are owed that much, for all your insane posts, you are at tehzeeb level 10

please get over it, today we are two separate, and proud nations charting our own courses. All of your passion should be solely channeled into making Pakistan a better place, and educating and teaching young Pakistanis on this forum on how to make Pakistan better.

no, no and no.. India is not a "crypt for muslims" :disagree:

your's, and mony others' families did nothing wrong in moving to BD and Pak, things were how they were back then in the post partition chaos.. now you guys have your own homeland.

and you're wrong on the "their own countrymen asked them to" bit, it was the muslims who initiated the call for separate statehood for their ilk, bongs more than the north western feudals.

and don't waste your time worrying about the bajrang dals and shiv senas of India, that's on us, we got guys like @Joe Shearer to handle those issues.

your focus should be on the bhawalpur madrassa, the laal masjid, guys like osama and mullah omar, organizations like JEM, LET, Jundullah, LEJ and others on your side of the border, yes ?

thanks for your good wishes, we sincerely hope to fully integrate everyone, still a work in progress but we're doing what we can.

it isn't your homeland anymore, hasn't been for close to 70? years now, or whatever its been since your old folks made the move.

janaab, aap apney mulk ko sudharo, hum apney desh ki pragati aur vikas sambhal lengey.

Loved the post.

Thank you for vindicating me. Great job done.
:laughcry: you guy's are geneticaly liars, FC and Balochs are kicking your agents ***, while ISI is busy hunting your monkeys


What you did in 1971 is not related to us, it is directly related to the people of Bangladesh. Who effected the most Bangali or us?
Same for Kashmir who is suffering the loss, Kashmiri or we? Think about it.

You're size is half of what it was before. But talking and becoming nuisance....NUMBER ONE

You Indians have been crying about ISI for past 67 years

i respect soldiers of every nation and thier sacrifices.. But i hate illegal occupation and occupiers, if they would have died defending any part of india, i would praise them but they were there for oppression.. Also being a Pakistani i support Kashmiri youth...

Indians killed six innocent Kashmiris yesterday and indians here were calling them pigs and what not.. Instead of rating me negative you should praise me that i have not compare them with pigs..

I have NOT rated you negative. I know precisely what you stand for, and it was respect for that which stopped me. But I still believe, seriously believe that blackguarding uniformed men performing their duty is unworthy.

Have you ever read me calling the dead names? Do you group me with those who do? Am I not more decent and honourable than that? Would they have hesitated to misuse their distinctions and privileges to be vengeful and vindictive?
That would explain a lot. Thanks for the clarification. It is annoying to note for me that muslims have been too afraid or too ignorant to act in their own peoples defense and advocacy through courts-for example muslims failed as a body to provide support to muslims who lost their homes (and families) in Gujarat riots and even the loyal ones have done nothing to integrate Kashmiris. These muslims are ultimately the problem and those that join the military.

I have no problem with Lucknowi muslims joining the army as such. But their purpose should be to reduce intolerance, hatred and killing against muslims by being in a position to stop it. But the muslims that are joining the Kashmir army are there for making money at the cost of their kashmiri brethren. They have never cared for us.

Lets note the first option for my people was seeking justice from courts. After that failed my people went to parts controlled by Pakistan. But no one forgets his land. We remember Lucknow as it is our home and it will forever be in our hearts.

a) Lucknowi muslims didn't ask you whether you had a problem with them joining army
b) No one asked you to be a custodian of the rights of muslims in India- no one has ever approached Pak for any event in India. You impose yourself into the equation.

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