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MQM admits some of its workers fled to India-But party has nothing to do with workers’ training

The countries where the MQM workers headed included the US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Australia, the Middle Eastern states and other countries of the world. “Some went to India for saving their lives as they could not go to any other country,” said the statement issued from Nine Zero.
Those should be tried for treason :o: in Pakistan and in India too :devil:
Why Pakistan's army is targeting the MQM party

Expert Arif Jamal talks to DW about a paramilitary operation against the MQM, a liberal political party in southern Pakistan, and how the army is allowing an Islamist takeover of Pakistan's economic hub, Karachi.

"Thank you, General Raheel Sharif," reads a gigantic poster on a street in Karachi, Pakistan's southern port city and economic hub. Supporters of Pakistan's army chief, Raheel Sharif, have set up large billboards in the city, heaping lavish praise on the military general for "liberating the city from terrorists and criminals."

By terrorists the army fans do not mean the Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), but the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), a liberal political party supported in the urban areas of the southern Sindh province. Despite being a largely secular party, the MQM has been allegedly involved in using violence as a political means to control Karachi and its economy. The MQM leadership, which represents the "muhajirs" or the people who had migrated from India to Pakistan in 1947, denies these claims.

MQM officials say the army, through its paramilitary force, the Rangers, has been targeting its members and activists on the pretext of combating terrorism. While the Islamist parties continue to receive the military's patronage, the MQM and the Pakistan People's Party of former president Asif Ali Zardari, are being "victimized," some rights groups and experts say.

Arif Jamal, a US-based journalist and author of several books on Islamic terrorism and Pakistan, says in a DW interview that one of the key objectives of the Pakistani military is to weaken mainstream political parties to increase their control on government and civilian institutions. He also says that Raheel Sharif, who is being systematically projected by the pro-army media as a "messiah," is paving the way for an Islamist takeover of Karachi by weakening the MQM.

DW: Do you agree with claims by the MQM leadership that the Pakistan Army is selectively targeting its activists and members?

Arif Jamal: There is ample evidence that the Pakistani military is selectively targeting the MQM. It is now also targeting the Pakistan Peoples Party or PPP. The current army-led campaign is nationwide and in reality aimed at weakening all the major political parties in the country.

As the political parties remain divided and fail to put up united resistance, the army is leading them by the nose to support their actions. We see General Raheel Sharif sitting side by side with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in every decision-making meeting. In all the photos and videos in the Pakistani media, General Sharif appears to be running the show. He is never seen wearing his military cap, which means he is not required to salute his civilian bosses.

It looks abundantly clear that Pakistan's Rangers, the police, and other security agencies are taking direct orders from the army. The country's media is totally co-opted or gagged, so much so that some TV anchors and journalists were seen wearing military fatigue jackets on September 6 and 7 when the Pakistan celebrated "Defense Day" against India. This further blurred the difference between the military's public relations department and the media.

This is not the first time that the army has acted against the MQM. There was a somewhat similar operation against the party in the early 1990s. Why is the state, particularly the country's ubiquitous military, against the MQM?

In or out of power, the Pakistani army continues to make and break political parties. In the second half of the 1980s, it encouraged and supported the formation and rise of the MQM in order to damage the PPP in Sindh. In the 1990s, the army generals felt the MQM had become too big to handle, so they created divisions in it.

The MQM is not the only political party which continuously faces such wrath of the army; other political parties, too, face similar kind of treatment from the generals. The army uses different ways to create divisions in different political parties at different times. The reason is that strong political parties are a direct threat to the supremacy of the military in politics.

Critics say that despite being a liberal party, the MQM uses terror to maintain its grip on Karachi, and that therefore the military operations against it are justified. Do you agree?

Like other countries in the region, Pakistan is also a violent society, with political parties frequently resorting to violence. However, it is unfair to describe political violence as terrorism. However, there are religious parties such as the Jamat-i-Islami (JI) and Jamiat-e-Ulama-e-Islam which sponsor terrorism.

If terrorism were the reason, the army should have gone after the JI whose armed wing, Hizbul Mujahideen, remains a major terrorist group in the region, or other terrorist organizations such as the Jamatud Dawa (formerly Lashkar-e-Taiba). But the unfortunate fact is that the Pakistani army itself funds Hizbul Mujahideen and Jamatud Dawa.

How do you analyze the Lahore High Court's recent decision of banning MQM's leader Altaf Hussain's speeches in the media?

The Lahore High Court's order to register a treason case against Hussain and ban his speeches and images in the Pakistani media is unprecedented even by Pakistani standards. It violated all legal and democratic norms. The decision seems to be part of the ongoing army-run campaign against the political parties, particularly the MQM.

History shows that there has always been an "unholy nexus" between the Pakistani army and the Pakistani judiciary. The ties are still strong and the decision is the result of that nexus.

What could be the repercussions of weakening the MQM on Pakistan's national politics?

The weakening of the MQM and other political parties is creating a lot of space for jihadist groups in Pakistan. Because of the active military interference in political matters and conspiracies, no civilian government has been able to perform and show results since 1988.

People have lost whatever faith they had in democracy and civilian rule. The irony is that terrorist organizations such as Jamatud Dawa are openly recruiting and fundraising in Pakistan while the army is accusing politicians of funding terrorism.

We now discover that Zarb-e-Azb (the military operation in northern Pakistan) was aimed at weakening political parties and not eliminating terrorists. Some of the top global terrorists such as Hafiz Saeed and Hizbul Mujahideen's Yusuf Shah are openly leading public rallies, recruiting jihadists, and fundraising.

In about two weeks, terrorist organizations like Dawa will fundraise millions of dollars on the occasions of Eidul Azha while political parties such as the MQM will not be allowed to fundraise for genuine charity reasons. In fact, this year the jihadists may fundraise hundreds of thousands of dollars more than last year.

Some analysts say that the weakening of the MQM could result in the rise of Islamist groups like "Islamic State," al Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan's urban centers. Why would the Pakistani generals want that?

Because the Pakistani generals have not abandoned their policy of using jihad as an instrument of its defense policy. The Pakistan Army still supports "good jihadists," which include the Jamatud Dawa - a Salafist group, that follows the same ideology as the "Islamic State" (IS) and Boko Haram.

IS has been winning over the extremist factions of Islamist terrorist groups in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region since its rise in June 2014 in the Middle East. Jamatud Dawa seems to be in alliance with the IS in Afghanistan. So the Pakistai army's strategy seems to be creating an alliance of "good jihadists" like Jamatud Dawa under the umbrella of the IS.

Arif Jamal is an independent US-based journalist and author of several books, including "Call For Transnational Jihad: Lashkar-e-Taiba 1985-2014."

The interview was conducted by Shamil Shams.
am also urdu speaker live in KARACHI but not a a supporter of AH or MQM :o:

Bhai Aap ki soch hai if u r able to clear this Myth ..... I m a Karachiite .... & no matter what i do .... i will be tagged MQM supporter .... even Non-PTI Supporter mean MQM supporter ... which is not correct .. but u cannot xplain this to th est of the Pakistan ... Don't bother :(

One day they will say they have nothing to do with Altaf Hussain.... :rofl:

InshAllah .... Trust me i m waiting for this (along with MANY other Karachiites) ... it is Hard to become a reality but not impossible ! Allah Aap k munh mein Ghee Shakkar :)
This current MQM as we know it is finished business, no need to even talk about them anymore.
wait for new and the real representatives of Mohajirs to come out and take over this mess.
Would they be any different???Might be Peaceful but do you believe they wont going to speak out against Establishment or Govt.???Current brass is not interested in reforming MQM rather they are more interested in introduce Lota Politics in Karachi that exist in Punjab because it serves their Purpose well unlike Karachi based Politics where people like Nabeel Gabol who leave their Parties stands no where till they find some relevance.
i pray that altaf hussain live a long life.because that stupid drunk fat pig is more valuable alive then dead.if he die rest of mqm leadership will put blame of every wrong doing on altaf and will cleanse them self from their crimes and will again gain hold of Karachi. if he live long enough he will destroy the whole party and it's members reputation,brand them as traitor in public eyes and will kill their political career.
can you tell that to MQM leadership also to stop using that term anymore.
if i knew any of them, surely would.
actually if i knew any of them, id spend day and night trying to help them get out of their delusional world, in a hope that it might trigger a chain reaction.

There are very few like you dear.
me as well. i hate ah and mqm from bottom of heart.
so does pdf user haviZsultan.
there are many karachiites who hate mqm, only thing is we can never determine whether that percentage of people is more or lesser than the people who like mqm, as long as mqm keeps karachi under its thumb.
just like sindh, im sure many sindhis are fed up of ppp, yet ppp win all seats from sindh, because the people are forced to vote for ppp.
Tottaly disagred most of them took training during 2000 era example ajmal phadi etc admited

2000 era where there was no operation on MQM
MQM enjoyed power in karachi yet sent their puppets to india for training

Dont know why musharaf keep his eyes clised big question hope to ask him in his era he gave unpresident power to mqm they brought raw and mushy brought CIA
Iots of karachittes here,,ekka dukka chorke,, kisi ka mqm se talluq nahi :no:
wonder how they manage to win elections in Karachi,,,dhandli?
Would they be any different???Might be Peaceful but do you believe they wont going to speak out against Establishment or Govt.???Current brass is not interested in reforming MQM rather they are more interested in introduce Lota Politics in Karachi that exist in Punjab because it serves their Purpose well unlike Karachi based Politics where people like Nabeel Gabol who leave their Parties stands no where till they find some relevance.

I am sure Once bitten people of Karachi wouldnt be too quick to jump in a boat only because it had Urdu writings on it
Iots of karachittes here,,ekka dukka chorke,, kisi ka mqm se talluq nahi :no:
wonder how they manage to win elections in Karachi,,,dhandli?
Thappa mafia is there but thy have solid vote bank whether we like it or not.
I am sure Once bitten people of Karachi wouldnt be too quick to jump in a boat only because it had Urdu writings on it
It would suffer the same fate as MQM if they raise their Voice too much. Lota Politics has been an effective tool for our institutions to keep Govt.s in check and especially it comes Handy when Political Supports of Military Dictatorship required in the past.
It would suffer the same fate as MQM if they raise their Voice too much. Lota Politics has been an effective tool for our institutions to keep Govt.s in check and especially it comes Handy when Political Supports of Military Dictatorship required in the past.

you still think MQM is a victim here?
when was the last time MQM raised voice for Urdu speakers?

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