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India to Russia: 'Sod you, Vlad, we're going to the moon ALONE'


Jun 5, 2014
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Russia couldn't promise the moon, it seems, so India has lost interest in a joint probe project scheduled for 2022.

The delays that have plagued Russia's Luna-27 lander project – originally planned for this decade but currently scheduled for a 2022 launch – have frustrated India, according to the New Indian Express.

That report says the news of India's loss of interest came out of the Space Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Russian lunar lander would have been transported by an Indian rocket.

The council reportedly said “Roscosmos is advised to agree with the Indian side on the issue of exclusion of the Indian 'mini rover' from the payload of Luna-Resurs-1 (new project name – Luna-27)”.

India apparently told the Russians as well as the postponements, it was unhappy with Russia's high accident rate.

India plans to drop a lander on the Moon's south pole in 2016-2017.

Last year, India surprised the world by successfully achieving Mars orbit at its first attempt. The US$74 million Mars Orbiter Mission was launched in 2013.

Russia, on the other hand, has been making space news for all the wrong reasons of late: in April, itlost control of an ISS-bound cargo capsule, and last week a Proton-M rocket burned up over Siberia a few minutes after lift-off, destroying Mexico's MexSat-1.

India to Russia: 'Sod you, Vlad, we're going to the moon ALONE' • The Register
Russia couldn't promise the moon, it seems, so India has lost interest in a joint probe project scheduled for 2022.

The delays that have plagued Russia's Luna-27 lander project – originally planned for this decade but currently scheduled for a 2022 launch – have frustrated India, according to the New Indian Express.

That report says the news of India's loss of interest came out of the Space Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Russian lunar lander would have been transported by an Indian rocket.

The council reportedly said “Roscosmos is advised to agree with the Indian side on the issue of exclusion of the Indian 'mini rover' from the payload of Luna-Resurs-1 (new project name – Luna-27)”.

India apparently told the Russians as well as the postponements, it was unhappy with Russia's high accident rate.

India plans to drop a lander on the Moon's south pole in 2016-2017.

Last year, India surprised the world by successfully achieving Mars orbit at its first attempt. The US$74 million Mars Orbiter Mission was launched in 2013.

Russia, on the other hand, has been making space news for all the wrong reasons of late: in April, itlost control of an ISS-bound cargo capsule, and last week a Proton-M rocket burned up over Siberia a few minutes after lift-off, destroying Mexico's MexSat-1.

India to Russia: 'Sod you, Vlad, we're going to the moon ALONE' • The Register
Typical Russians.
itRussian.: 7199104 said:
Russia couldn't promise the moon, it seems, so India has lost interest in a joint probe project scheduled for 2022.

The delays that have plagued Russia's Luna-27 lander project – originally planned for this decade but currently scheduled for a 2022 launch – have frustrated India, according to the New Indian Express.

That report says the news of India's loss of interest came out of the Space Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Russian lunar lander would have been transported by an Indian rocket.

The council reportedly said “Roscosmos is advised to agree with the Indian side on the issue of exclusion of the Indian 'mini rover' from the payload of Luna-Resurs-1 (new project name – Luna-27)”.

India apparently told the Russians as well as the postponements, it was unhappy with Russia's high accident rate.

India plans to drop a lander on the Moon's south pole in 2016-2017.

Last year, India surprised the world by successfully achieving Mars orbit at its first attempt. The US$74 million Mars Orbiter Mission was launched in 2013.

Russia, on the other hand, has been making space news for all the wrong reasons of late: in April, itlost control of an ISS-bound cargo capsule, and last week a Proton-M rocket burned up over Siberia a few minutes after lift-off, destroying Mexico's MexSat-1.

India to Russia: 'Sod you, Vlad, we're going to the moon ALONE' • The Register

Lol poor Russia. seems even India doesn't trusts Russia's rockets? o_O

Typical Russians.
So is India launching the moon rover probe next year or in 2022 Anthe article says?
Since the article mentions two different dates .

It seem India will go alone with Moon lander next year. Russians are an enigma. A good opportunity lost for Russia.

Lol poor Russia. seems even India doesn't trusts Russia's rockets? o_O

So is India launching the moon rover probe next year or in 2022 Anthe article says?
Since the article mentions two different dates .

Now India will go alone. The moon rover by India should be launched by late 2016 or early 2017. India have plans to send man into space next decade, so that takes precedence.
Lol poor Russia. seems even India doesn't trusts Russia's rockets? o_O

So is India launching the moon rover probe next year or in 2022 Anthe article says?
Since the article mentions two different dates .

I'm not sure about 2016, possibly 2017. It depends on ISRO's priorities, they conceived, planned and implemented the Mars mission in just under two years so the Moon mission should doable within 24 months.


Russia has too much on its plate

Economic issues ; military issues ; space is not a priority for Russian government

What will Russia gain by putting a lander on the moon

Russian Human resources are limited in number and they are best utilised in
creating better weapons
This is true of the situation right now but I am talking about the consistent attitude the Russians take specifically with India. Prior to their current economic situation they were still demanding more money and delaying the delivery of almost every single project/procurement India had with Russia (think about the Talwar class and Vikramditya sagas), or the. The IL-76,MiG-21,MiG-27, MiG-29 (B/UPG and K) and Su-30MKI are all plagued to one degree or another by the pathetic after-sales support of Russia. India had to talk the unprecedented step of looking beyond the OEM to third parties for spares for the IL-76- a simply monumental decision that showcases how badly let down the IAF has been by Russia.

And then they have the audacity to be outraged when India picks Western alternatives based on transparent and fair comparative trails looking at both cost and capability? Their monopoly is over and they can't seem to understand how to perform in a competitive environment.

Add to that the FGFA and MRTA projects are nowhere to be seen and the T-90 debacle and I would be against many further projects with the Russians.

It seem India will go alone with Moon lander next year. Russians are an enigma. A good opportunity lost for Russia.

Now India will go alone. The moon rover by India should be launched by late 2016 or early 2017. India have plans to send man into space next decade, so that takes precedence.

Isn't 2016 unfeasible? giving that for it to be possible, almost every system should be ready by now.
Let us get some facts right before bashing the Russians. They, till date, have one of the most advanced space expertise in the globe. In terms of manned exploration, better than the Americans.

The current exclusion was not something which India advised. The Russians had a failure with a demo probe. This resulted in them, themselves, saying the timeline to rectify and launch with Chandrayaan 2 seemed doubtful. This was agreed upon by ISRO in principle.This was sometime in 2012. The project was then handed over to IIT , Kanpur. I have no idea how we have progressed on this.

The Russian probe Luna -27, is not a single probe mission. The overall objective of the Russian program is the laying foundation of a robotic permanent presence on the moon. This is something which we can only dream of today. Not to mention really expensive. I do hope, we will work things out with the Russians and proceed to be a part of their project.

Edit : Luna 27 was replaced by something from SAC Ahmedabad and IIT Kanpur was given the rover.
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Isn't 2016 unfeasible? giving that for it to be possible, almost every system should be ready by now.

If I were running ISRO, I would have send this year itself :D

On a serious note, I really don't know. The original plan was to use the Indian rocket for both Russian lander and Indian rover. If Russians cannot send their lander before 2022, I guess there is a space for a lander inside the rocket and someone else has to fill the gap..may be US. I guess, the mission should not be delayed beyond 2017, as ISRO has lot of other things lined up.
Let us get some facts right before bashing the Russians. They, till date, have one of the most advanced space expertise in the globe. In terms of manned exploration, better than the Americans.

The current exclusion was not something which India advised. The Russians had a failure with a demo probe. This resulted in them, themselves, saying the timeline to rectify and launch with Chandrayaan 2 seemed doubtful. This was agreed upon by ISRO in principle.This was sometime in 2012. The project was then handed over to IIT , Kanpur. I have no idea how we have progressed on this.

The Russian probe Luna -27, is not a single probe mission. The overall objective of the Russian program is the laying foundation of a robotic permanent presence on the moon. This is something which we can only dream of today. Not to mention really expensive. I do hope, we will work things out with the Russians and proceed to be a part of their project.

Yeah Russians are ahead in terms of achievement
Who will forget Yuri Gragarin first man to fly into the space or spacedog Laika. Even theres considerable evidence out there that USAs appolo 11 moon landing might be a hoax.
Russia is not USSR. Russia is just a shadow of what was USSR.
That's what they don't understand bro. U. S. S R is a different entity from today's Russia. Though Russia inherited several legacies from the U. S. S. R
And while we are at it, we are going to be using an untested lander to deliver a rover. What we did last time was deliver an impact probe. This time soft landing. With a rover. I hope, we have used inputs from NASA, Roscosmos or ESA while developing the lander.

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