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Why I wear a Burqa: Burqa gives protection and respect

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It seems that some people for the sake of argument are willing to loose everything.What an ill twist of fate.
But you also have to give him props for actually sticking to a defeated argument. He trumps everyones reasoning by declaring that ALLAH has told him personally and that what he has told us is incorrect. Even after giving him every ayah proving that what he is saying is utter nonsense he still manages to repeat the exact same thing he did 5 days ago with no apology. Broken IBM.
I am not too much in to my religion, but there is a old saying that "What a man is for his first 25 years, he will be the same for the rest of his life. You can not change a persons attitude after 25 years of age"
I hope there is no hope in reasoning with people like Zarvan who bring in Allah for his defence and does not posses the reasoning ability to question why is it so?
Im sorry .. but thats the nature of "his" religion.
Mr what I have done is against Islam prove me through Quran or Hadees or I am allergic to ---------------- secondly covering face for women is order of Islam and I will keep telling it

---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 PM ----------

I think in Islam if a woman wears burqa she is rewarded by Allah, but it's not a standard requirement to be Muslim. The wearing of burqa all depends upon niyaat and if it is for the right reasons. I mean what about the sex workers you find at 2 in the morning in Lahore and Karachi, sporting a burqa?
its order of ALLAH and not doing is a sin

---------- Post added at 09:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 PM ----------


I like this. The Bible gets horribly taken out of context as well. We don't really have the equivalent of the Hadiths, however. Protestantism, especially, relies only on the Bible... no "bonus materials" are allowed.

---------- Post added at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 AM ----------

So YOU are the authority to interpret the words of Allah? How presumptuous. Since you have an "in" with God, can you explain why a perfect God who makes perfect bodies for Man and Woman, require one of them to be hidden?

That would be like covering a beautiful rose with a canvas tarp.
yes if you want to take it like that than be it Quran and hadees are clear but some Muslims want to call themselves Muslims but deny orders of Quran and hadees
Mr what I have done is against Islam prove me through Quran or Hadees or I am allergic to ---------------- secondly covering face for women is order of Islam and I will keep telling it

No it is not the order of Islam but your own. You read and understand how you want, I really can not spoon feed you logic, especially seeing the mental capability you actually have. and please go back a few pages ... ARTICLE UPON ARTICLE quoting the Quran about what is the necessary covering for women.

Covering face is the order of Islam if it wasn't I wouldn't have any problem but it is and I will keep telling it
Mr Asim Aquil first learn Arabic than read Surah Ahzab and secondly go read books of Hadees mainly hadees on clothing and every hadees books have whole section on clothing Mr you will find it their I am not clueless your problem is you want to deny Quran and don't want to follow it

Abey Surah Ahzab ki konsi ayat main Burkhay ka order hai? Konsay Hadith main burkhay ka order hai kuch likh ke toh doh.

Ayat number bhi toh doh

Hadith ko quote toh karo.

You are clueless because you have not read the Quran and some idiot Maulvi has told you its there and you're blindly believing it. Its not there, if it is then show me where it is. Its not there in Surah Ahzab.

---------- Post added at 12:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 AM ----------

Mr covering face is order of ALLAH not by Mullah so abusing this order you are not abusing any Mullah you are abusing GOD

---------- Post added at 08:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:09 PM ----------

covering face is the order of ALLAH

---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------

covering face is the order of ALLAH

No its his order just to you. You're some sort of new age self-proclaimed prophet, only you got this order. It's not there in the Quran.

Keep repeating it in the hope it becomes true. And say Surah Ahzab and all the Hadiths and all of Islam 3-4 times again :D

---------- Post added at 12:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 AM ----------

Mr those orders are from ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW that how women should dress up so before abusing Molvi think in reality who you are abusing and any hadees books al most all contains it do some research it will not kill you

They just ARE orders from Allah, what is the written text, Zarvan won't tell anyone :D Raaz ki baat hai.
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