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Why is military technology advancing very rapidly in China?

Priorities man! They cut off funding to develop industries and economy. Or else you would have been a large version of North Korea.

I am sure North Korea spends a hell lot of its money on military.

Well, North Korea cannot compare to PRC.

PRC has already achieved many things in the 1960s that today's North Korea can only dream about.
China finally has the resources and talent to pursue most technologies required for a strong military. In the past, nuclear scientists had to forage for food to supplement their diets, money was limited and confidence was low. Now its quite the opposite.

@Hu Songshan @Icarus @waz

This guy doesnt contribute anything to threads, he just goes around posting that he has reported people. If he has nothing to contribute he should just use the 'report' button instead of being a drama queen and making a useless post.
Well, North Korea cannot compare to PRC.

PRC has already achieved many things in the 1960s that today's North Korea can only dream about.

Because PRC was always larger. So if North Korea can find only 1 scientist, China will find 100 scientists despite being at similar stage.
I do like to add something here PLA had a major hand in achieving this too when I look at Indian Armed Forces (except navy) they automatically prefer imported weapons over domestic ones then be it an Assualt rifle or a jet I understand we have a hot front in West and can't delay on these matters but still no one can deny their Step Fatherly treatment Air force and Army have given too both Tejas and Arjun.

Plus Arms lobby is definitely stronger in India than China (LOL Russian are trying so hard to sell you guys Su35 for so long they would have done it if it was India.)

And not to mention the slow decision making in our case , China has much more efficient in quick decision making well I guess we have to give Communism credit here .

Well I personnel like J20 and Z10. :-)
It should be apparent to everyone that military technology is advancing very rapidly in China. The question is why? Over the last five years, the pace has quickened dramatically. I think there are five reasons.

1. China has a booming economy that provides plentiful resources.

Its a necessity and a pre-requisite to have the money obviously. Without it, nothing happens. But there is another thing that has worked in China's favor a LOT, and that is the technology and availability of it.

For example, if you see China really starting into the military R&D arena in the 90's and in 25 years, coming up so many weapons systems has to do with the availability of desktop based technologies. When the US and Russians started out, till really the 80's, in the US, outside of DARPA, Northrop, GD, Boeing and a couple of others, there weren't really anyone. So the US programs had to overcome things the hard way. Then mainframes came around, etc, etc.

Now, in today's time and age, starting from the 90's, technology became available on the desktops. Many graphical movies like the Lion King, which otherwise would require new super-computing capability to produce graphics, was actually developed on a network of high end Dell desktop computers with special hardware and much higher than average memory.

So when the Chinese kicked off the R&D stuff, the Desk Tops had become so powerful that it helped speed up and cut years from each project. I think the first stealth was a work of a decade of more in the US, just to get the design right. And now they compare the F-117 as having "obsolete" and "older tech" with over 40% more cost to build compared to the F-22. While the US and Russia have been at it since the 40's and really where manual work was to some degree faster than the computer. China however, benefited from the technology revolution and was able to use latest technology and equipment and apply it directly onto her programs.
Your spamming my alert box and other mods by constant tagging, report them only tag if it is a truly serious concern.

Spamming should be considered a banable offence alongside trolling and flamebaiting.

And yes, what that guy is doing is most definitely spamming the forum. He doesn't post anything relevant, but goes on every thread and spams.

If you allow one person to do it, others will start to do it and then you will have a serious problem where the entire forum will become a spam fest.

If he continues to spam just ban him permanently and block his IP address.
Spamming should be considered a banable offence alongside trolling and flamebaiting.
If he continues to spam just ban him permanently and block his IP address.

I agree 200%. I deal with Indians who do this in almost every other post and can never stop. I think the forum should adapt stricter rules and as soon as someone gets personal, starts flaming, or trolling, you report to them and that should result in an IP ban!
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