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Why does Pakistan have such a unique conspiracy culture?

Ever read a Pakistani newspaper? I remember my Nani used to only read urdu print newspapers and then ask me the craziest questions or say conspiracies as matter of fact. Seems sensationalist reporting passing as honest journalism is the main culprit.
The levers of power in Pakistan are nearly Byzantine, so it’s hard to decipher what is going on, for someone not constantly observing, much less do anything about it for those that are.

The newspaper industry, by and large, doesn’t have an interest in publishing the whole story, from both sides of view, they need to sell papers. Those that do, especially with good editorials, leave the reader with knowledge they can’t act upon. So it just becomes sadistic entertainment for the highly educated and middle classes.
Why are the conspiracy theories that go around in Pakistan so unique and unlike conspiracy theories in other countries? even for the standards of conspiracies in the Muslim world, Pakistan manages to defeat them in sheer insanity and irrationality. The kinds of conspiracies you see that go around in say Afghanistan or Bangladesh are nothing what like people believe in Pakistan. Whether it be that India is behind the TTP and created them, Israel , America, Afghanistan, India, Martians, etc. are in collusion to defame and make Pakistan and its people look bad on the world stage, terrorists in Pakistan are Hindus or Zionist Americans in disguise as a Pakistani and a Muslim can never be a terrorist, the attacks in Mumbai were staged by Hindus in a coordinated plot to defame and malign Pakistan's "good name" in the world community, India is behind terrorism in Afghanistan to defame Pakistan yada yada, India released water in Pakistan to flood it, Israel is jealous of Pakistan and wants it destroyed, Vaccines are a CIA plot, Hindu Baniyas are stealing the water and cutting off the electricity in Pakistan, you get the gist. But dare you suspect the ISI or the Military for being no good and in league with the same people or criticise Jinnah, you are a jealous Mossad/RAW ajjaint. How did Pakistan and its society get so embroiled in conspiracy insanity and utter irrationality?
Without commenting on individual cases, have you considered that the cases are actually true? Anglosaxons love to play two-side or multi-side ping-pong mind games.
Lawrence of arabia is one fine example.
Well the Pakistani boys learn from seeing their dadi and moms conspiring against each other. And then add the phuphis and khalas to the mix. The problem is exacerbated further when cousin marriages result in phuphi/khala and saas are the same. The result is you got a grand conspiracy sh!t show going under one roof.

Not a pretty sight, but you learn from the best. :rofl:

Sure sure blame the women.
India dabbles in different kinds of conspiracy theories - about narratives. BJP accuses left of having infested academia in the past, it accuses Congress of peddling fake liberal and secular values. Both of them, it accuses of being funded from outside. And we all know what others accuse BJP of. There is this nut case called Ajit Vadakayil. Visit his blog sometime. Your brain will not only fall out of your skull, it will turn into another creature.
I have one in my family too. 😀
The very sad reality of Pakistani‘s is that we do not want to take any accountability we just want to play a blame game half the time. And sadly the other half will take accountability but are then called names and are ridiculed. Great people great nation just backwards thinking all the way around
Pakistanis believe in many conspiracies so do Indians and Americans. You look at the literacy rate of these countries and you cannot say it is just the lack of education.
Its the culture of South Asia to make things up and not be able to say things as they are.

I have known many Iranians and in my view they are worst culprits when it comes to conspiracy theories. All of the ones I have met believe in illuminati stuff and 9-11 rumours.
illuminati free mason conspiracy
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