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What Happens To The Afghan Army Once American Forces Leave?

Pakistan should offer help in forming a new Afghan National Army.

Simultaneously the Hague should be moved as well as the OIC in bringing justice to Afghans by holding warlords for crimes against humanity.
Invade Afghanistan, after that korea-loving central asian nations
The Afgoon army will balkanize and disintegrate after the American withdrawal.
Some of the greatest German generals of WW2 often were in their late 30s or early 40s. These tended to be SS officers which had a system of promotion more on combat merit and less on bureaucratic procedures. One of the most celebrated SS divisions was the 12th SS-Panzer Division Hitlerjugend which was commanded by SS-Brigadefuhrer Kurt Mayer at age 33. A SS-Brigadefuhrer was equal to one star US Army general.

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Kurt Meyer was an SS commander and war criminal of Nazi Germany. He served in the Waffen-SS and participated in the Battle of France, Operation Barbarossa, and other engagements during World War II. Wikipedia
That was like 80 years back bro.
Promotions even in the British army didn't like take that long.
Some of the greatest German generals of WW2 often were in their late 30s or early 40s. These tended to be SS officers which had a system of promotion more on combat merit and less on bureaucratic procedures. One of the most celebrated SS divisions was the 12th SS-Panzer Division Hitlerjugend which was commanded by SS-Brigadefuhrer Kurt Mayer at age 33. A SS-Brigadefuhrer was equal to one star US Army general.

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Kurt Meyer was an SS commander and war criminal of Nazi Germany. He served in the Waffen-SS and participated in the Battle of France, Operation Barbarossa, and other engagements during World War II. Wikipedia
Waffen-SS was paramilitary and not part of the Wehrmacht
Waffen-SS was paramilitary and not part of the Wehrmacht
Yes, I know. It was the fighting arm of the SS. Some of the best fighting divisions and most feared units were Waffen-SS. In fact they often were the spearhead for major offensives.

That was like 80 years back bro.
Promotions even in the British army didn't like take that long.
British Army and regular German Wehrmacht followed standard military promotion system and most general staff officers would be plus 50. In fact many were 60 plus.
Central Asia will fall in line when Afghanistan gets itself in order.
Some says Afghan Pashtuns are lost tribes of Children of Israel.

Pakistan should send them back to their land by supplying them weapons to fight the russian jews who are occupying their land currently.
That is why the Americans are pleading for bases in Pakistan.
There is a limit to a stick
And carrot wont work now
A big carrot will upset indians which americans dont want

So it seems in 6 months we will see govt fall
Unless the taliban plays it foolishly and loose alot of man power unnecssary

So far they seem to be patient

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