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US cuts arms sales to Saudi Arabia

Whatever that means. Frankly, it doesn't concern me one tiny bit. I'm just amazed at the duplicity though.

You're doing a pretty good job of recognizing the government of Yemen by providing weapons to the Saudis who are bombing that country to bits and pieces.
Of course we do support the legitimate and internationally recognised government of Yemen, so does the U.N and the whole international community. So any action to reinstate and support the legitimate Yemeni government is legitimate. There is no war without collateral damage.the Houthis militias/rebel group should lay down their crude weapons/arms and and join the legitimate internationally recognised Yemeni government. Our position is clear. :)

UK rejects Houthi’s ‘national salvation’ government

UK’s Minister for the Middle East and Africa Tobias Ellwood has expressed his “concern” after the announcement that Houthi and Saleh forces have instated a government of “national salvation”.

“I am very concerned by the continued steps being taken by the Houthi and Saleh alliance,” Ellwood commented on the issue, which was referred to by his ministry as a “rival government to the legitimate government in Yemen.”

“The intention to unilaterally form a ‘Salvation Government’ is in direct defiance of the UN-facilitated peace process and undermines commitments made to finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict,” he added.


To your bold part above, "the need is the mother of invention". I think the UK, Germany and France will side with the US. This would be a horrific wake up call for the Saudi's in terms of not setting up their internal industry when they were riding the $$$$ horse with rich oil. Not their economy is hitting the shiit room fast and they don't have excessive billions they once did.

I can see the Saudi's starting to buy the J-10's, J-11's and the J-31's of the world. I don't think they'd get too close to Russia due to her support for Iran and Syria. I don't think they'll directly oppose them either. Just a silent, non-adversarial relationship. I think China will score them as a Customer and in turn, they will probably setup J-10C's manufacturing in house (as another tiered aircraft to support EFT's which will start to cut down on flying time to preserve more spares and combat ready jets). KSA would probably become a major customer for all advance Chinese tech and will build an internal industry to build their own weapons too. At the end of the day, they have serious experience with Western top end equipment, jets, tactics and all. It can't be too hard to invest and customize top end Chinese products to match the top end Western products. In fact, that might benefit the Chinese knowing they have advise and requirements from a customer using F-15SA, EFT, etc and many other systems.
Lool. What are you on about?
Saudi Arabia using/buying Chinese fighter jets? Lol.
If you say so genius. :enjoy:
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Are Saudis deliberately targetting civilians using expensive PGMs from F15s and EFs ? Or some innocent lives are lost because of other limitations, which even US plus Nato hasnt been able to achieve. PGMs cannot eliminate civilian losses but it atleast reduces them. If Saudis want to just kill civilians then they can easily use unguided munitions and other means, something which Assad in Syria does quite efficiently.


Could be they are trying to lower morale in Houthi areas of control, to reduce support for them. Targeting errors aren't very likely when they are using American intelligence.
The Saudis kill civilians even with PGMs.
Look who is talking about civilian killing your militias killed hundreds of thousands of civilian in syria you blame saudi for hundreds even your houthis killed maybe 10 times more civilian than saudi, stop playing the moral card
Could be they are trying to lower morale in Houthi areas of control, to reduce support for them. Targeting errors aren't very likely when they are using American intelligence.
I suspect it probably has just as much to do with the usual arab military incompetence as any policy of deliberate targeting of civilians and lets be honest the level of arab military incompetence in yemen is beyond breath taking,I mean the gulfies and co are so bad they actually make the saa look fairly competent
I suspect it probably has just as much to do with the usual arab military incompetence as any policy of deliberate targeting of civilians and lets be honest the level of arab military incompetence in yemen is beyond breath taking,I mean the gulfies and co are so bad they actually make the saa look fairly competent
The ssa are throwing barrels from the sky, if saudi did the same the houthis would be gone by now, in syria iranians and iraki afgani and lebanese militia are doing the job not ssa and they don't care about civilians saudi should do the same if it means winning the war like you said.yeah just level saada and sanaa to the ground using cheap barrel bombs or intense shelling too months they will all surrender the pussy way i meant the assad way.
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Yemen conflict: US cuts arms sales to Saudi Arabia
Image copyrightREUTERS
Image captionSaudi Arabia joined the war on the side of President Hadi in March 2015
The US has said it will limit arms sales to Saudi Arabia amid concerns over civilian casualties linked to air strikes in Yemen.

Precision-guided weapons will no longer be delivered, a Pentagon official said.

President Barack Obama's administration said it was concerned over "flaws" in the way air strikes are targeted in Yemen.

In October, more than 140 people were killed in a strike on a funeral in the country.

A Saudi-led coalition, which is attempting to support the elected government against Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, was blamed for the attack.

White House National Security Council spokesman Ned Price later warned Saudi Arabia that US security co-operation was "not a blank cheque".

But while some sales are being scaled back, the US said it will continue to provide Saudi Arabia with intelligence focused on border security.

It will also provide training for pilots involved in the Saudi-led air campaign, to avoid civilian casualties wherever possible, the official said.

Other contracts are expected to go ahead such as a deal worth more than $3bn (£2.4bn) to supply military helicopters.

The Saudi-led coalition is fighting the Houthi rebel movement in Yemen.

Thousands of civilians have been killed and nearly three million people have been displaced in the country, one of the region's poorest, since the war began in 2014.

The Houthis took the capital Sanaa, forcing Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi's government to flee. Some ministers have since returned to the city of Aden.

Saudi Arabia has denied causing large-scale civilian deaths, saying it is making every effort to avoid hitting civilian targets.


The Saudis should think about diversifying their arsenal the US just made their fleet sitting ducks...
If you read the text carefully,all deals go ahead.
The US cant afford or risk losing the GCC as a client,if the Sauis dont buy,the rest of the GCC doesnt either.
I suspect it probably has just as much to do with the usual arab military incompetence as any policy of deliberate targeting of civilians and lets be honest the level of arab military incompetence in yemen is beyond breath taking,I mean the gulfies and co are so bad they actually make the saa look fairly competent
Why don't you get there and show your competence in warfare..the Yemeni rebels field one million armed militia and took control of some parts of the army and most its weapons..remember, the US tried there before SA and couldn't do anything, tried to play the cards to its advantage, but SA jumped in because its own interests were jeopardized nd the US didn't care much.. The US and the Soviet Union before them tried to fight a similar insurgy in a similar mountainous landscape and they failed after killing hundreds of thousands of civilians!

This is the guidance kit that is strapped to any conventional dumb bomb..Saudis can get it from many different sources
.the Yemeni rebels field one million armed militia and took control of some parts of the army and most its weapons

Arab armies aren't bad because of anything to do with ethnicity. Its because their management and motivation is often horrible. Soldiers aren't motivated for the fight and don't believe in their cause, especially when they are, as in KSA's case, conscripts fighting a war in a different country which didn't attack them. For Syria the fear of losing against ISIS and being killed in some horrible way is what made them lose so much territory, as in Iraq. The issue with the management is that often high ranking officers are appointed because of loyalty or friendship rather than actual meritocracy.

Thats why highly motivated armies like the Houthis have been able to do what they did. Their fighters believe in their cause, and there is no money or royalty in the organisation so they can have officers based on their competence rather than who they are in favour with.

With Hezbollah, they are highly motivated, well trained, well equipped and well led, which is why they have been so effective against both the Israelis and in Syria.
White House reportedly blocks Saudi PGM sale
Jeremy Binnie, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
15 December 2016
The White House has declined to confirm reports that it has blocked the sale of bomb guidance kits to Saudi Arabia.

The New York Times on 13 December cited administration officials as saying that the White House had decided to block the sale by Raytheon of about 16,000 guided munition kits to Saudi Arabia due to concerns about civilian casualties in the Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen.

It added that other arms sales have not been blocked and the United States will continue to refuel Saudi-led coalition aircraft involved in the campaign and provide more intelligence on the Yemeni border.
Saudi regime will have the same destiny as saddam.

Americans will go for them soon.
Why don't you get there and show your competence in warfare..the Yemeni rebels field one million armed militia and took control of some parts of the army and most its weapons..remember, the US tried there before SA and couldn't do anything, tried to play the cards to its advantage, but SA jumped in because its own interests were jeopardized nd the US didn't care much.. The US and the Soviet Union before them tried to fight a similar insurgy in a similar mountainous landscape and they failed after killing hundreds of thousands of civilians!

This is the guidance kit that is strapped to any conventional dumb bomb..Saudis can get it from many different sources
I`m sorry if you find the truth unpleasant but the sad fact of the matter is,and this is fact not just one persons opinion,that the arab armies of recent history have performed at best barely competently and at worst utterly abysmally and yemen is no different sadly tho one would`ve thought that the gulfies would have had enough memory to remember what happened to the Egyptians when they rather foolishly got involved there ,the one exception here would probably have been hezbollah in 2006.

Arab armies aren't bad because of anything to do with ethnicity. Its because their management and motivation is often horrible. Soldiers aren't motivated for the fight and don't believe in their cause, especially when they are, as in KSA's case, conscripts fighting a war in a different country which didn't attack them. For Syria the fear of losing against ISIS and being killed in some horrible way is what made them lose so much territory, as in Iraq. The issue with the management is that often high ranking officers are appointed because of loyalty or friendship rather than actual meritocracy.

Thats why highly motivated armies like the Houthis have been able to do what they did. Their fighters believe in their cause, and there is no money or royalty in the organisation so they can have officers based on their competence rather than who they are in favour with.

With Hezbollah, they are highly motivated, well trained, well equipped and well led, which is why they have been so effective against both the Israelis and in Syria.
Exactly,well said sir.
I`m sorry if you find the truth unpleasant but the sad fact of the matter is,and this is fact not just one persons opinion,that the arab armies of recent history have performed at best barely competently and at worst utterly abysmally and yemen is no different sadly tho one would`ve thought that the gulfies would have had enough memory to remember what happened to the Egyptians when they rather foolishly got involved there ,the one exception here would probably have been hezbollah in 2006.

Exactly,well said sir.
That is your opinion, and you are entitled to it..you forgot the main event that had changed everything, which was 1973 war, I suggest your read comprehensively about it.. it will change your opinion.. and do not ever forget, that before, during and after 1973, they were fighting hidden hands, be it British and French or US.. now try to stay on topic
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