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Unsecured Islands Around Mumbai : Security threat ?


Aug 14, 2013
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Mumbai being economic capital of India remains central to its strategic calculus . Mumbai alone accounts for more than 25% of India's national GDP . The economic importance of Mumbai can be underlined by the fact that revenue generated by Mumbai exceeds the combined revenue of cities of Delhi , Calcutta , Hyderabad and Bangalore !

It is there fore not surprising that Mumbai besides national capital is only other city to be chosen for missile shield .

It's strategic importance is also heightened by the fact that it is located at mere 800 km away from Pakistani port of Karachi . Mumbai is thus within target range of Pakistani missiles . The time taken for any such missile to reach mumbai is shorter than most of the self responding Anti Ballistic Missile systems !

Mumbai is one of the most densely populated city with current population of more than 25 million inhabitants . Presence of BARC as well as Tarapur Atomic power station adds to strategic importance of Mumbai .

Huge naval presence adds another strategic dimension to security of Mumbai.

Mumbai also houses some of the biggest personalities , businessman of India .
Concentration of several institutions of immense national importance make Mumbai a very attractive target .
In this sense in any overt of covert military operation against India Mumbai will be most sought after soft target . Aerial and naval threats to Mumbai abound in many ways .
this was revealed very well by the Project Karachi that culminated in 26-11 attacks.

Role of trafficking of arms ,drugs from Pakistan to Mumbai by sea route in 1992 bomb blasts is also well established .

Presence of Bombay high refinery and Panna Mukta oilfields makes the situation all the more worse .

Mumbai is Crown jewel among all cities in India ...strategic incentives to attack very heartland of India are immense . Given our lukewarm response to Mumbai 26-11 attacks , another 26-11 style attacks by sea route is stark possibility .

It is therefore matter of grave concern that there are several smaller , biggers islands strewn all around Mumbai in Arabian sea ....some of which are inhabitated .....some inhabited by fishermans , villagers may be unsecured and can be utilized as launch pads to initiate wide scale attacks on important installations .

following are the list of some of the islands surrounding Mumbai . Many of which are unsecured !

Cross island

Gull Island

Jhow Island

Uttan Vashi

Ambu Island

Poshpir Island

Outer Islet

Green Islet

Mehti Khada

Sinoy Hill

This list excludes some of the well inhabitated islands , well known and developed islands like Manory island , Nhava sheva island , elephant islanda , Oyster rock,Butcher Island,Sun rock or Navy occupied islands like middle gound , Kranaje or tourist places like Arnala Island , Madh Island .

I am not sure as to how the above mentioned islands can be monitored or secured as most of them lack ant security presence .

Is Mumbai harbor and its surrounding islands , islets have been secured enough even if it has umbrella of ABM defense ?

Rather than overt military attack it is covert operation like 26-11 that is more likely ....

Question is whether Mumbai is well prepared to face such eventuality despite hard lesson it learnt during 26-11 attacks ?




In Arabian sea India has group of 36 archipelagos which are contiguous with Maldives .....

Of these 36 only 5 are inhabited ......

They are strategically significance to keep watch over sprawling Arabian sea ....

Given the fact that it has nautical contiguity with Maldives which itself has progressively emerged as terrorism Launchpad ....

These uninhabited islands are also at risk of being used for anti national activities ...

although off topic I am still posting following article related to Lakshadweep here for information .

Lakshadweep: All quiet on India's secret islands - Asia - Travel - The Independent
The Fundamentalist Challenge : Expansion in the Western Indian Ocean
May 31 2011 9:31:22:117PM

The growing collaboration between pirates of Somalia and the fundamentalists and their surrogates in the western Indian Ocean pose a threat not only to the commercial Sea Lanes but also to the Islands in this region which have sizeable prospects as recruiting base for al-Qaeda and its associates operating from Pakistan. Hijacking ships are no longer just isolated incidents in the vicinity of the Lakshadweep Islands, where several acts of piracy and attempts to influence the local population by fundamentalist groups have been witnessed for quite some time. In early December, the Indian Navy apprehended a dhow with foreigners including 15 Pakistani nationals off Bitra Islands in the Lakshadweep archipelago.
The vulnerability of the Indian coastal areas and Islands to the activities of AL-Qaeda became apparent following the Mumbai attack in November 2008 and now it is well known that the Lashkar-e-Tyabba (LeT) has been making forays to establish bases here as a convenient springboard for furthering their influence and launching attacks on the Indian mainland. The increasing infiltration of fundamentalist forces has added a new dangerous dimension to the threat to the entire western ocean region. The area of al-Qaeda’s expansion in the Minicoy Island in close vicinity of the Maldives is causing concern to the Indian security establishment.

The strategic importance and location of the Lakshadweep Islands, situated about 200-400 km away from the state of Kerala in the western Indian Ocean is apparent, the archipelago comprises 36 islands with a total area of only 32 sq. km. and these islands cover almost 20,000 sq. km. of India’s territorial waters, approximately 400,000 sq. km. of EEZ. Of the 36 islands only ten are inhabited. According to the 2001 census, Lakshadweep has a population of 60,000 persons, 93 per cent of whom are indigenous, a majority of Sunni Muslims, prone to Wahabi influences. In the Lakshadweep archipelago out of 36 islands only ten are inhabited, it provides ample space for establishment of hidden bases of the terrorist groups. Proximity of Lakshadweep to Sri Lanka and Maldives, and busy shipping lanes, wide geographical spread, and a predominantly Muslim population all make the archipelago attractive to al-Qaeda and Pakistan based terrorist groups.

The fact that these islands could be used as safe havens or platforms for launching attacks by non-state actors cannot be denied. Somali pirates are gradually expanding their area of operations from the Somali coast to the coasts of Mauritius, Seychelles and Maldives and the incessant efforts of jihadis to establish bases in the island nations of the Indian Ocean can aggravated the danger of fundamentalists expansion in this region situation.


Pakistan has been a permanent base for growth of fundamentalist ideas but now it is a victim of Islamic fundamentalist of various hues, and its moderate society is fighting a losing battle against it. Pakistan government makes frequent statements about its fight against terror refuting the views that Pakistan is sponsoring or encouraging terrorist groups whose agenda is to launch attacks on India, US-NATO forces in Afghanistan, selected European countries and the American main land. The fact is that although Pakistan is trying to combat domestic terrorism but it is also providing facilities for training international terrorists. Although a very large segment of Pakistan society wants to dispel terrorism of all varieties from its soil but it has not been able to assert itself or foster moderate ideas because of stranglehold of powerful armed religious groups over the majority of Pakistani population and Pakistani politics. The most powerful among such groups is of course the Pakistan army followed by religious fundamentalist groups of several varieties, both these groups work in close cooperation with each other to corner national wealth and dominate the decision making process in Pakistan. Although both have landed their country in an economic and political mess but given Pakistan’s India phobia and the bogey of ‘Islam in danger’ these powerful groups will continue to dominate Pakistan’s domestic and foreign policies in the foreseeable future.

Having been caught flatfooted by the international community as a supporter of international terrorism Pakistan army and its collaborators have changed their tactics and have scattered their base areas to many parts of the globe while remaining mentors and supporters, they, however, pass on the blame to Al-Qaeda which is now defunct for all practical purpose and it is a name to throw the counter-terrorist forces off the course. West Asia led by a bleeding Iraq along with Yemen is now emerging a new powerful base for fundamentalist organizations. It is indeed now a clash of ideologies that is not going to fade away, the latest terrorist attack by a man from Stockholm who spent some time in West Asia who was found to be responsible for the multiple blasts in central Stockholm in Dec 2010, that also killed the bomber brought this trend right in the open .Ten minutes before the first explosion, Swedish news agency TT received an e-mail from an individual, addressed to the Swedish Security Service (SAPO), which warned of the impending attacks. In this e-mail, the suicide bomber claimed he was carrying an act of jihad.

This suicide attack also made it quite evident t at the ****** threats issued from time to time are no empty threats, the email called on other jihadists in Sweden and Europe to come forward to attack the infidels to take revenge for the Sweden’s role in the war in Afghanistan, and the Sweden’s silence over the Prophet Mohammed caricatures published by Swedish artist Lars Vilks.3 The lenient asylum laws and relatively open immigration policies of Sweden, in comparison with other European states, makes Sweden an easier target the other European countries prominent among them being Germany, France, are also under ****** threat. Perhaps it is one of the few bomb attacks where no one groomed trained in Pakistan, was involved showing the establishment of new base of ****** groups nearer Europe
Posting herewith related news ...for benefit od readers so can I have access to related news on single page .

Indian Navy gets new base in Lakshadweep

Kavaratti: To augment the security infrastructure at the strategically important Lakshadweep Islands, a naval base of the Indian Navy was commissioned at Kavaratti today.

INS Dweeprakshak, the latest naval base was commissioned by Vice Admiral KN Sushil, Flag Officer Commanding in Chief Southern Naval Command.

A firmer footing in the islands, which spreads out to some of the busiest shipping lanes of the world, would provide the necessary wherewithal to the Indian Navy to discharge its responsibilities suitably.

Indian naval warships on patrol would now extend their reach farther with base support from INS Dweeprakshak. Vice Admiral Sushil noted that the commissioning of a full-fledged naval base was another milestone in the commitment of the Indian Navy to maintain effective coastal surveillance and defence capability.

He also complimented the crew of the INS Dweeprakshak and exhorted them to do their utmost in the discharge of their responsibilities.

INS Dweeprakshak, the latest Naval Base of Indian Navy was commissioned at Kavaratti in the Lakshadweep archipelago today by Vice Admiral KN Sushil, Flag Officer Commanding in Chief Southern Naval Command.

Indian Navy has been operating a detachment at Kavaratti since early eighties. With the commissioning of INS Dweeprakshak, the island territories would see calibrated strengthening of assets in step with their growing relevance to the security calculus of the nation.

Lakshadweep is the tiniest Union Territory of India and is its only coral island chain. This archipelago consists of 36 islands, 12 atolls, 3 reefs and 5 submerged banks. The islands have a total area of 32 sq.kms and the lagoons enclosed by the atolls cover an area of 4200 sq.kms.

Its territorial waters extend to 20,000 sq.kms and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to 4,00,000 sq.kms. Only 10 of these islands namely, Agatti, Amini, Andrott, Bitra, Chetlat, Kadmat, Kalpeni, Kavaratti, Kiltan and Minicoy are inhabited.
Interesting Share , Thank you !!

worst thing is that despite the ill fated 26/11 , we have not learned our lessons !

some of these island can be actually developed to generate great tourist attractions .

I am quite surprised Indian nay refused island so that INS Vikrant could have been converted into island !

I do not understand why one of these islands which are anyway un occupied can't be used towards thus purpose .

and if these islands are strategically useful then why Indian navy is not occupying them ..???

any other government would have fully utilized economical or strategic potential of these islands .... !!!
Wow man! You've just given a wealth of information to the ISI and their terrorist yahoos like the LeT!!

Bad boy! :pissed: :nono:

Cross island
Photo taken in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
18° 56' 52.43" N 72° 51' 6.33" E
worst thing is that despite the ill fated 26/11 , we have not learned our lessons !

some of these island can be actually developed to generate great tourist attractions .

I am quite surprised Indian nay refused island so that INS Vikrant could have been converted into island !

I do not understand why one of these islands which are anyway un occupied can't be used towards thus purpose .

and if these islands are strategically useful then why Indian navy is not occupying them ..???

any other government would have fully utilized economical or strategic potential of these islands .... !!!

Fully agreed . Though it has a very small Land area( reason for not using it most likely) It can be next Big thing to Happen to Tourism in India . ONly problem is alcohol is not allowed in Lakshdweep except on bangaram Islands .




Wow man! You've just given a wealth of information to the ISI and their terrorist yahoos like the LeT!!

Bad boy! :pissed: :nono:

This is not something top secret information.

this is available on internet . anybody who can use internet can get held of it .

ISI people are not stupid to depend on me for such kind of information !!!

I am trying to wake up our stupid establishment ....

If ISI reads this then RAW will read this too !!!
This is not something top secret information.

this is available on internet . anybody who can use internet can get held of it .

ISI people are not stupid to depend on me for such kind of information !!!

I am trying to wake up our stupid establishment ....

If ISI reads this then RAW will read this too !!!

Neither ISI nor RAw can do Anything . YOu do realize how faar mumbai is from Lakshdweep ??

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