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Understanding the Taliban-


Dec 26, 2010
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United States
Many people disregard the Taliban, and do not regard them as representatives of Afghanistan. However, the Taliban are an important group within Afghanistan, and without them there will be no solution in Afghanistan.

I know this interview is old, but it reflects upon the current situation within Afghanistan today. Please watch and comment on the points made within the interview.

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Points made:

-Pakistan, although friendly does not dictate the Taliban

-Drugs and opium trade in the world were reduced due to the Taliban

-US abandoned Afghanistan after Soviet War

-Bamiyan Bhuddist statues were destroyed in protest of the starving children of Afghanistan

*also many other points
The speaker from my University says that Bin laden did not come to Afghanistan under the protection of the Taliban.

Bin laden actually arrived in Jalalabad under the protection of Massud and the Northern alliance, which was backed by Russia and India. :woot:
-Bamiyan Bhuddist statues were destroyed in protest of the starving children of Afghanistan
destroying historical monuments to show their protest...bs
are they buying arms and ammunition on credit basis or they wanna feed their starving children with gunpowder?
pity that buying bazookas and suicide vest is lot more easier that buying food for their starving children:disagree:
The speaker from my University says that Bin laden did not come to Afghanistan under the protection of the Taliban.

Bin laden actually arrived in Jalalabad under the protection of Massud and the Northern alliance, which was backed by Russia and India. :woot:

And you say we believe in conspiracy theories often, talk about double standards this is nothing BS and you know it.
i like afghan taliban ..the great mujhahid but not TTP or american made ........
Buddy you guys have your Taliban as well, we understand them too :)
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