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Ukrainian Oplot-M main battle tank creates a sensation at IDEAS 2016


Apr 28, 2011
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The State Concern “UkrOboronProm”(UOP) showcased latest developments at the International Defence Exhibition and Seminar-2016 (IDEAS 2016) in Pakistan.

At IDEAS 2016 expo the Ukrainian State Concern represented a model of improved Oplot-M main battle tank. The model of Ukrainian Oplot-M main battle tank has attracted the attention of visitors to the exhibition and foreign military delegations.

The model of improved Oplot-M main battle tank was represented to Pakistan; the parties discussed the possibility of its future delivery to the Army of Pakistan. Ukraine-Pakistani defence ties started in the 1990s. Pakistan’s most high-profile purchases to date have been in the realm of armour, mainly main battle tanks (MBT) such as the T-80UD and diesel engines for use on the MBT designs being produced at Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT). Besides an acquisition of four IL-78 Midas multi-role tanker-transport (MRTT) aircraft, there has not been any additional activity.

Also, many foreign military delegations came to the Ukrainian State company’s area at the exhibition and watched the model of latest Ukranian tank. The delegations from the Middle East, North Africa and Asia has shown interest in acquiring the latest Ukrainian Oplot-M main battle tank.

The Oplot-M is a new export version of Ukrainian main battle tank . Main Battle Tank “Oplot” is a tracked combat vehicle of high firepower, reliable protection and high mobility. The tank is intended to destroy all ground-based (surface) and low-flying at low speed air targets in condition of enemy countermeasures. “Oplot” can perform a wide range of combat tasks under various weather, meteorology and road conditions, under ambient temperature, ranging from -40 up to +55 °С, relative atmospheric humidity 98%. The vehicle can operate under the temperature 25 °С and altitude of 3000 m, air dustiness encountered in actual operation.

The Oplot main battle tank is developed by SE “Kharkiv Morozov Machne-Building Design Bureau” and adopted by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Oplot-M Main Battle Tanks Live Firing & Field Testing For Thailand




"Pockets" for ERA in BM Oplot turret.


Base turret

how thick is the base turret

Oplot-M offer nothing new if the features of Al-Khalid not exaggerated.
Oplot-M offer nothing new if the features of Al-Khalid not exaggerated.
the problem is Pakistan needs to replace atleast a 1000 tanks within the next decade and with 50-60/year production of AKs that not possible
Oplot-M offer nothing new if the features of Al-Khalid not exaggerated.
Some how, I doubt that. For example, I can see Oplot-M has 2-layer ERA (Duplet) while Al-Khalid has single layer. And that is just looking at the turret, and not yet at the hull (sides, notable: multilayer ERA there too, versus no ERA)
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The oplot tank has some new features like the separate ammunition compartment with blowout panels for the maximum safety of the operating crew in case it gets a hit
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