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U.S. says 2014 troop pullout is on track in Afghanistan


Feb 11, 2012
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Senior Obama administration officials, faced with stepped-up enemy attacks in Kabul and war weariness at home, pledged a long-term commitment to Afghanistan on Wednesday and said their strategy to end the U.S. combat role by the end of 2014 remains on track.

Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton took part Wednesday in the last high-level meeting of the NATO allies before a key summit next month in Chicago that administration officials hope will finalize the United States’ and NATO’s relationship with Afghanistan after 2014. A critical part of that partnership is a commitment by Washington and its allies to fund the cash-strapped Afghan government’s security forces.

The United States and its allies have generally agreed to spend about $4.1 billion a year on Afghan army and police forces after combat operations end in late 2014.

U.S. says 2014 troop pullout is on track in Afghanistan - The Washington Post

This is huge considering some here entertaining thoughts that Taliban will take over Afghanistan after U.S withdraws. The $4.1 billion defence budget is a significant spend.

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