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Ted Cruz Says the Next President Have Two Choices: Allow Iran to Get Nukes, or Send in the Military!


Apr 29, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Jul. 23, 2015 4:14pm

If Congress doesn’t kill the Iran nuclear deal, the next president will have two choices, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said after attending a rally in front of the White House opposed to the deal.

“Any commander in chief worth his salt should be prepared on the first day of his presidency to repudiate this disastrous deal,” Cruz told TheBlaze Thursday. “The next president in all likelihood will enter the Oval Office and be informed that he or she has one of two choices: Either acquiesce in allowing Iran to acquire nuclear weapons because Iran is likely to be on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons due to President Obama’s catastrophic nuclear deal; or two, use direct military force to prevent that from happening.”

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz debates the Iran nuclear deal with Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin during a rally in Lafayette Square, July 23, 2015 in Washington. The rally, organized by Concerned Women for America, was held to protest the recent nuclear deal reached between the United States and Iran but was interrupted by protesters from Code Pink who support the deal. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

The 2016 Republican presidential candidate called on a crowd at Lafayette Square, across the street from the White House, to light up the phone lines of members of Congress to get a veto-proof majority to vote down the deal.

“Front and center in 2016 is going to be a discussion about how we protect this nation,” Cruz said. “It is going to be a major issue, in the 2016 campaign in the primary, and in the general election as well, and Hillary Clinton will have the opportunity to explain to the American people why she is OK with a nuclear Iran. I think it poses an existential threat to Israel and an enormous threat to the United States of America.”

Concerned Women for America organized the rally, which included several speakers, including Cruz. White House press secretary Josh Earnest referred to the event as a “pro-war rally.”

“All opponents of the deal will have the opportunity to explain why they would oppose the best way for us to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and that is through diplomacy,” Earnest told reporters.

A contingent from the anti-war group Code Pink sought to crash the rally and shout down Cruz.

The Code Pink chants of “war monger, war monger” were mostly drowned out by shouts of “We want Ted.” But the sign-waving crowds on both sides were surprised when Cruz invited one someone from the group to speak. “You want to yell and scream, come forward,” Cruz said. Watch the full exchange here.

The event turned into a point-counterpoint at the microphone between the 2016 presidential candidate and Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin, who said “it is absolutely false” that Iran wants to develop a nuclear weapon. Benjamin added, “We are surrounded by zealots here who would rather have war in the Middle East.”

Cruz answered each of her questions, and neither convinced the other. But the shouting settled.

“I don’t want peace at the price of millions of Americans,” Cruz said.

Asked about his motivation for getting into a debate with Code Pink, Cruz told TheBlaze he believes in the First Amendment.

“I think it is unfortunate when you see protesters try to shout down speech, I don’t think that is an appropriate way to persuade you’re fellow citizens,” Cruz said. “They have passionate views and I was willing to engage with them and discuss it on the merits, and I hope some of the discussion caused them to reconsider facts that they believed in were not accurate.”

Much of the rally was based on why the United States did not seek the release of four Americans held in Iran. Though that was not part of the deal, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have repeatedly said they are doing everything they can to get the prisoners free.

Asked if he believes that, Cruz told TheBlaze “no.”

“Actions speak louder than words,” Cruz said. “The president can’t bring himself to utter their names. When the president announced this deal, nowhere in his remarks were found the words Pastor Saeed Abedini, Amir Hekmati, Jason Rezaian, Robert Levinson. If he will not speak their names, it is of no surprise that they have not been released.”

Ted Cruz Says the Next President Will Have Two Choices: Allow Iran to Get Nukes, or Send in the Military | Video | TheBlaze.com
Na .... that coming President will have one more option available 'Drag Iran into a war with any of its Middle eastern neighbour'; I am really afraid of this scenario it is the only possible way with which they can demolish this positive development.
I'm ok with it ,as long they don't bomb the tombs and Imam Bargah's.
Serious question : how do these people get senators ? voted in ? does that tell something about the IQ and mindset of the Americans ?
They are voted in. In order to understand why they are acting like this, you need to know that advertisement is a very big part of the campaign that may not define who wins but without it, you won't stand a chance to even get noticed by public. I'm talking about millions of dollars for each person and unfortunately in US, there are no restrictions on how much financial aid the contenders can get from the public, so whoever gets the biggest money, has bigger chance to win the campaign.

That's where big companies and Israel lobby come in. The candidates need to talk like this to get more support from the Israel lobby and Weapon manufacturing companies. Even big oil companies would prefer a messed up Middle East to a calm one to have higher oil prices.

So it has more to do with money than IQ.
These Republicans are mostly idiots except Ron Paul! I hope Trump breaks their vote as an independent!
Yeah and we were the first ones to recognize you after your revolution. And you brutally killed thousands who resisted you and you pumped violent sectarianism into our country. And supported an enemy of ours.
Iran was the first country who recognized u and u say I'm ok with bombing Iran!

You guys deserve to be isolated from Iran, India, China and Afghanistan.
Let it go body. These kinds of tough talks, as I mentioned above, are for more economic gain. Bosh with all his insanity was sane enough not to invade Iran. I'm sure nobody else will do it either.

But as long as this kind of rhetoric can buy you more votes and even more arms sales to countries around Persian Gulf, then why not?

Our friend here can remain hoping until "zire pash alaf sabz she!"

Yeah and we were the first ones to recognize you after your revolution. And you brutally killed thousands who resisted you and you pumped violent sectarianism into our country. And supported an enemy of ours.
You are taking this thread off topic my friend.
The guy is never going to be President.
Jeb Bush is the favorite to be the Republican nominee !
USA loaded with blood debt and dead solders still these guys never learn a lesson from past a new war means end of US economy
Yeah and we were the first ones to recognize you after your revolution. And you brutally killed thousands who resisted you and you pumped violent sectarianism into our country. And supported an enemy of ours.

Don't you see we have always supported Arab Sunnis. Why should we support sectarianism in your country and support your enemy! India has much more trading with Arab countries rather than Iran. These are all bullshits that wahhbis put in your mind to hate Iran.
Fitnah is worse than murdering why should Iran support sectarianism in your country!!!!!!!!!

Many of you Pakistanis that hate Iran on internet are good persons but you are emotional and lies have brainwashed you.
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