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Taliban 'seize provincial HQ' in Afghan city of Kunduz

The US military has launched an airstrike to aid Afghan government forces in a counteroffensive against Taliban fighters who have captured large parts of Kunduz, a strategic provincial capital in the country’s north.

“The Taliban are being pushed back. In a few hours the city will be free from their hands,” claimed Dowlat Waziri, deputy spokesman for the defence ministry. He said the army had sent reinforcements from neighbouring Kabul and Balkh provinces, including special forces.

US strike targets Taliban as Afghan troops mount Kunduz counterattack | World news | The Guardian
Kunduz does sit on many ethnic fault lines though
The most distrubing things is that most of militants have no strict beard which Taliban impose and they are talking in Dari and you know Talis are Pashtun Dominated.

Kunduz does sit on many ethnic fault lines though
The most disturbing things is that most of militants have no strict beard which Taliban impose and they are talking in Dari and you know Talis are Pashtun Dominated.
The most distrubing things is that most of militants have no strict beard which Taliban impose and they are talking in Dari and you know Talis are Pashtun Dominated.

The most disturbing things is that most of militants have no strict beard which Taliban impose and they are talking in Dari and you know Talis are Pashtun Dominated.

mmmm, very strange.
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