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Taliban assault Afghanistan's Kunduz city from three directions


Jul 10, 2013
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Taliban assault Afghanistan's Kunduz city from three directions
  • 2 hours ago
  • From the section Asia

Hundreds of Taliban fighters have launched an attack on the strategic northern Afghan city of Kunduz.

Militants are attacking from several directions and are reported to have briefly entered a hospital. There are casualties on both sides, police say.

Kunduz province has seen a number of attacks since April, with the Taliban joining forces with other insurgents.

The assault comes a day after a bomb attack on a sports match in the eastern Paktika province killed nine people.

Monday's attack in Kunduz appears to be one of the most significant mounted on a provincial capital by the Taliban, correspondents say.

Kunduz is symbolically significant to the Taliban as it was their former northern stronghold before their government was overthrown in 2001.

'Fighter selfies'
The Taliban say they have entered a hospital in Kunduz, however local media reports say that they only stayed briefly.

Pictures on social media appeared to show fighters taking selfies inside the hospital.


Kunduz police spokesman Sayed Sarwar Hussaini told Reuters news agency: "Heavy fighting is ongoing in Khanabad, Chardara and at Imam Sahed, the main entrances to the city. We have enough forces and will drive them out."

He said that 20 militants had died in the clashes, with an unconfirmed number of casualties in the Afghan security forces.

Kunduz province contains major roads that connect central and northern Afghanistan, including a road to the capital Kabul.

Correspondents say it also supplies half of Afghanistan's rice crop.

Militant violence has increased across Afghanistan since the departure of most US and Nato forces last year.

On Sunday, a bomb attack on a sports ground in Paktika left nine dead and dozens injured. No group has said it carried out that attack.

Also on Sunday, 300 fighters allied to the so-called Islamic State attacked checkpoints in Nangarhar.

Two policemen were reported killed in the assault, while local officials said 60 militants were killed.

They have captured city of Konduz and raised flag in central city square.
Horrible. Just horrible. But I guess its time to celebrate for our Pakistani friends here.
It serves no purpose for us but I'm sure you people would swing from trees if they took over some Pakistani city.
Of course it does. Pakistan is the primary backer and sanctuary of Taliban. Taliban's victories are Pakistani victories.
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Of course it does. Pakistan is the primary backer and sanctuary of Taliban. Taliban's victories are Pakistani victory.
So u mean mullah umer is pakistani.
Mullah mansoor is also a pakistani.
And so are the rest of taliban. Even the whole TTP leadership, including TTP chief and all top leaders are in afghanistan.

Keep on crying kids.
I am not too sure.. The last reign of Taliban in Afghanistan has brought Pakistan where it stands today. I am pretty sure the sane members don't want a redux
There was a total of 1 suicide bomb before 9/11 in Pakistan.
you guys start barking pakistan while pakistan has nothing to do with capture of kondooz . please stick on topic for indians climate change - red moon - green house gases and modi's Impotence all is because of pakistan
Of course it does. Pakistan is the primary backer and sanctuary of Taliban. Taliban's victories are Pakistani victories.

Lol , What rock have you been living under. Go look at a map sonny, kunduz is at least 400km from the Pak-Afghan border . If you believe that militants from pakistan somehow crossed the border , bypassed kabul then mazar sharif and traveled hundreds of kms up towards the tajik border , only to attack kunduz from the north .Then i believe you having seem to many episodes of CID.:drag:
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Of course it does. Pakistan is the primary backer and sanctuary of Taliban. Taliban's victories are Pakistani victories.

Just because India continues to support child rapists and drug traffickers in Afghanistan doesn't mean that Pakistan is supporting the Taliban.
Horrible. Just horrible. But I guess its time to celebrate for our Pakistani friends here.

Why aren't you helping your friends? We all know the mentality of some Indians, they would be celebrating if Pakistanis were dying. Forget Pakistan, go and send your supa powa army to help your friends.
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