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Taiwan will deploy three batteries of Patriot air defense missile system in


Nov 10, 2012
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Taiwan will deploy three batteries of Patriot air defense missile system in southern of the country.

Three U.S.-made Patriot antimissile air defense batteries will be deployed in southern Taiwan, in addition to the one already in northern Taiwan, said the Deputy Defense Minister Andrew Yang. Responding to lawmakers' questions in the Legislative Yuan's Foreign and National Defense Committee, Yang said the three Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missile batteries will be used to boost the country's defense capability. The PAC-3 missile batteries, part of a US$6.4 billion arms package supplied by the United States in recent years, will be deployed in southern Taiwan, he said.


Meanwhile, Ting Chung-wu, chief of staff at the Air Force Command, said in response to a lawmaker's questions that none of Taiwan's 145 F-16 A/B fighters have been upgraded under a US$3.8 billion program to retrofit the country's aging fighter fleet in the U.S.

On the issue of Taiwan's recent military exercises, Navy Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Hsu Pei-shan said the defense ministry has identified five navy officers who will be held responsible for a glitch in the Han Kuang live drills in the offshore county of Penghu. He however did not disclose the names of the officers. The incident occurred when the 76mm gun on a Chingchiang-class patrol vessel failed just before it was scheduled to begin firing during an anti-landing drill in Penghu on April 17.

The ministry concluded in a report that since the problem was recorded on the same vessel two days prior to the live-fire exercise, the relevant personnel should be held responsible for the gun's failure during the drill.

In related news, the Navy confirmed late Wednesday that an officer from a Chengkung-class frigate that was involved in the Hang Kuang exercise had engaged in gambling with his subordinates on board another vessel that was taking them back to Kaohsiung on April 19 after the drill.

Yang apologized Thursday in the committee over the incident and said Defense Minister Kao Hua-chu has already ordered an investigation into the matter and severe punishment will be handed down to the officer, Yang said. The gambling incident was first reported in the Chinese-language Apple Daily.
Taiwan will deploy three batteries Patriot air defense missile system in southern country 3004132*-*Army Recognition
the biggest threat to chinese security in this case isn't amerikkan delivery of these weapon systems to the province of taiwan but the provincials' delivery of cash to amerikkcan military industrial complex
why is Taiwan or Philippines or even Vietnam doing these things. Not that they don't have the right or shouldn't defend themselves, but they are clearly aimed at China.

But they need to understand this, it isn't military force that is stopping China from action, but political and economic concerns.

Taiwan will forever be safe, because the government wants Taiwan as is, not as a pile of rubble that needs to be rebuilt.

Philippines and Vietnam are valuable allies later on when this is all resolved, so China won't go too far.

China still needs the guise of peaceful rise even if it is more and more apparent that it is not the case.

China needs ASEAN to stabilize South Asia and the potential market it provides.

In terms of military, no matter what they do they will NEVER reach a level to be able to deter Chinese forces, for long, if at all.

So if I were these countries, I would approach this from another angle.

The Chinese saying to not use your weakness against other strength and use your strength against the other's weakness is exactly this.
When you have a country claiming the Arunachal Pradesh yesterday, South China Sea today, then The Senkaku tomorrow, and then the Okinawa the next day. If you are a neighbour to said country, you cannot stop but think when will my time come next?

China say they want a peaceful rise, but sure as hell they have a funny way for doing it.

Maybe by peaceful rise, they mean a military push to all of their neighbour, that I am not too sure
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