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Smoking erases Y chromosomes


Jul 22, 2012
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If cancer, heart disease, and emphysema weren’t bad enough, male smokers may have another thing to worry about: losing their Y chromosomes. Researchers have found that smokers are up to four times more likely to have blood cells with no Y chromosome than nonsmokers. That’s worrisome, they say, because a recent study found an association between Y chromosome loss and a shorter life span, as well as a higher risk of multiple cancers.

There is, however, no direct proof that loss of Y sex chromosomes actually causes disease, cautions Stephen Chanock, a cancer geneticist at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, who was not involved with the work.

To conduct the study, molecular oncologist Jan Dumanski and statistician Lars Forsberg of Uppsala University in Sweden took advantage of data collected from three ongoing Swedish trials. The long-term studies are looking for associations between behavioral, lifestyle, or other traits and disease. As part of the studies, data and blood are collected periodically. Dumanski and Forsberg compared the DNA in blood cells of smokers to nonsmokers in more than 6000 men. The only factors that correlated with high Y chromosome loss were age and smoking, the team reports online today in Science, with smokers 2.4 to 4.3 times more likely to be missing Y chromosomes in their blood cells than nonsmokers.

“It’s a fascinating observation,” says Charles Swanton, head of translational cancer therapeutics at the London Research Institute. The findings, he says, may explain why men have a slightly increased risk of death from the majority of cancers that, unlike breast or prostate cancer, are not specific to either sex. But the number of cells with abnormal chromosomes increases with age anyway, he notes, so the loss of Y may not be directly contributing to cancer. “It would be important to know the mechanism.”

Chanock agrees. “While the findings are intriguing,” he says, “the associations between Y chromosome loss and shortened life span and disease risk do need to be confirmed in other large [long-term] studies.”

That hasn’t stopped the team from founding a startup, CRAY Innovation (Cancer Risk Assessment from loss of chromosome Y Innovation), to develop a diagnostic test that could assess a man’s risk of cancer based on loss of chromosome Y in blood cells.

Dumanski and his colleagues are also planning follow-up studies to better understand how cellular Y chromosome deficiency might cause poor health. The researchers hypothesize that the Y chromosome loss may be skewed toward a specific population of blood cells that become immune cells known to fight cancer. Unable to function normally, the crippled cells may allow disease and cancer to take hold.

Meanwhile, there is some reassuring news for smokers, Forsberg says. Y chromosome damage caused by smoking appears to be reversible and dose-dependent. Previous smokers were no more likely to have Y chromosome loss than those who have never smoked, he notes, so it’s never too late to quit.

Smoking erases Y chromosomes | Science/AAAS | News

@Emmie @Manticore @chauvunist @S.U.R.B.

@Leader @Hyperion :whistle:
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When i was studying Pathology and medicine there was literally no organ not affected by smoking and i thought why would anyone ever want to smoke but many of my colleagues were/are such a chain smokers that would put non-doctors smokers to shame,but then it's a human nature..we always search for statistics and if book says only 10 out of 100 smokers end up having lung carcinoma that i would conveniently count myself in 90 %..:lol:
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what do they mean by blood cells ? RBCs don't have a nucleus , unless there is nRBCs in blood which might indicate some problems .

PLTs are not cells at all , so they mean WBCs .

can anyone enlighten us what are they talking abt ?

@ResurgentIran @S.U.R.B @Emmie

what kind of condition it is ? what are the causes ? which cells are affected ?

Y is the sex-determining chromosome. So one gender is going to become extinct. :D
only mutations in Sperm or egg cells can effect the next generation

don't worry , smoking won't change your kids sex to girls :D
Gosh!!! People smoked off there Y's ..

Y is the sex-determining chromosome. So one gender is going to become extinct. :D

Infact entire humanity is in danger :p
Y determines if its going to male or female.
So if Y is not there, i am not sure what would be outcome :p
smoking since 47 years, nothing happened to me so far..:drag:

if I would offer you to smoke, will you @Akheilos try?:rolleyes1:
Dude I dont have a Y chromosome but I have weak lungs ...I cant really tolerate standing next to smokers....I get out of breathe coz I cant get air in my lungs...My spoilt lungs are used to fresh air :angel:

what do they mean by blood cells ? RBCs don't have a nucleus , unless there is nRBCs in blood which might indicate some problems .

PLTs are not cells at all , so they mean WBCs .

can anyone enlighten us what are they talking abt ?

@ResurgentIran @S.U.R.B @Emmie

what kind of condition it is ? what are the causes ? which cells are affected ?

only mutations in Sperm or egg cells can effect the next generation

don't worry , smoking won't change your kids sex to girls :D
Actually the study said more research needs to be done to get a better understanding...Maybe that is also why we have more gays on the planet now :whistle:
Dude I dont have a Y chromosome but I have weak lungs ...I cant really tolerate standing next to smokers....I get out of breathe coz I cant get air in my lungs...My spoilt lungs are used to fresh air :angel:

Actually the study said more research needs to be done to get a better understanding...Maybe that is also why we have more gays on the planet now :whistle:

so you didnt say no or was it a polite way to say no? :(
so you didnt say no or was it a polite way to say no? :(
No I have no interest of dying...weak lungs equals to weak toelrance for shit in my lungs which would block out oxygen and kill me...

So nope I wouldnt try it! :D

what do they mean by blood cells ? RBCs don't have a nucleus , unless there is nRBCs in blood which might indicate some problems .

PLTs are not cells at all , so they mean WBCs .

can anyone enlighten us what are they talking abt ?

@ResurgentIran @S.U.R.B @Emmie

what kind of condition it is ? what are the causes ? which cells are affected ?

only mutations in Sperm or egg cells can effect the next generation

don't worry , smoking won't change your kids sex to girls :D

I dont see the article saying red blood cells...It just talks about blood cells

My guess is that the article is just trying to say that

Researchers have found that smokers are up to four times more likely to have blood cells with no Y chromosome than nonsmokers. That’s worrisome, they say, because a recent study found an association between Y chromosome loss and a shorter life span, as well as a higher risk of multiple cancers.
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