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Seven Of The Craziest Conspiracy Theories From The Arab World


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Seven Of The Craziest Conspiracy Theories From The Arab World
11:50 AM 03/30/2015



The United States and Israel are behind pretty much every tragedy in the Middle East these days. When Saudi jets bombed rebel position in Yemen last week? America did it. When the Islamic State group rampages through the Middle East? America and Israel did it.

So in the spirit of smart theories, here are seven of the most outlandish allegations.

1) Shark attack? Could be Israel’s fault:Egyptian officials said Israeli intelligence service Mossad might have planted a shark in the Red Sea to destroy Egypt’s tourism industry after a German tourist was fatally attacked off the coast of Egyptian resort city Sharm el-Sheikh.

2) “The Simpsons”? Written by Jewish lobbyists: A presenter for an Egyptian TV channel slammed Jewish lobbies and Rupert Murdoch for “The Simpsons,” apparently claiming the show was an avenue for Jews to conspire against Egypt.

“['The Simpsons'] is a very influential TV series in the U.S. This animated series is an American production, behind which are basically-Jewish lobbies,” Rania Badawi said.

“It should be noted that this show is financed or produced by Fox News, behind which is Rupert Murdoch, the most influential and dangerous man in the world – just like Mister X, the Egyptian movie character [from the Egyptian 1973 action comedy "The Return of the Most Dangerous Man in the World"] – when it comes to finances and media,” she continued. “He owns many media outlets and is one of the most influential people in the world. He is one of the people who determines who will become U.S. president and who will fail.”

3) Saggy Pants? Jewish-controlled cartoons: A Saudi scholar once blamed the fashion of wearing saggy pants on Cartoon Network. Then, he claimed Jews control global film companies, and that the programming is a conspiracy to destroy “humanity and its moral values.”

4) Sept. 11? Jews again: A widely-circulated conspiracy theory after 9/11 held Jews had perpetrated the attacks, alleging that 4,000 Jews had skipped work that day as evidence of this outrageous claim. Not even 30 percent of any Muslim country’s population believed 9/11 was orchestrated by Arabs nearly a decade after the attacks, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center.

5) American media? Controlled by Jews: U.S. media outlets are manipulated by Jews as a conspiracy to control public opinion, according to this Palestinian Islamic scholar.

“It’s true that [the Jews] have money, but it is not like the Arab or Muslim money,” claimed Mukhlis Barzaq. “They make use of this money. When they reached America, they bought the largest media outlets. They know that by buying the media, they gain significant influence over American public opinion,” claimed Barzaq. “Then they infiltrated the elections campaigns. They invested their money in specific things. Then they mobilized their community in order to achieve a high voter turnout. Over 90 percent of the Jews vote, whereas in the general U.S. population, the turnout does not exceed 50 percent. In addition, they concentrate in the cities, in order to increase the clout of the Jewish vote.”

6) Hepatitis and cancer? Caused by peace treaty with Israel: Egypt’s peace agreement with Israel has caused hepatitis, cancer and kidney infections, alleged a media adviser for the Muslim Brotherhood’s political arm. Signed in 1979, Egypt was the first Arab country to recognize the state of Israel.

“In addition, carcinogenic pesticides were imported from the Zionist entity, and Egyptian agriculture was made available to the Zionist entity. This led to the destruction of various sectors in Egypt,” said Ahmed Subei. “Egypt now suffers from endemic diseases, such as various types of cancer, hepatitis, and kidney infections. All these and other diseases are the result of the carcinogenic pesticides, which were brought here along with that agreement.”

7) The Muslim Brotherhood? America: Numerous Egyptian newspapers claim that the U.S. supported the Islamic fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood in order to weaken Egypt and achieve Zionist aims. One former Egyptian diplomat claimed, “America uses all available tools, including the brotherhood and takfiri [Islamist] groups, to say nothing of ISIS, to accomplish its goals.”
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