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Saudi Shias rally for second day, call for rights


Jul 20, 2010
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RIYADH: Hundreds of Saudi Shia protested in the oil-producing east for a second day on Friday, calling for the release of prisoners held without trial and political and religious rights, activists said.

The protesters took to the streets in the Shia Muslim centre of Qatif in Eastern Province and in the nearby village of Awwamiya. They carried banners showing solidarity with the Shia of neighbouring Bahrain who have been targeted by police after the government cracked down on a protest movement.

The rally was a continuation of protests held in Qatif and Awwamiya a day earlier calling for release of detainees, an end of arbitrary arrests, and political and religious freedoms including an end to official ban on protests.

“The rally was in a main street in Qatif… They were showing solidarity with the Bahraini people and also calling for the release of some prisoners held for over 16 years without a trial,” one activist told Reuters by telephone.

He said the two-hour rally had around 400-500 protesters who did not clash with police forces stationed around the area.

Another activist, in the village of Awwamiya, said he took part in a rally that also had around 400-500 protestors and also avoided conflict with police.

“They were calling for human rights and showing solidarity with the Bahraini people as well as calling for reforms in Saudi Arabia and the release of prisoners,” he said. “The security forces were very close but there were no clashes.”

A police spokesperson in Eastern Province did not answer requests for comment.
Saudi Arabia, the world’s top oil exporter and major US ally, is an absolute Sunni Muslim monarchy that tolerates no form of dissent. It has not seen the kind of mass uprisings that
have rocked other autocratic Arab elites in the last few months.

Shias in Eastern Province have long complained of discrimination, a charge denied by the government.

They have held some protests over the past few weeks resulting in police detentions of some demonstraters, but almost no Saudis answered a Facebook call for protests in Sunni cities in the kingdom on March 11, amid a high security presence.

On Wednesday activists in Eastern Province said the Saudi authorities released 13 Shia prisoners who were detained after taking part in demonstrations last month. Many others are still in custody, they said.

Saudi Shias rally for second day, call for rights | World | DAWN.COM
Qatif is tiny village but 100% Shia population, only they make troubles in Saudi Arabia..
Qatif is located on persian gulf and is influenced by Basijis regime, across the gulf.


Shias in Qatif are free to practice their sect. and dress like Basijis Mullas, but in Iran it is crime punishable to horrible death if you imitate any Saudi culture.

Shias in Qatif are free to practice their sect. and dress like Basijis Mullas, but in Iran it is crime punishable to horrible death if you imitate any Saudi culture.

It is your bias that has blinded. I ain't taking sides but Saudi Arabia ain't that great either. Name one "Saudi" culture that Iran has punished someone for practicing. Slavery sure, drunkardness sure. There is arab culture which is obviously allowed except like burrying your daughter which was abolished by Islam, but other than extreme cases, Arab culture is fine, I didn't know there was Saudi culture but if there is that that would be basically defined by things introduced or re introduced after Ibn Saud attacked and took over fellow Muslims in the Arabian Peninsula, during a time of alliance with the British might I add, who where treating your Muslim ancestors like sewage rats over in the Asian sub-continent :

Rest on youtube

Rest on youtube

here's another recent example of new "Saudi" culture never seen b4 in the arab world made possible by the Saudi regime:

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I'm just trying to point out that people need to get past the bias that since Saudi Arabia controls Muslim lands it must be good, but the reality is so did the Kafir at one time. As you can see from these videos Shias are not the only people that realize the regime laws a messed up.

Here's a Saudi princess hoping to over the laws, she encouraged her husband to fight for women's rights, though he is also a bit concervative:

Here is where the money is going, this is what goes on behind the curtain.

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I've met people from all walks of life and I must say the Saudis take the cake when it comes to being bizarre.
shias make trouble in every country, in pakistan gtting iranian oil money and making trouble...
shias make trouble in every country, in pakistan gtting iranian oil money and making trouble...

STFU you don't know what you are talking about, Pakistani Shia are as patriotic as anyone - take your sectarian bs somewhere else. I and many other Pakistani Shia have done more for Pakistan - than you can dream of.
shias make trouble in every country, in pakistan gtting iranian oil money and making trouble...

MIght I add that hand't it been for a particular Shia (Mohammad Ali Jinnah) there would be no Pakistan to speak of. Plus the Iranian oil is used more by Sunnis that it is by Shia. Considering the areas where this trade takes place a marjoly Sunni on both sides of the border, chances are most of the smugglers are Sunni. But no one shold blame the Sunnia or shia for that matter as it has nothing to do with the sect. The Clipha or Imams didn't exactly go and say go forth and smuggle oil, you've got to be some kind of stupid to bleive that $#!t
Yet they have many indian slaves and maids.

Which goes to prove how bizarre they are, you are only enforcing what he just said. You would have realized that if you had at least half a brain. Did you know they like Muslim slaves over non-Muslim slaves, so naturally the would prefer Pakistani slaves over Indian ones. Watch the video of the slave Jessica for more info. Be glad you were born into a well off family any poorer you could be a Saudi prince's preferred Muslim gay slave. Again there is also a video above for that.
i thought saudis belonged to the wahhabi sect!

They do. But a lot of them like to call themselves Sunni, even though many Sunnis don't accept them. Their beliefs were created during the alliance of the Royal British forces and Ibn Saud, with a man called Abd-al-Wahab. Adb-al-Wahab taught Islam had been lost (much like Osama is now) and encouraged people to fight along Ibn Saud as they killed other Muslims and and took over their territories.
Which goes to prove how bizarre they are, you are only enforcing what he just said. You would have realized that if you had at least half a brain. Did you know they like Muslim slaves over non-Muslim slaves, so naturally the would prefer Pakistani slaves over Indian ones. Watch the video of the slave Jessica for more info. Be glad you were born into a well off family and poorer you could be a Saudi prince's preferred Muslim gay slave. Again there is also a video above for that.

The SOB beat his gay partner to death, tried to get away with it, but thankfully the UK courts are independent.
Have known Saudi's up close and personal, and it was not a pretty sight - had one guy on the payroll - who was a "procurer" for Saudi Princes and bigwigs, some of these Saudi's are sick with unmentionable requests. They pretend to uphold religious value's, while on the inside are like depraved animals.
shias make trouble in every country, in pakistan gtting iranian oil money and making trouble...

althugh you are new but i advise you think before you open your mouth ok. dont take it to us its thread abut iran and saudi .
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