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Quaid e Azam signaling the emergence of Hindu Empire in 1946


Jan 20, 2011
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When in 1946 nobody had imagined the threat of Hindu Nationalism would be faced, Quaid e Azam, a foresighted leader of Muslims of Sub continent warned of such an emminent danger in one of his addresses at Cairo, Egypt, it was the time when Congress was questioning the motives of muslim league and Jinnah himself, when Gandhi declared creation of Pakistan as splitting up his mother cow. Other muslim leaders such as Maulana Moudi, abdul kalam azad also declared Pakistan as a huge blunder. After 2 years Gandhi himself was killed by a terrorist belonging to Hindu Fascist RSS.

Was this before or after Jinnah accepted the Cabinet Mission Plan to keep India united?
in 1948 shortly after the partition, idols were placed by congress leaders at Babri Mosque which became the root cause for events leading upto the demolition of Babri Mosque, Even after the indian SC declared that no evidence was found of any hindu temple ruins beneat babri mosque, the case has been decided in favour of hindus due to ''social impossibility of building a mosque again''

Jinnah over estimated Hinduwadis.
Replace Hinduwadis with Israel/West and his statement would be true
Was this before or after Jinnah accepted the Cabinet Mission Plan to keep India united?

Cabinet Mission Plan was a step for bigger Pakistan. There is reason why Congress, Nehru and Sardar Patel rejected Cabinet Mission Plan.
Jinnah over estimated Hinduwadis.
Replace Hinduwadis with Israel/West and his statement would be true
There was no more threat from West in 1946. They did all damage they could do. In fact UK was in tatters and wanted to leave subcontinent in haste. West is in decline mode from 1950s.
Cabinet Mission Plan was a step for bigger Pakistan. There is reason why Congress, Nehru and Sardar Patel rejected Cabinet Mission Plan.
That was not my question.
in 1948 shortly after the partition, idols were placed by congress leaders at Babri Mosque which became the root cause for events leading upto the demolition of Babri Mosque, Even after the indian SC declared that no evidence was found of any hindu temple ruins beneat babri mosque, the case has been decided in favour of hindus due to ''social impossibility of building a mosque again''

No, that isn't true.

SC said in it's verdict the mosque wasn't built at an empty site since there is an underlying structure beneath the mosque complex. However what can't be proved conclusively was whether that structure was demolished to build the mosque or it was a discarded ancient ruin at time of building the mosque on top of it. SC also accepted that Hindus believe the underlying structure was that of temple of Lord Ram.
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you are just manipulating words which mean the same thing

SC accepted archaeological dept report that there is an underlying existing structure/ruin beneath the Babri mosque complex.

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