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PM Imran Khan Speech at 76th United Nations General Assembly Session

I think your criticism is unwarranted here because the way this government have taken India head on on diplomatic front, there is no example in the past. However please note India is doing a campaign against Pakistan for decades while none in Pakistan ever responded back uptill now. Its not going to change over night because Western powers have a stake in India and so turning a blind eye is the way forward for them. Beating around the bush isnt going to help us, we need to dismantle and decimate their terror structure and this is what we have succeeded in doing but partly and a lot more needs to be done. This is why Afghanistan is important and this is why PM speech most part covered the topic of Afghanistan.
Remember if Afghanistan falls into chaos, Pakistan will be the one to lose the most, hence why we cannot allow this to happen. for over two decades we suffered because of our decision to join US war on terror which led us no where but to chaos and almost towards a civil war. This cannot be allowed to happen again and we have support of the regional powers such as China and Russia. India is a spoiler backed by Washington that will be dealt with in due time.
Also do see our first reply to Indian nonsense at the UN. Your points raised above are covered in entirely in that response.

Actually, he and his foreign masters and Hindu allies are all relying on the fact that speeches in the UN change nothing on the ground. They provide a feel good value for local followers thus ensuring puppets remain strong among voters like yourself.

At the same time, even if for the token gesture, it is important for Pakistan to talk about Indian sponsored TTP and BLA because that builds our narrative. It forms the undergirding upon which our foreign policy stands. By eliminating it completely from the highest level, he has reinforced Bajwa's cowardly message of forget everything in the past and move forward. He is sending a signal of compliance and subjugation. Compliance and subjugation being the hallmarks of the Bajwa-Khan treasonous duo. It means India will NOT pay for APS, bombings and mass killings, and the shahadat of our soldiers. At least, not as long as Bajwa and Khan are in charge. Compare this with the words of the recently departed Lt. Gen Ishfaq Nadeem (May Allah Shower him with Blessings and Mercy and Forgiveness and Elevate his position in Jannat-ul-Firdous): "I wish I could avenge 71. If you get the chance, avenge 71". These are the words and character of a true patriot. Bajwa and Khan are traitors of Pakistan.
People who are terming this as speech are intellectually dishonest. It was a lecture.

no action item could be derived from it.
Failed to understand why this idiot like many others (in the past) not talking about India's use of Afghanistan soil against Pakistan? Why do our leaders avoid talking about India's terrorism in Pakistan? Afghanistan tera mama chacha lagta hey yaa ye unka PM hey kay Pakistan ka ? Hehas spent more than 30-40% of his speech on Afghanistan -- Afghanistan. Who wrote his speech?

In Pakistan's reply to India at UN, India's sponsoring of TTP was explicitly stated including KBY! IK also mentioned KBY in his last speech at UN and India's sponsoring of terrorism inside Pakistan. This time newer items were in the speech to strengthen Pakistan's narrative.

Keep calm bro.
Imran is a leader more of Afghanistan, Islam and Kashmir and less of Pakistan. He made it seem like Pakistan's world revolves around Taliban, Islam, Kashmir and Modi. He should at least in the next UN session, tell us how Pakistan is contributing to the world and stop whining about unfairness meted to it. At least then the world will take notice. Right now, he is speaking of issues that world has zero interest in.
Would you tell me genius if you are pm of Pakistan what will you say... it was perfect speach and please come with your real id..

Any speech by any PM of Pakistan is useless for him unless the PM is from house of not-so-sharifs.
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