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PLAAF J-10B ready to enter service soon.


Feb 5, 2011
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China Defense Blog

Showing here in a CCTV report is 30 Chinese Academy of Engineering Academicians invited to tour PLAAF units and a GAD testing facility. The footage also shows JH7 814 and a Y8 GX, which had its rear ramp open but clearly partitioned off inside.

Since J-10B is now transferred to an operational eval unit, barring any unforeseen circumstances the commission date should not be too far off.

Thanks hmmwv for the tip.

A recent video from CCTV show J-10B in GAD testing centre. J-10B in background under evaluation. Most likely will enter PLAAF service soon.

I think it must be IAF Rafale deal that spurs PLAAF to release some info of J-10B. It will be the plane to match Rafale and also the hope for PAF to counter IAF Rafale. J-10B will be expected to equip with AESA and more powerful domestic engine.
I hear J10B has a PESA, and there is also a J10C? The j10C has the aesa, and improved engine?
I hear J10B has a PESA, and there is also a J10C? The j10C has the aesa, and improved engine?

Many sources say...The J-10B isnt going to enter mass production anytime soon...It has no engine as of now.
The WS-10 is undergoing improvements and there are problems with production facility.
Rest assured when it comes out as a finished product we will all marvel at it...




this last one has twin engines :what:

Images of J10C
J-10B is the best plane in the world. The people who made its Engine are the best Chinese people.

is this post for trolling purpose??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

good news..can anybody post external difference between J-10A and J-10B???both looks same..
good news..can anybody post external difference between J-10A and J-10B???both looks same..

Are you blind? Do I have to draw a big red arrow for you to point out the advanced DSI bump?


China's J-10B Vigorous Dragon with advanced Diverterless Supersonic Inlet (DSI) technology


For your information, the J-10B Vigorous Dragon served as the early prototype to test China's advanced DSI technology. You can clearly see the similarity between the supercomputer-designed DSI bumps at the air inlets of both the J-20 Mighty Dragon and J-10B.

J-10B Vigorous Dragon carries missiles and extra fuel pods to extend flight range

J-10B Vigorous Dragon carries missiles and extra fuel pods to extend flight range.



[Note: Thank you to Aimarraul for the pictures.]
J-10B will make a great stop gap measure before the J-20 enters service in around 2017-18. Personally I think that 4.5th gen fighters will make up a significant portion of most air forces even after 5th gen fighters become common place due to cost and maintenance concerns.
good news..can anybody post external difference between J-10A and J-10B???both looks same..

Long list of J-10B improvements over J-10A

The most obvious external differences between the J-10A and J-10B are the DSI bump and the WS-10A engines on the J-10B. Here is the full list of improvements.

Chengdu J-10 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"J-10B: An upgraded variant of the J-10 with new technologies, also known as the "Super-10."[31] The existence of the J-10B is not confirmed by official Chinese sources, but numerous images of a new J-10 variant have surfaced, showing a prototype J-10 modified with increased radar absorbent material, next generation of integrated EW suite, increased composites, new generation avionics, MAW, a diverterless supersonic inlet (DSI), an infra-red search and track (IRST) sensor, modified vertical stabiliser and wings, ventral fins, housings fitted under the wings, upgraded WS-10B engine, next generation of solid-state integrated electronics, and a modified nose with an AESA radar.[32][33] It had its first flight in December 2008."



China's J-10B Vigorous Dragon with advanced Diverterless Supersonic Inlet (DSI) technology


Editing the following post will take too much time. Just read the relevant parts on the J-10B.

Shenyang Aircraft Corporation's WS-10A engines are already in mass production


Could the WS-10A engine power the J-10, J-11B, and J-15 aircraft? The answer is "yes" if two conditions are met. Firstly, Chinese production of WS-10A engines must be sufficient to meet the demand (including production of parts for maintenance and replacement engines at the end of the expected lifetime) for all three aircraft.

Secondly, I don't know if WS-10A engines are interchangeable with AL-31F engines. If they are not readily interchangeable without modifying the fuselage then the current fighters with AL-31F engines will most likely stay with AL-31F replacement engines.


J-10B Vigorous Dragon flying with WS-10A engines


J-11B flying with WS-10A engines


J-15 Flying Shark with WS-10A engines


WS-10A engine for J-10B Vigorous Dragon fighter in mass production


WS-10A engine (with gearbox at the bottom) is designed to power the J-10B Vigorous Dragon fighter. This version of the WS-10A turbofan engine is said to have 13.2 ton maximum thrust. There are several wrapped engines near the floor.

[Note: Thank you to Pinko for the post.]


J-10A and J-10B Vigorous Dragon evolution


The top photo is a J-10A with AL-31F engine. The second and third photos show a J-10B with DSI intake and AL-31F engine. The fourth photo is a J-10B with China's domestic WS-10A engine.

This sequence of pictures illustrates the evolution of the J-10 family from a J-10A (with AL-31F engine) into a J-10B with advanced DSI technology and WS-10A engine.

In the sequence of photographs, it is easy to distinguish between the AL-31F and WS-10A engines. The "flexible petals" on the WS-10A are a lot shorter than on the AL-31F.


Comparison of Chinese WS-10A (top) and Russian AL-31F (bottom) jet engines.

[Note: Thank you to HouShanghai for the first picture and Maya for the engine comparison picture.]
Aviation Week notes the following improvements on the J-10B Vigorous Dragon.

1. J-10B most likely has AESA radar.
2. J-10B has DSI and RAM-coated cockpit canopy.
3. J-10B has new EW (electronic warfare) suite and MAW (missile approach warning).
4. Twin-rail PL-12 launchers have been seen on J-10A.

J-10B Gets AESA

"J-10B Gets AESA
Posted by Bill Sweetman 12:07 PM on Jun 14, 2011

New Chinese internet images appear to show what has been suspected for some time: The new J-10B version of Chengdu's canard fighter is fitted with an electronically scanned array radar. It could be a Rafale-type passive ESA, but that's improbable in 2011 -- it is more likely an active ESA, its development quite likely aided by China's massive campaign of cyberespionage.


Via Secret Projects

The J-10B is interesting because it represents a major block change to what is itself a relatively new design. The most visible change is the diverterless supersonic inlet -- a feature that is usually associated with front-sector radar cross-section reduction. (The DSI was originally developed for an improved F-16 design.) In the J-10B's case, it may also be a less costly and less noisy alternative to the strut-braced mixed-compression ramp on the original design -- but the latest J-10B photos also show the telltale tint of a metallic-treated canopy.


Via Secret Projects

Other changes include what appears to be a new electronic warfare system with larger antennas in underwing fairings and a fin-tip housing, and a missile approach/launch warning system. A standard J-10 has also been seen with twin-rail launchers for PL-12 missiles.


via Alert 5"
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