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Pakistan declines to join Saudi Arabia's anti-Iran alliance


Feb 11, 2013
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Pakistan declines to join Saudi Arabia's anti-Iran alliance
Saudi Arabia's campaign to build a broad Sunni alliance to contain Iran has apparently suffered at least a setback from Pakistan. Islamabad has opted, at least for now, to avoid becoming entangled in the sectarian cold war between Riyadh and Tehran.
Earlier this month, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was invited to the kingdom for urgent talks with King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud and his advisers. The king met Sharif at the airport to underscore the importance of the talks. The main topic was Iranian aggression in the Arab world and the impending deadline for the P5+1 negotiations on Iran's nuclear project. The king wanted firm assurances from Sharif that Pakistan would align itself with Saudi Arabia and its Sunni Arab allies against Iran, especially in the proxy war now underway in Yemen.

Salman specifically wanted a Pakistani military contingent to deploy to the kingdom to help defend the vulnerable southwest border with Zaydi Houthi-controlled north Yemen and serve as a trip-wire force to deter Iranian aggression. There is precedent for a Pakistani army expeditionary force in Saudi Arabia. After the Iranian Revolution, Pakistani dictator Mohammad Zia ul-Haq deployed an elite Pakistani armored brigade to the kingdom at King Fahd's request to deter any threats to the country. In all, some 40,000 Pakistanis served in the brigade over most of a decade. Today only some Pakistani advisers and experts serve in the kingdom.

According to Pakistani sources, Sharif has reluctantly decided not to send troops to Saudi Arabia for now. Sharif promised closer counterterrorism and military cooperation but no troops for the immediate future. Pakistan also declined to move its embassy in Yemen from Sanaa to Aden as the Saudis and the Gulf Cooperation Council states have done to distance themselves from the Houthis.

The Pakistanis are arguing their military is already overstretched facing the traditional enemy, India, and the increasing threat from the Pakistani Taliban. Pakistan has its own serious sectarian tensions and violence. About 20% of Pakistanis are Shiite and sectarian violence has been intensifying in recent years. Groups linked to al-Qaeda such as Lashkar-e-Jhangvi have targeted Shiite mosques and schools for suicide bombings. Iran also has proxies in Pakistan that have attacked Sunni targets in the past. Faced with these difficulties at home, Sharif is telling Salman not now for troops.

Sharif is by nature a cautious man and a very deliberate decision-maker. He is carefully leaving open the option of deploying troops to the kingdom in the future if the security situation gets worse. He will also be clear with the king that Pakistan remains a close Saudi ally. The ambiguous and mysterious Pakistani nuclear connection with Saudi Arabia will remain in the background.

The king has doubled down on his Egyptian connection this month. Crown Prince Muqrin pledged $4 billion in investment in Egypt at the Sharm al-Sheikh conference this week, and Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates each pledged the same. But Egypt, too, is reluctant to send troops, especially for operations around Yemen. Egyptians still have bitter memories of their disastrous intervention in Yemen in the 1960s. Ironically, the Egyptians then were fighting Saudi-backed Zaydi royalists.

So for now Saudi Defense Minister Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the king's son, will have to plan on dealing with Houthi threats on the border alone with Saudi troops. They have not fared well in past clashes with the Houthis.

Pakistan declines to join Saudi Arabia's anti-Iran alliance - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
Pakistan is waging a war within it own borders,,,that and the current political instability + law n order situation,,,,,,frankly they r in no position to join any alliance against anyone.
but if situation improves,,no prize for guessing who they will align with.
So for now Saudi Defense Minister Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the king's son, will have to plan on dealing with Houthi threats on the border alone with Saudi troops. They have not fared well in past clashes with the Houthis.

Why are the Houthis attacking Saudi Border Posts? Do they want to incite Shias in Easter Saudi Arabia?

@Mosamania @al-Hasani
Pakistan has a long standing policy. We will not intervene in a conflict between two Muslim states. By not joining such an alliance by no means we have picked Iran over SA.

Our narrative is quite straight forward, solve your issues diplomatically and build peace in the region. We are available to SA and Iran if they want to choose diplomatic means.

We are tangled in internal conflict, even if we weren't our inclusion into any such alliance while us being a nuclear power would have far reaching consequences in an otherwise low intensity conflict.

Enough war has taken place in the Muslim world,how much more of us need to die before its over?
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Why are the Houthis attacking Saudi Border Posts? Do they want to incite Shias in Easter Saudi Arabia?

@Mosamania @al-Hasani

They have not attacked any border posts as of now.

Wise decision by Pakistan, if true, some one was hit seriously in the face for trying to open a 'front' against a regional country.
Saudi Arabia's campaign to build a broad Sunni alliance to contain Iran has apparently suffered at least a setback from Pakistan. Islamabad has opted, at least for now, to avoid becoming entangled in the sectarian cold war between Riyadh and Tehran.

Finally Pakistan smarting up and standing on principle of unity of Ummah and not taking sides in any Sunni-Shia conflict. Now time to cleanup foreign funded sectarian terrorists from Pakistan.
this report is full of BS and the funny thing how some ppl here take it seriously haha i know it gives you comfort. but sorry to disappoint you not true.

for the arabs hear read this article. it will explain the paranoia going on here. from iranians and some pakistanies who are not aware of their own government past statements :coffee:

توجس إيراني من التحالف السعودي الباكستاني

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Pakistan has a long standing policy. We will not intervene in a conflict between two Muslim states. Not joining such an alliance by no means we have picked Iran over SA.

Our narrative is quite straight forward, solve your issues diplomatically and build peace in the region. We are available to SA and Iran if they want to choose diplomatic means.

We are tangled in internal conflict, even if we weren't our inclusion into any such alliance while us being a nuclear power would have far reaching consequences in an otherwise low intensity conflict.

Enough war has taken place in the Muslim world,how much more of us need to die before its over?
excuse me sir who are you ?! are you the government of Pakistan spokesmen ? your own forign minister never even said anything close to what you are saying. actually the statements she made while visiting gulf countries and standing with bahrain made iran go crazy and went nuts on media. so keep your feelings to your self. this is politics. no room for emotions
unless you got a statement from your PM or foreign minister all what you say means nothing.

Nawaz Sharif could be overthrown if he takes sides in Sunni-Shia conflict. Pakistan stands for Muslim unity. We are not interested taking part in any intra-Muslim conflict.
ok please go over through him. show me. cuz its a done deal. you ppl here talk like you run pakistan. if so please show me. prove me wrong. im not asking for a lot here. im very reasonable
this report is full of BS and the funny thing how some ppl here take it seriously haha i know it gives you comfort. but sorry to disapoint you not true.

for the arabs hear read this article. it will exlain the paranoia going on here. from iranians and some pakistanies who are not aware of their own government past statments :coffee:

توجس إيراني من التحالف السعودي الباكستاني

We are well aware of the situation. Pakistan will help SA against asymmetric threats from Huthis or IS. This includes expanding the training program and aid planning of SA forces.

Deployment of PA detatchment is for public consumption. SA has enough troops to defend against the stated threats. The security gurantee is for the worst case scenario,If the level of threat crosses the current threshold of SA's military which is unlikely.
excuse me sir who are you ?! are you the government of Pakistan spokesmen ? your own forign minister never even said anything close to what you are saying. actually the statements she made while visiting gulf countries and standing with bahrain made iran go crazy and went nuts on media. so keep your feelings to your self. this is politics. no room for emotions
unless you got a statement from your PM or foreign minister all what you say means nothing.

ok please go over through him. show me. cuz its a done deal. you ppl here talk like you run pakistan. if so please show me. prove me wrong. im not asking for a lot here. im very reasonable

You should respect the choice of the Pakistani nation to not take part in any proxy conflict, and instead remain a neutral country.
Pakistan is not even bordering Saudi Arabia (a tribal country of 20-30 million) so why should Pakistan risk its security further and open a hostile front towards a neighboring country on your behalf?
excuse me sir who are you ?! are you the government of Pakistan spokesmen ? your own forign minister never even said anything close to what you are saying. actually the statements she made while visiting gulf countries and standing with bahrain made iran go crazy and went nuts on media. so keep your feelings to your self. this is politics. no room for emotions
unless you got a statement from your PM or foreign minister all what you say means nothing.

ok please go over through him. show me. cuz its a done deal. you ppl here talk like you run pakistan. if so please show me. prove me wrong. im not asking for a lot here. im very reasonable

I'm well placed to say what i've stated based on facts available to me to make my assessment. GOP is not the only stakeholder in Pakistan which has a say in ME policy.

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