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Mohaqiq: Some neighboring countries have made us ‘Gladiators’

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Mohaqiq: Some neighboring countries have made us ‘Gladiators’ - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency


Mohammad Mohaqiq, the second deputy to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the government of Afghanistan has said that: “some of the neighboring countries have made us ‘Gladiators’”.

Talking to the gathering commemorating the 14 death anniversary of Ahmad Shah Masoud, Mohaqiq said that Pakistan is an atomic power because of Afghanistan.

He said when Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in intention to occupy Pakistan and reach out to warm water, Afghanistan defended Pakistan.

“Because of us ‘former Mujahideen’ Pakistan is equipped with developed weapons and atom,” he said.

During the Jihad era, most of the main training camps of ‘Mujahideen’ and decision making centers were based in Pakistan.

Mohaqiq said Pakistan always sees its long life in Afghanistan’s destruction.

He added that Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour announced ‘Jihad’ in Afghanistan from neighboring country ‘Pakistan’.

According to Mohaqiq, if ‘Jihad’ is obligatory in Afghanistan because of foreigners then it is more obligatory in Pakistan because there are more foreigners than here.

CEO Abdullah Abdullah, Senate Chairman Fazal Hadi Muslimyar and former Jihadi commander Abdul Rab Rasoul Sayaf said in the gathering that those who want to destroy Afghanistan need to know that their destruction will come first.
"Afghanistan defended Pakistsn"? What BS man. You couldnt defend yourselves forget about defending others. Pakistan gave your mujahideen training bases. The US and Saudis gave you money and arms. Without these three your country was a playground for the Soviets.
Afghans are bitterly jealous of Pakistan, a region that was on their mercy for 100s of years is now controlling their fate...life is a bitch.
What a Joke.... Our Madrasah students and volunteers sacrificed their lives for free Afghanistan and he says they defended us..... Might have been taken a high dose of local drugs or something like that.
"Afghanistan defended Pakistsn"? What BS man. You couldnt defend yourselves forget about defending others. Pakistan gave your mujahideen training bases. The US and Saudis gave you money and arms. Without these three your country was a playground for the Soviets.
It were Afghan men who courageously fought and shed their blood against foreign intervention, not your folk. Afghan mujahideen didnt fly Jets or rode on Tanks, they were provided with out-dated Russian weapons like Ak-47 and RPG-7 (Stingers came in late stage). If one jet fly over your village, your people will be subdued for generations and centuries........that is not the case with Afghans, they resist foreign intervention in one shape or another.

Who benefited from the sacrifices and spillage of Afghan blood against Soviets? thats another matter. Afghans (who were anti-soviet) , were already resisting when America noticed a chance and prospect there. They would have continued their resistance even if America had not taken interest. Even with American stingers and other weapons, Russia was not exactly militarily defeated. Afghans prolongs the war for powerful invading army, inflicting greater or lesser losses is irrelevant. In a decade, Afghan mujahideen only killed 13000 Russian soldiers......without American weaponry, they were still capable of killing 3 o 4 thousands soldiers. Take the example of todays Taliban, they have only killed 3000 American soldiers , yet it forced the America to open negotiations with Taliban. Due to terrain, maintaining military occupation is very costly and would soon wear you out. Mongols faced the same resistance in Hindukush , but they permanently settled down and became locals.

I saw a Saudi member here claiming Suadia Arabia defeated Super power Soviet Union, Pakistanis make similar claims.......My question for them, what if Afghans were like them and didnt had the guts to resist the military occupation?, the training grounds and Dollars would have been pointless if Afghans had not the courage , determination and fearlessness to stand against a super power and face the carpet bombing of their villages, poising of their wells and fields and ground littered with mines and toy bombs.
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