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Mismanagement Threatening CPEC

The policy, and the allegiance don't come from an anchor. They come from the CEO and the owner (if its one or a few people). An anchor is an employee, like Arshad Sharif. He can either have a job or leave. He has to follow the boss. He may be allowed to play unbiased in his show, but that's it.

Your analysis did not remotely elucidate on the topic in question as the evidence shown in the program has not been refuted with logical reasoning. Arshad Sharif can easily leave ARY News and offer his services to another media outlet and this is very common among different anchors across the board in Pakistan as the market for hiring well-established political commentators is lucrative. Maligning a political party where your father-in-law holds a high political official position is illogical, as no financial incentive and threat of sacking from the firm will save you from the wraith of your wife along with her extended family.

Let me back up what I said with an example, as you might ask for a source (its funny you guys have started to play that on me, which is good, at least it'll reduce IK related gossip if everyone provides real proofs). Fox news is a US channel. Its share holders ( a HUGE chunk of money came from a few Muslim people, a prince from the KSA), but Fox news is the biggest bigot against Muslims. You want to see hate against Islam, you go to Fox news!! It doesn't matter who the investors are (Muslim prince), but the policies come from the CEO / President, Mr. Murdoch!! Same applies to ARY, Sama and a few other outlets.

Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal owned an estimated 6.6% share value of fox news at its peak, which hardly constitutes to the idea of him becoming recognized as a major stakeholder who has the capacity and ability to change the corporate cultural behavior of the organization in reference to its bigotry towards Muslims. The scenario would be totally different, if he was a major shareholder of the company. Media outlets are prone to make sensational allegations, because they are in the business of selling newspapers to the general public for money, however as citizens of Pakistan we are entitled to know the mismanagement failures of the Government and in this case a Chinese company has certain grievances on the issue of tariff. I have previously articulated to you with precise words that I have no political interests with Imran Khan, therefore I seriously don't understand why you bring him into the picture.

This forum has a huge PTI element on here if you havn't noticed. TT from PTI can write anything can ban anyone, including myself (have done that), and many things, no one dare to ask a question. Now such bullshit can ban the forum within 14 days from the US. But that's a different story. So no employee can change a business's policy towards their political allegiance. Usually, the news outlets, forums and TV channels that thrive, are the unbiased ones. But ARY, Sama and part of Dawn have become propaganda tools for IK due to their owners and Tareen's money involved. No one can change that direction.

This forum encompasses individuals who have different political views, however you should inform the moderators to enforce the rule of law on those who are trying to infringe on your right to express your opinion. Most PTI supporters in this forum are aggressive in nature when you question and attack the flaws of their party leaders, which frankly speaking is quite pathetic and extremely bemusing for entertainment purposes. Social reform has occurred in KPK, although economic and industrial reform has been disturbingly lacking. This is because pointless time has been spent on useless political marches. However, Nawaz Sharif must also be criticized under the scrutiny of the public If mistakes are made, because he is not above the law. The same allegation from conspirators can be labelled on the Punjab Government who have donated billions of rupees to media outlets such as Geo News, who have followed and tow-lined a certain agenda of the Government.

Second question: Like the above, there is obviously no proof that Pakistani media was paid over a billion rupees, nor there are any proofs that Reham got 750K, ticket from the labor party, a divorce from IK over TEXT when she landed in London or Birmingham (one of these), a BMW and a residence!!!

People in this forum participate in discussing issues because they have no interests in learning conjectures and would rather focus on factual evidence. How can Jahangir Tareen have the capability to pay a billion rupees to different media groups, when his combined declared net worth in 2013 to the election commission of Pakistan was just 1 billion rupee? I have very good friends who belong to both the Conservative Party and the Labour Party, therefore under which constituency was Reham Khan allocated a ticket? Under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA), there are controls on which donations a political party can accept. These controls apply to parties that are registered in Great Britain. All donations must be recorded and reported to (PPERA) and their findings are published in there website. Since the cash for honor scandal was flashed across the British media in 2007, no political party is willing to risks such an adventure for Reham Khan because it would be suicidal as she is a high profile character under the scope of the media. Which residency was Reham given in the UK, because you can easily find out the occupants who have ownership of the house and since you have fantastic connections with a family member of the Sever's household then this should be a piece of cake for you?
I live 4 months a year in US and UK
And I have eaten both Beef and Pork

If you check some of my posts on other thread then you will find out that I am not even Hindu

And I am in favor of lifting Ban on Beef and Pork since My religion doesn't ban the consumption of either

Also Their is no harm in making fun of incompetence
We have been making fun of the previous Congress government for the past 5 years

I can't verify 90% of your claims. But the part that "making fun for the incompetent ones".....just by reading our PDF's
anti-IK propagandists and there posts, you "assumed" NS is incompetent????He's done more work (quantifiable, verifiable), than what was done in the entire previous 70 years of Pakistan's history!!! Each time some elections happen, the results come in front of the world through NS winning!!!! Recent results from a week ago are another verdict. Remember, people are the best judges!!

Your analysis did not remotely elucidate on the topic in question as the evidence shown in the program has not been refuted with logical reasoning. Arshad Sharif can easily leave ARY News and offer his services to another media outlet and this is very common among different anchors across the board in Pakistan as the market for hiring well-established political commentators is lucrative. Maligning a political party where your father-in-law holds a high political official position is illogical, as no financial incentive and threat of sacking from the firm will save you from the wraith of your wife along with her extended family.

Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal owned an estimated 6.6% share value of fox news at its peak, which hardly constitutes to the idea of him becoming recognized as a major stakeholder who has the capacity and ability to change the corporate cultural behavior of the organization in reference to its bigotry towards Muslims. The scenario would be totally different, if he was a major shareholder of the company. Media outlets are prone to make sensational allegations, because they are in the business of selling newspapers to the general public for money, however as citizens of Pakistan we are entitled to know the mismanagement failures of the Government and in this case a Chinese company has certain grievances on the issue of tariff. I have previously articulated to you with precise words that I have no political interests with Imran Khan, therefore I seriously don't understand why you bring him into the picture.

This forum encompasses individuals who have different political views, however you should inform the moderators to enforce the rule of law on those who are trying to infringe on your right to express your opinion. Most PTI supporters in this forum are aggressive in nature when you question and attack the flaws of their party leaders, which frankly speaking is quite pathetic and extremely bemusing for entertainment purposes. Social reform has occurred in KPK, although economic and industrial reform has been disturbingly lacking. This is because pointless time has been spent on useless political marches. However, Nawaz Sharif must also be criticized under the scrutiny of the public If mistakes are made, because he is not above the law. The same allegation from conspirators can be labelled on the Punjab Government who have donated billions of rupees to media outlets such as Geo News, who have followed and tow-lined a certain agenda of the Government.

People in this forum participate in discussing issues because they have no interests in learning conjectures and would rather focus on factual evidence. How can Jahangir Tareen have the capability to pay a billion rupees to different media groups, when his combined declared net worth in 2013 to the election commission of Pakistan was just 1 billion rupee? I have very good friends who belong to both the Conservative Party and the Labour Party, therefore under which constituency was Reham Khan allocated a ticket? Under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA), there are controls on which donations a political party can accept. These controls apply to parties that are registered in Great Britain. All donations must be recorded and reported to (PPERA) and their findings are published in there website. Since the cash for honor scandal was flashed across the British media in 2007, no political party is willing to risks such an adventure for Reham Khan because it would be suicidal as she is a high profile character under the scope of the media. Which residency was Reham given in the UK, because you can easily find out the occupants who have ownership of the house and since you have fantastic connections with a family member of the Sever's household then this should be a piece of cake for you?

I like your style. Finally, someone who can debate on this forum without name calling or using third class terms for their political opponents. Good work and posting :tup::tup:

I'm so very tempting to respond to your post right now, but I am flying for an assignment in 2 hours. When I get back in a day or so, or get access to the internet and sometime, I'd like to respond to your comments. Many of which are well put together. So hold your thoughts and let me get back to you in a day or so. And yes, PPERA would show these things next year after Reham files taxes and stuff. But if they used other illegal means, then it'll be all cash like many Pakistanis keep in their homes as "hidden money from the government" !!

And Tareen's net worth is WELL over a billion. Hundreds of millions of assets are put under his family's name to hide assets and pay less taxes. Common tax fraud in Pakistan by the business community!!

Each time some elections happen, the results come in front of the world through NS winning!!!! Recent results from a week ago are another verdict. Remember, people are the best judges!!

First elections won with the help of his self proclaimed father Gen. Zia ul Haq.
2nd Election won with the help of ISI. Asghar Khan Case.
3rd Election was won on Punjab card.
4th election won on the in competencies of other and on Punjab Card.

He looted Pakistan more then even Zardari, a ironsmith now with a billions of dollars is all thanks to the "Foolishness" of the peoples of Pakistan,

the level of our idiocy is that we elect Nawaz as a PM and seek Raheel Shareef to resolve everything.

And the height of your foolishness is that you are an American and telling us that who is better and who is bad .... it is our problem and we will counter it as we wish in Pakistan
First elections won with the help of his self proclaimed father Gen. Zia ul Haq.
2nd Election won with the help of ISI. Asghar Khan Case.
3rd Election was won on Punjab card.
4th election won on the in competencies of other and on Punjab Card.

Every single political party has hidden skeletons under its wardrobe and generally in third-world countries such tactics are common. How much foreign direct investment has the KPK administration achieved since 2013? Hydroelectricity projects under 50 MW comes under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Government, thus why has there performance in attracting investment been so lackluster. KPK has the fifth largest reserves of minerals and gems in the world, therefore why is our industry so behind in comparison to India? Auctioning mines will never resolve the issue as the local government must educate and train the workers to properly extract the minerals and use modern techniques to facet stones. Its good to criticize the policies of the Federal Government, however doing more concrete work for the people is imperative. Hopefully this news is a fabrication of the media, because its not in our strategic interests to mess around with the Chinese who have decided to invest in our country.
Every single political party has hidden skeletons under its wardrobe and generally in third-world countries such tactics are common. How much foreign direct investment has the KPK administration achieved since 2013? Hydroelectricity projects under 50 MW comes under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Government, thus why has there performance in attracting investment been so lackluster. KPK has the fifth largest reserves of minerals and gems in the world, therefore why is our industry so behind in comparison to India? Auctioning mines will never resolve the issue as the local government must educate and train the workers to properly extract the minerals and use modern techniques to facet stones. Its good to criticize the policies of the Federal Government, however doing more concrete work for the people is imperative. Hopefully this news is a fabrication of the media, because its not in our strategic interests to mess around with the Chinese who have decided to invest in our country.

How you expect that KP Govt. will be on hiring spree on Mars ?? We as a nation are on decline as KP peoples are no different.

KP is the most affected area in war against terrorism, they are doing what Govt. has to to first, making there Police better, introducing a better NAB.

All the top institutes and universities in Pakistan are on the credit of Private sector, LUMS, IBA, GIK and many more. How you are expecting that with current bureaucracy you can develop good quality institutes ?

Every single political party has hidden skeletons under its wardrobe and generally in third-world countries such tactics are common. How much foreign direct investment has the KPK administration achieved since 2013? Hydroelectricity projects under 50 MW comes under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Government, thus why has there performance in attracting investment been so lackluster. KPK has the fifth largest reserves of minerals and gems in the world, therefore why is our industry so behind in comparison to India? Auctioning mines will never resolve the issue as the local government must educate and train the workers to properly extract the minerals and use modern techniques to facet stones. Its good to criticize the policies of the Federal Government, however doing more concrete work for the people is imperative. Hopefully this news is a fabrication of the media, because its not in our strategic interests to mess around with the Chinese who have decided to invest in our country.

How you expect that KP Govt. will be on hiring spree on Mars ?? We as a nation are on decline as KP peoples are no different.

KP is the most affected area in war against terrorism, they are doing what Govt. has to to first, making there Police better, introducing a better NAB.

All the top institutes and universities in Pakistan are on the credit of Private sector, LUMS, IBA, GIK and many more. How you are expecting that with current bureaucracy you can develop good quality institutes ?
How you expect that KP Govt. will be on hiring spree on Mars ?? We as a nation are on decline as KP peoples are no different.

KP is the most affected area in war against terrorism, they are doing what Govt. has to to first, making there Police better, introducing a better NAB.

All the top institutes and universities in Pakistan are on the credit of Private sector, LUMS, IBA, GIK and many more. How you are expecting that with current bureaucracy you can develop good quality institutes ?

I have never articulated the assumption that the KPK administration should be expected to hire the best candidates from abroad to guide its industries. However statistical data has evidently shown that approximately 500,000 people are involved in the gems mining industry and Pakistan is losing an extraordinary amount of money to the exchequer, because no value-added products are being produced and the extraction technique is archaic to meet international standards. The KPK administration should develop a government run organization, which would introduce new modern equipment into the industry and more importantly provide employment to people with an apprenticeship. This year terrorism related incidences have decreased by 70% and the export of Pakistani gems is still below a dreadful figure of $500 million, therefore we have every right to question the lackluster performance of Imran Khan and his political party. The same criticism should be labelled on the Federal Government as nobody is exempt from public scrutiny. We should applaud the implementation of social reform, however to run a successful administration all other areas deserve attention and focus from the government. Bureaucracy exists in KPK and this is from my own personal experience when I tried to bring investment from Steel Companies in China. Therefore, the KPK administration in my own eyes has no moral leg to stand on, because the same individuals still reside in the investment cell of KPK. We must change the destiny of Pakistan and to achieve this objective the economy is extremely imperative for us to go forward.
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