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Love is what you all need


Dec 24, 2014
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United States
United Kingdom
I think love can move mountains and it can solve the most convoluted and complex problems ever.

Live in peace folks :)

I think love can move mountains and it can solve the most convoluted and complex problems ever.

Live in peace folks :)

No its not, People in Pakistan,india and South asia do love people from the west, watch thier movies, hear thier songs, dress up according to thier fashion.
But this is not the case for the west, they view us some third class low grade people, and of course then comes the famous quote of Quran:pleasantry:in which it says death to all infidels, which after reading Quran more than 50 times i am still not able to find it.
How can thier be Peace if west has been brainwashed to the extent that Islam wants the death of all non muslim.

I cant say for Arabs but in South asia love for west is thier its time for west to do thier part
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Loveo_O? No, Tinder is all you need:D.

I didn't need to know what a calzone was to fall in love with it - Just one look and I was floored !

I'm really beginning to believe you and I are the same person:o:. Calzones? Yes and more yes!


Of course Italian food's weird that way. Fold a pizza and you get a calzone. Cut a calzone and Boom!!! Stromboli:

Loveo_O? No, Tinder is all you need:D.

You use Tinder ! :o:

I am so disappointed in you; if only the Vikings knew that the Goddess of Love would need to use Tinder herself one day ! :tsk:

I'm really beginning to believe you and I are the same person:o:. Calzones? Yes and more yes!


Of course Italian food's weird that way. Fold a pizza and you get a calzone. Cut a calzone and Boom!!! Stromboli:


Spooky as it is....you might be right ! :undecided:

Now cut your hair short down to a crew cut and dye it a dark brown to be more like me - Awesomeness Personified ! :smokin:
You use Tinder ! :o:

I am so disappointed in you; if only the Vikings knew that the Goddess of Love would need to use Tinder herself one day ! :tsk:

No, no. I'm a Love Goddess, not the Goddess of Love:D. Gotta keep with the times, keep fresh and hip. I can't be stuck in the same-old, same-old.


No one these days has time for love, just "love":azn:.


And how do you know what Tinder is:o:?


Now cut your hair short down to a crew cut and dye it a dark brown to be more like me - Awesomeness Personified ! :smokin:

:o:. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, no. I'm a Love Goddess, not the Goddess of Love:D. Gotta keep with the times, keep fresh and hip. I can't be stuck in the same-old, same-old.


No one these days has time for love, just "love":azn:.


What kind of a hippie Odin is that ? :o:

And how do you know what Tinder is:o:?





:o:. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Who is this beauty ? :smitten:

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