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Kabul rocked by powerful twin blasts, at least 50 Afghan forces killed and wounded by Taliban Humvee blast in Shirzad district

indian muslims have privileged pure hindu dna , they can not support terrorists .

the deal will be broken thousand times to defeat terrorists .

So instead they support hindu rss/sanghi terrorists who want to genocide them..............:disagree:..............The IQ level behind that assertion is not promising.................:disagree:
What most people don't realize is that whether today or sometime in the future, the americans will HAVE to leave Afghanistan no matter what as their presence there cannot be sustained and is unnatural. It is just as unnatural as the Pakistani and Afghan military being present in Italy, Germany and Brazil. This will be further hastened as american global power and influence diminishes and China rises to become the global premier power.
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What a lot of people don't realize is that Pakistan will always be the biggest influence in Afghanistan because that is the natural order. Afghanistan needs Pakistan to survive. Afghanistan borders Pakistan and over 10 million Afghans live and work in Pakistan. Pakistanis and Afghans have more in common with eachother than they do with ANY other peoples on this earth. For thousands of years the area that is now Pakistan, Afghanistan and parts of Iran were one country and one nation. This relationship and order lasting many thousands of years has only been temporary disrupted since 1843. However, things are now slowly but surely going back to the way that they were for many millenia. Deep down, even the americans and other foreigners know this.
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