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Japanese athletes face Chinese nationalists' wrath after beating China at Olympics

So you want Asian nations which were invaded by Japan and suffered tens of millions civilian losses to say "some praise" to Japan? Are you serious?

Your illiteracy is strongly evident. Plus 1 for you.
2 million person died in North Vietnam in 1945 due to Japanese food requisition, in world most fertile Song Hong plain. Japanese are really fkup people.
Your illiteracy is strongly evident. Plus 1 for you.
I don't know how many Japanese want Asian nations to say "some praise" to Japan for its invasion and agression of their countries. But it seems your mental health is in serious doubt.
2 million person died in North Vietnam in 1945 due to Japanese food requisition, in world most fertile Song Hong plain. Japanese are really fkup people.

That's related to class B or C war crimes. Not A.
Agent Orange cant even come as close.

I've got no issue issue if Vietnam wants to press greivences about that.

Regardless of sentiment, it is not a factor to the phony "class A war crimes".
I've got no issue issue if Vietnam wants to press greivences about that.

Regardless of sentiment, it is not a factor to the phony "class A war crimes".
If Japan tries to vindicate their war criminals, even your current master US won't be happy about it.
Actually as the hosting country, I expected Japan to rank number 2 in the medal list beating all countries barring from US , never expected a host country can end up this bad.

The Tokyo opening ceremony was bad enough but to add insult to injury China beat Japan in the medal table in Japan’s home Olympics very easily. It wasn’t even close. How embarrassing for Japan losing to your main rival in your own back yard so easily.
There was probably only two sports where both the US and Japan are traditionally strong, those being baseball and softball. Table tennis, smimming, gymnastics or whatever can't compare. Japan is of course good in judo and karate but not the US. It is baseball and by extension softball, where there is a large following and regularly televised seasons every year in both Japan and the US. In the Olympic finals of both matches following elimination rounds, it became US vs Japan. This is the highest degree of rivalry but a good and friendly yet intense rivelry. Japan won Gold in both. Although, had the US falling short of a gold in the total tally vs China, it might have been better had Japan taken silver in one of them instead. Fortunately, the US didn't need it in the end.
Nobody is attacking Hashimoto here. He may very well have won gold based on his merits alone. But there will always be a question mark here due to the proven biased intent of the Indian judge.

Btw, Indian judges also found Japanese war criminals not guilty.
So happy. A Indian sunk China's ambition of topping the gold medal tally.
Haha . Only thing the Chinese can do is wail on net forums.
Nobody is attacking Hashimoto here. He may very well have won gold based on his merits alone. But there will always be a question mark here due to the proven biased intent of the Indian judge.

Btw, Indian judges also found Japanese war criminals not guilty.

Yeah about that....one of those " Indian judges " was a Bengali from modern day Bangladesh and Japan wanted to say thank you to us via helping us with our infrastructure :blink:

His name was
Radhabinod Pal
So happy. A Indian sunk China's ambition of topping the gold medal tally.
Haha . Only thing the Chinese can do is wail on net forums.

Buddy....where's India in the list ? I don't see India anywhere near the top 5
CNN pyschopaths, out of all American state propaganda mouthpieces for low IQ tard domestic consumption, pointing fingers about "nationalism" and "wrath" at Chinese for voicing compaints for clearly legitimate reasons to question the subjective ratings during the olympics favouring Japanese athletes making multiple undeniable errors and trying hard to stirr up shit with clearly intentionally placed revisionist suggestion of "China" (not Chinese athletes) somehow being on the losing end, while literally running over their template dehumanizing and racist propaganda script in the same breath out of nationalist madness against China, all after running a month long campaign to dehumanize and delegitimize Chinese athletes winning more gold than anyone, worse American athletes and depict Chinese athletes in the most artifically negative and depressing light possible. 🙄
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