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Iran Harrasing Afghan Diplomats - Afghan Government


Sep 8, 2008
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KABUL — Relations between Afghanistan and Iran have been strained by Kabul's strategic pact with the United States, officials said Tuesday, charging that Tehran has harassed Afghan diplomats in recent weeks.

And in parliament, lawmakers warned Iran to end its "interference" in Afghanistan's internal affairs over the Strategic Partnership Agreement signed last week by President Hamid Karzai and US President Barack Obama.

Tehran's ambassador had urged some members of parliament not to vote for the deal, said Abdul Rahoof Ibrahimi, the speaker of the lower house, or Wolosi Jirga.

Afghan diplomats in the Iranian capital Tehran have been "constantly intimidated" since the deal with the United States was signed, a senior government official told AFP.

"They are being chased by Iranian security forces all over the place. Their movements have been restricted," the official said, requesting anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

"This is all to do with the (US-Afghan) strategic pact. They are unhappy," the official said.

Foreign ministry spokesman Janan Mosazai acknowledged "problems" faced by Afghan embassy staff in Tehran, saying his ministry was investigating the situation.

"The problem is not posing any danger to our (embassy) staff there," Mosazai told AFP, but refused to provide further details. He said his ministry was in talks with Tehran to solve the problem.

Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast publicly denounced the Afghan-US agreement at the weekend.

"Not only will the strategic pact not resolve Afghanistan's security problems, but it will intensify insecurity and instability in Afghanistan," he said in a statement.

He described the pact as a source of "concern" for Iran as "the status of US military bases in Afghanistan is unclear and the security duties of US forces lack transparency".

The strategic partnership agreement covers relations between Washington and Kabul for 10 years after most US troops pull out of the country in 2014, leaving the fight against Taliban Islamists to Afghan security forces.

It states that the United States will not use its presence in Afghanistan to launch offensive actions against neighbouring states, but leaves open the option of retaliation in the event of threats to Afghanistan.

Details of the number of US troops who may remain in the country after 2014, and their status, are yet to be worked out in a separate security pact.

Trust between the two neighbours has reached its lowest level since the 2001 US-led invasion that toppled the Taliban regime, the Afghan official said.

Tehran's new envoy, Abolfazl Zohrehvand, who submitted his credentials to Karzai late last month, "is very arrogant -- he behaved very undiplomatically," the official said.

In another indication that ties are souring between the two countries, an Afghan security official told AFP that an Afghan journalist working for an Iranian news agency had been arrested as an alleged spy.

The National Directorate of Security, Afghanistan's main intelligence agency accuses the Afghan reporter of spying for Iran, the official told AFP.

"We have hard evidence that he was passing on classified government documents to the Iranian embassy," the official said.

Karzai last week urged Iran to respect his country's partnership with the United States, saying "Afghanistan has paid a price" to maintain ties with its neighbours.

"We hope our neighbors understand this," he said.

AFP: Afghan-US pact strains ties with Tehran
Their relationship with Pakistan is already destroyed and now they are destroying their relationship with Iran too.
Their relationship with Pakistan is already destroyed and now they are destroying their relationship with Iran too.

Afghans are stupid thinking by signing with America they will be spared the neighbors wrath as it is clear that Pakistan, Iran and Russia all three see America as a threat to their regional interest. While India, which share no border, cultural, religious or any kind of ethnic ties with Afghanistan is the forerunner of this pimping operation by Karzai. It is just a matter of time before Russia, Iran & Pakistan join hands to give a boot to Afghanistan once again. This will be repeat of another war in Afghanistan but this times the friends and foes will be different.

What Afganistan needs is a mutual peace and friendship treaty with Pakistan, Iran, Russia and CAR.
I dono why members are so much in hurry here!! :S

Iran refutes claims on pushing Afghan Senate to scrap pact with US

Iran's envoy to Afghanistan has dismissed recent claims by some Afghan lawmakers and media outlets that accused Iran of seeking to sway the Afghan Senate in an attempt to prevent the approval of the country's recent strategic cooperation pact with the US.

The first counselor of the Islamic Republic of Iran embassy in capital Kabul was summoned by the Afghan foreign affairs ministry on Tuesday because Iranian ambassador's statements about the U.S. and Afghanistan security pact.

Iran's Ambassador to Kabul Abolfazl Zohrevand on Tuesday rejected the allegations and said, "Such propaganda is spread by the Americans and those who advocate this agreement."

Since Monday, a number of Afghan Senate members and media outlets have claimed that Zohrevand met Afghan Senate Chairman Fazal Hadi Muslimyar to urge the upper house of the Afghan parliament not to approve the cooperation agreement.

"At that meeting, we merely conveyed Iran's concern over the strategic pact with the US to the Afghan officials," Zohrevand added.

"We noted that Afghanistan, as an independent country, is at liberty to have any agreement with any country," the Iranian envoy pointed out.

Shortly after arriving in the war-torn country in an unannounced trip late on the night of May 1, US President Barack Obama met Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and both signed the deal that authorizes the presence of US troops for a period of 10 years after 2014, which was the original date agreed upon for the departure of all foreign combat troops from Afghanistan.

The strategic pact must be approved by the Afghan and US legislatures before it can come into force.

Moreover, some Afghan political groups and parties have already expressed their opposition to the agreement, saying it will not bring peace to Afghanistan.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said on Saturday that the pact cannot resolve Afghanistan's security problems, and it will further destabilize the country and increase insecurity.

Source: Iran refutes claims on pushing Afghan Senate to scrap pact with US - Trend
Afghans should remain grateful and increase friendship instead of these US and NATO supported gimmicks. They should know that they will have to live here and it does not go in their interests to have Pakistan and Iran as their enemies. Such things only make people in Iran and Pakistan to see Afghans with extreme suspicions. For a change Afghans should stop growing puppies and exporting drugs all over the region. They should know that they are not in a position to dictate terms and scare countries like Pakistan and Iran.

I dono why members are so much in hurry here!! :S

But there are elements in Afghanistan which want to ruin the relations. Afghanistan is a land locked country and it is against the national interest of Afghanistan to ruin the relations with the two countries with access to sea. Such news coming out of Afghanistan like the today's news that Afghanistan senate has called to throw Iran's ambassador is not going to help Afghanistan in long term. Believe me on that. Iran is much larger and more modern than Afghanistan and you want them as your friends and not your enemies.
Afghans are stupid thinking by signing with America they will be spared the neighbors wrath as it is clear that Pakistan, Iran and Russia all three see America as a threat to their regional interest. While India, which share no border, cultural, religious or any kind of ethnic ties with Afghanistan is the forerunner of this pimping operation by Karzai. It is just a matter of time before Russia, Iran & Pakistan join hands to give a boot to Afghanistan once again. This will be repeat of another war in Afghanistan but this times the friends and foes will be different.

What Afganistan needs is a mutual peace and friendship treaty with Pakistan, Iran, Russia and CAR.
Iran i can understand, pakistan is natural in this case, but why drag Russia in between ??
Pakistani poster started this thread and for iran-afghan relations blamed india.Typical.
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