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Iran Air force and Su30 MK2 & J-10A

Max The Boss

Jan 29, 2009
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Iran Air force and Su30 MK2 & J-10A

The reported Russian sale of 250 Su-30MK2 fighter jets and 20 IL-78 MKI fuel tankers to Iran. Is a true transformation of Iranian air power. Military websites reports say deliveries would begin in 2008 and last through 2012.

The Su-30MK2 fighter jets can sustain a four-and-a-half hour raid at its maximum range of 3,000 km against long-distance, marine and low-lying ground targets across the Persian Gulf and Middle East.

The fuel tankers extends the Su-30MK2 fighter jets assault sustainability to 10 hours and its range to 8,000 km at altitudes of 11-13 km.

Iran’s acquisition of an exceptionally large fleet of the Su-30MK2 fighter jets will elevate Iran Air force to one of the two largest and most advanced in the region.

The reported Chinese sale of 24 J-10A fighter jets to Iran. Another true transformation of Iranian air power. Military websites reports say deliveries would begin in 2008 and last through 2010.

Military websites reports say Iran Air force pilots and aircraft engineers already in Russia and China for the training. Russia and China helping Iran to Modernize and Expand Iran Military.

Last year Moscow based Kommersant business daily reported Russian and Chinese defense deals with Iran.

What are the latest developments in Iran Air force?

Comments welcome.
Please provide the source of this report.

If it's true, then it would be quite an achievement for Iran because their current Air force is rusting up with an aging fleet of obsolete air crafts.
Sir this is a wikipedia Source:cheers:


The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran has signed an arms deal with the Russian Rosoboronexport arms group to buy 250 Su-30 MKM warplanes and 20 Il-78 MKI aerial tankers. It is reported that Israeli defense officials were investigating the potential Iran-Russia deal, in which Iran would pay $1 billion a dozen squadrons’ worth of the jets.[1] It is rumored that the first aircraft would have been delivered before the end of 2007. Iran and Russia have both denied this and have rejected these claims as propaganda.[5][6][7] In a recent broadcast the "Mehr News Agency" has reported that they (the reporters) have seen and counted a dozen Su 30s in a maneuver that has taken place on the 15th and 16th of September 2008 further the report reads[2]: "In this joint maneuver of the IRIAF and the AFAGIR which is called the 'Guardians of the Nations Skys' the Air Forces of Iran have tested domestically developed systems as well as newly purchased systems (from Russia and China)." The harsh warnings of Israel that it could attack Iran at any time and the Russo-American conflict over Georgia have led to reported weapons sales to Iran by Russia, but so far there have no details been revealed by either side and all information is but guesses.
wow 200 is a big number on the other hand wikipedia is not a reliable source
Iran Air force and Su30 MK2 & J-10A

The reported Russian sale of 250 Su-30MK2 fighter jets and 20 IL-78 MKI fuel tankers to Iran. Is a true transformation of Iranian air power. Military websites reports say deliveries would begin in 2008 and last through 2012.

The Su-30MK2 fighter jets can sustain a four-and-a-half hour raid at its maximum range of 3,000 km against long-distance, marine and low-lying ground targets across the Persian Gulf and Middle East.

The fuel tankers extends the Su-30MK2 fighter jets assault sustainability to 10 hours and its range to 8,000 km at altitudes of 11-13 km.

Iran’s acquisition of an exceptionally large fleet of the Su-30MK2 fighter jets will elevate Iran Air force to one of the two largest and most advanced in the region.

The reported Chinese sale of 24 J-10A fighter jets to Iran. Another true transformation of Iranian air power. Military websites reports say deliveries would begin in 2008 and last through 2010.

Military websites reports say Iran Air force pilots and aircraft engineers already in Russia and China for the training. Russia and China helping Iran to Modernize and Expand Iran Military.

Last year Moscow based Kommersant business daily reported Russian and Chinese defense deals with Iran.

What are the latest developments in Iran Air force?

Comments welcome.

the Iranians simply dont have the money $$ for that kind of purchase. with great difficulty they had managed to raise cash for the purchse of the S-300 system, but the Israelis seem to have successfully blocked that too.
the Iranians simply dont have the money $$ for that kind of purchase. with great difficulty they had managed to raise cash for the purchse of the S-300 system, but the Israelis seem to have successfully blocked that too.

and were do u think that all the oil and gas money is
and were do u think that all the oil and gas money is

this is a popular misconception. Iran has huge crude reserves but lacks refining capacity - though they are a major crude exporter they import ptroleum for their daily use. thats where the majority of their forex reserves go, leaving precious little for anything else.
the Iranians simply dont have the money $$ for that kind of purchase. with great difficulty they had managed to raise cash for the purchse of the S-300 system, but the Israelis seem to have successfully blocked that too.

Are you out of your mind they are loaded with cash $ ... :hitwall:
Are you out of your mind they are loaded with cash $ ... :hitwall:

You should do a little more reading before coming to a conclusion like that. Iran which has the worlds 3rd largest proven Oil reserves has less cash than Algeria which does not figure even in the list of top 8 countries by proven oil reserves. Both Algeria and Iran are Oil driven economies. How do you explain that??

Iran has huge reserves but no refining capacity, while the price for exporting crude oil is good, but importing refined petroleum also costs a huge amount of money. So what ever reserves Iran has are mainly held for importing refined petroleum, Iran cant afford to diversify its limited resources for other purposes like defence. Therefore Iran is short of cash.

Western sanctions which prevent the sharing of refining technology and the huge amount of investment and experties that is required in building refineries is costing Iran dear.
You should do a little more reading before coming to a conclusion like that. Iran which has the worlds 3rd largest proven Oil reserves has less cash than Algeria which does not figure even in the list of top 8 countries by proven oil reserves. Both Algeria and Iran are Oil driven economies. How do you explain that??

Iran has huge reserves but no refining capacity, while the price for exporting crude oil is good, but importing refined petroleum also costs a huge amount of money. So what ever reserves Iran has are mainly held for importing refined petroleum, Iran cant afford to diversify its limited resources for other purposes like defence. Therefore Iran is short of cash.

Western sanctions which prevent the sharing of refining technology and the huge amount of investment and experties that is required in building refineries is costing Iran dear.

I dont need to do any reading i responded perhaps cuz i know wat iam talking about! they don't show there cash like tha crazy arabs ! IRAN is not short of cash at all perhaps you need to do some reasearch and then back to the topic iam sure you will find the correct answer to the so call conclusion thx :cheesy:
Top Gun!

No need to argue , its simple as 123...

If you have oil and do not have money and you want to buy weapons , what would you do?

Give oil for Su 30's:dance3: , end of the story BTW Iranians are rich for sure:P
Tough Times Ahead for the Iranian Economy - Brookings Institution

Iran Economy 2009, CIA World Factbook

The economy of Iran is dominated by oil and gas exports which constituted 50% to 70% of government revenue and 80% of export earnings between 2006 and 2008.[8][11] It has a large public sector, with an estimated 60% of the economy directly controlled and centrally planned by the state.[12] A unique feature of Iran's economy is the large size of the religious foundations, or Bonyads, whose combined budgets are said to make up as much as half that of the central government.[12][13]

Combination of price controls and subsidies, particularly on food and energy,[14][15] continues to weigh down the economy, and contraband, administrative controls, widespread corruption,[16][17] and other rigidities undermine the potential for private sector-led growth.[18][19] President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has proposed replacing energy subsidies with targeted social assistance.[20][21] However, previous government-led efforts at reform - such as fuel rationing in July 2007 and the imposition of the value-added tax (VAT) in October 2008 - were met with stiff resistance and violent protests.[22][23]

Economy of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Problem is BB the oil can only be spent once, if you are already using your oil revenue to run the country you cant find the 250 x 30 mill or 7.5 billion to buy a fleet of su's. Thats assuming they get a good price and not counting parts maintenace weapons, plus refuelers plus the new AA systems.

1/3 for the religious establisment 1/3 for the republican guard 1/3 to run the country. Not every country with oil is rolling in cash. Add in that the russians will probably be late, double the price and recall the engines :)
250 sukhoi 30....?:woot:..india currently have 105...IRAN is really getting them..kool..russia will happily give iran as iran is challenging its arch rival US...israelis wont sleep at night after hearing this news...
250 sukhoi 30....russia will happily give .

Russia isnt known for giving anything away, i do wonder if the 250 is a mistake in the origional article 25 seems a more reasonable number.
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