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Introduction - Aaron Akhtar

Assalam u Alaikum,
1) Tell your interests?
Software Development, I am a 16 year old Software Developer, I want to learn more about my country and hopefully one day serve it.

2) How did you find us?
Google, while researching about the Pakistani Army.

3) What interests you here?
Mainly learning more about the Pakistani Army and Government.

4) What is your profession?
Software Development / Web Development

5) Your nationality and/or origin?
British Pakistani

6) City you are posting from?
UK, London.

Walaykum salaam Aaron. Reading this reminds me of a young me, although I was a good boy at school (most of the time).

With time you'll learn that politics is a race to the bottom, around the world politicians seem to be vying with each other in proving who can be the bigger turd.

Maybe in 5 years time the world will be a better place. Maybe Imran Khan will have put Pakistan on track, JC will be PM and Bernie Sanders I'll be in the White House.

Doesn't matter really, trust Allah, do right by others, work hard. Anything can happen if you want it to.

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