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INS Vikramaditya:Sea Trails pictures


Oct 4, 2012
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These are some new photographs that have emerged, of the Vikramaditya, from the sea trials it underwent last year.





OMG she looks a beauty! love the new pics :smitten: can not wait to have her in the Indian Ocean
This is a Video footage from cameras on-board the aircraft shows it landing on the INS Vikramaditya - super cool.:smitten:
It first performed a couple of deliberate touch-and-go passes, before finally lowering the arresting hook, snagging the arrestor wire to land the bird. These passes may have been performed to ensure that the instrumentation systems were properly calibrated & functioning, before actually landing - all part of the trials.

Russia recently delivered 4 more of these aircrafts, that are now stationed at the Dabolin Naval Air Station in Goa, practicing take-off from a ski-jump & arrested landing at the Shore Based Test Facility [SBTF]. A total of 45 of these carrier-capable MiG-29 variants would be inducted, that includes 4 twin-seat variant. Recent news reports suggest work currently underway to fix the problems detected during its maiden trials. Depending on the source, either 3 or 7 of the ship's 8 boilers failed when attempt was made to sail the ship at its maximum designed speed of 29-30 knots. Insulation used has been cited as the reason for failure. The repair work is expected to continue into the summer, after which it would be 'taken out for another spin'. It has now been suggested that the Vikramaditya will reach India in the month of December, this year. We'll see.
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What a beautiful ship!

Long live Indo-Russian friendship!!! :cheers:

Go home US fanboys.
Mate- look at the article, says the ship will now only be devlivered in Dec 2013 yet another year late from its revised delevery schedule that already puts this entire project 4-5 years behind.

Say what you will about the US but if India had contracted them to do such work it would have been done on time and on budget.

Russia time and again let's India down on budget and timely delivery.
Mate- look at the article, says the ship will now only be devlivered in Dec 2013 yet another year late from its revised delevery schedule that already puts this entire project 4-5 years behind.

Say what you will about the US but if India had contracted them to do such work it would have been done on time and on budget.

Russia time and again let's India down on budget and timely delivery.

You cant just blame the Russians for the delay and the cost escalation, MoD and Navy officials also messed up many things which lead to the delay.
You cant just blame the Russians for the delay and the cost escalation, MoD and Navy officials also messed up many things which lead to the delay.

Wrt VIKRAMDITYA it is almost solely the Russians fault. They initially underestimated the scale of the job needed to refit the ship, they did not have enough skilled manpower initially to undertake more than 1 shift of work a day, they subsequently under values the price of the job, the shipyard where the refit took place was woefully ill equipped and in a state of disrepair prior to the refit starting I could go on and on!
OMG she looks a beauty! love the new pics :smitten: can not wait to have her in the Indian Ocean
You wanna have a darn aircraft carrier and that too in the Indian Ocean?? :man_in_love: Jeeez! You need to see a shrink!! ::crazy: :sarcastic: :lol:
Look carefully boys, you are watching the future flagship of the Indian Navy!

I can't wait to see her with the full complement of Migs lined up.
Wrt VIKRAMDITYA it is almost solely the Russians fault. They initially underestimated the scale of the job needed to refit the ship, they did not have enough skilled manpower initially to undertake more than 1 shift of work a day, they subsequently under values the price of the job, the shipyard where the refit took place was woefully ill equipped and in a state of disrepair prior to the refit starting I could go on and on!

wrong mate.. the blame for faulty workmanship will rest squarely with russians though but it is IN who wanted it for themselves not because russian was selling it but IN wanted it cause it suited their operational doctrine etc..

Now when a colossal project like a ACC is taken up, the responsibility of work being done or chances of getting it done under proposed cost rest with both manufacturer as well as the final owner.. the MoD should have also done the research about the amount of effort it would take to transform a battle cruiser into an ACC. You cannot just blame the manufacturer and get it over with.. This is not some faulty designed running shoes we are talking about !!
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